Friday, May 31, 2013

Shop at JCPenney for a Great Cause

With the launch of Joe Fresh apparel at JCPenney this past weekend, who would think there'd be another awesome reason to hit one of our fave department stores? But while you're buying new summer wardrobe staples, you can also be making a big difference -- that is, through the rest of March. For the next two weeks, JCPenney is inviting customers to round up their purchases to the nearest dollar and donate to Crisis Text Line, a subsection of

Crisis Text Line, launching this August, will help bullied teens and those in crisis with a text message hotline available 24/7. Being made fun of at the lunch table? No need to make an awkward call. After all, no one can actually hear a text message, right? So get yourself to your nearest jcp: Not only will you look fabulous in your new clothes, but you'll also be funding an important cause without even flinching.

--Christina Pandolfi


Image Credit: Courtesy of

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has anyone heard of the bee pollen diet

Or has anyone e tried it? I here a lot of great things about it. All natural herbal supplements? Wonder if its worth a try

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Triathalon for teen!!!

Hi! I am 16 and training for a triathalon (starting today) it is in 2 months but i am in pretty good shape (full year athlete at school) 

What advice do any other triathletes have for me?

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Jenna-Louise Coleman at the Game of Thrones season premiere

Jenna-Louise Coleman at the Game of Thrones season 3 premiere in LA- vote on celebrity fashion, style and red carpet looks in GLAMOUR.COM’s Dos and Don’ts

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What could be causing my chronic headaches?

Posted May 22, 2013, 2:00 am bigstock-woman-having-headache-and-visi-45221632

I’ve had a headache every day for six months, despite taking painkillers every day. What could be causing the headaches? And what can I do to stop them?

At the risk of sounding like I’m fear-mongering, I’m concerned about your symptoms. That’s because most people who suffer from frequent headaches don’t have them every day. If your headaches have literally been with you “every day for six months,” and this is something new for you, consult your doctor. While your headaches still could be one of the two most common causes of headaches — migraine headaches or tension headaches — they also could point to something more serious.

If you are over 50 and had not been bothered by regular headaches earlier in life, I’d advise you even more strongly to talk to your doctor. Chronic headaches that develop for the first time after age 50 are more likely to be something serious.

Unfortunately, many people are regularly bothered by headaches. For some, that’s been true since they were young adults, or even children. We have talked in other columns about migraine headaches and tension headaches, but I want to focus here on something else: headache from medication overuse.

Taking lots of painkillers — the very things you’re taking every day to tame your headaches — could be making your headaches worse. Caffeine-containing drugs are most often to blame. (I’ve put a table listing the caffeine content of some common headache drugs below.)

Caffeine is a double-edged sword when it comes to headache drugs. While this popular stimulant helps painkillers work more quickly and efficiently, it is often a suspect in medication overuse headaches. (Note: For reference, the caffeine content in a cup of coffee ranges from 95 to 200 milligrams.)

Anacin Advanced Headache FormulaGoody’s Extra Strength Headache PowdersVanquish Extra-Strength Pain Reliever CapletsPrescription drugs (Brand name)Ergotamine/caffeine tablets (Cafergot)Ergotamine/caffeine suppositories (Migergot)Aspirin, butalbital, caffeine (Fiorinal)Acetaminophen, butalbital, caffeine (Fioricet)Aspirin, caffeine, orphenadrine (Norgesic, Norgesic Forte)Aspirin, caffeine, dihydrocodeine (Synalgos-DC)

Caffeine helps painkillers work more quickly and efficiently. But over time, caffeine builds up in your body, causing blood vessels to narrow. This makes you feel better — temporarily — because widened blood vessels contribute to headache pain. But when the caffeine wears off, your blood vessels expand and your headache returns.

Regular use of painkillers likely also interferes with your body’s natural painkilling system. Because painkillers mask symptoms, whatever is causing the pain may worsen. As the pain becomes more intense, painkillers are less able to control it.

f there’s a chance you’re overusing headache medications, the first step is to stop taking the drugs. Going “cold turkey” works best, but you can gradually wean yourself off the painkillers by cutting back a little each day.

If you’re not overusing painkillers, try a headache-prevention regimen. Start with simple pain relief treatments such as applying a heating pad daily to your neck and shoulders. Consider physical therapy, including such techniques as massage, ultrasound or gentle stretching to relieve muscle tightness that may contribute to your headaches.

Talk to your doctor about preventive medications, such as a muscle relaxant. Another effective strategy is to combine a tricyclic drug with a beta blocker. Beta blockers decrease the intensity of headaches, while tricyclics reduce their frequency.

If your headaches begin to recur, you’ll need medications to treat them. But don’t use them unless your headache becomes severe. Otherwise, you risk developing — or lapsing back to — medication overuse.

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Trying To Break Plateau, Went on Ultra-Low Carb Diet, What Next?

I would appreciate suggestions as to how I should proceed.

In brief - I went from 214 lb and 36" pants a few years ago, to 180 lb and 32" pants last summer.  My goal is 170-175 lb. I'm 50 y/o, 5' 11".  At 30 y/o I was 162 lb.  I don't think it is realistic to be that light again, but something about 10 lbs heavier than my 30 y/o weight seems a nice goal.  

When I got down to 180 lb, last summer, I was riding my bike about 100 miles a week, went on a few century (100 mile/day) rides, was swimming, generally pretty active.  But I got "stuck" at 180 lb, well I had one day in the 179s, but basically I couldn't get below 180 lb.  Rather than get frustrated, I decided to just chill for a while and maintain there. Err, maintenance didn't work so well, as winter came I apparently went into hibernation fattening mode and my weight went up to 190 lb by last Christmas.  

This January, I decided to get back down to 180 lb, but it just didn't work.  Since January, I'd been eating average 1,600-1,700 cal/day (I log my food via the Calorie Count iPhone app).  My main exercise is commuting by bike and doing most of my errands by bike too, cycling average 25 min/day at a good pace, which supposedly burns about 300 cal.  I occasionally go to the gym for a hour's spin class, and occasionally run 3 miles (take the bus to work and run home).  At my weight, it seems like I should have a pretty hefty caloric deficit going.  As far as my diet goes, I eat a lot of fruit (apples, bananas, pears), vegetables (root vegetables like beets, rutabagas, radishes, also greens, squash, salads), meat (beef, pork), poultry, and fish.  I scratch cook almost everything and almost never eat restaurant food or prepared/packaged food.  I eat very little potato or rice, almost no bread (we've gone mostly gluten-free), never eat sweets, pastries, soda, etc.  But despite what should be a caloric deficit and seems like a healthy diet, my weight stayed stubbornly in the high 180s.  

Now I was getting frustrated.  And increasingly feeling that weight loss is more complicated than simply "calories in vs calories out".     

Enter my friend, a guy about my age who is pretty into exercise and weight control (he is 6'0", 180 lb) who suggested I try two weeks on an ultra-low carb diet: 1,600 cal/day but at most 20 grams carbs/day.  Okay, I've been on that diet for six days now.  Since this past Monday, I've been eating pretty much nothing but meat, poultry, fish, and eggs, with really minimal amounts of anything else.  Plus a daily fistful of vitamin and mineral supplements.  Still doing the daily bike commuting. 

I have another 8 days left on this ultra-low carb diet.  At this point I have "lost" 6 lb - was 187 lb Monday morning, was 181 lb now.  I realize the great majority of this loss is water weight, which will come back.  But I hope that by the end of the two weeks, which is Monday after next, I'll have legitimately lost at least a few pounds.   

My question is: what should I do after this ultra-low carb period?  

Should I:

a) go back to what I was doing before (avg 1,600-1,700 cal/day, basically meat/poultry/veg/fruit with very little grains/sugar) and hope that my body will respond now that its been spanked with two weeks of nearly-no-carb?

b) go on a low-carb diet, not <20 grams carb/day but something more like 50 or 100?

c) alternate a) and b), to keep my body confused?

d) something else?

I know I can't stay on the current ultra-low carb diet for too long.  It doesn't seem very healthy, and I'm noticeably weaker on the bike, which is no good as I'm preparing for a 200 mile ride in July.

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Niall Horan stuck in traffic in London

Browse through Glamour's extensive daily celebrity photo gallery online today. Check out what your favourite celebrity has been up to!

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Weight loss tips


source: intervalstraining

1. Set a realistic weight-loss goals. One-half a pound to 2 pounds a week is about right.

2. Keep track of what you consume. Dieters who keep track of everything they eat lose twice as much weight as those who don't, research shows.

3. Motivate yourself. Get a pair of jeans or pants that are too tight and hang them in the kitchen instead of the closet to keep yourself inspired.

4. Enlist the help of family and friends. Dieters who have support from a partner at home lose more weight than those who don't, studies show.

5. Move it to lose it. Research shows that people who do physical activities such as walking or biking for two to four hours a week during weight-loss efforts lose extra pounds.

6. Pay attention to portions. A 3-ounce portion of meat, poultry or fish is about the size of the palm of your hand or a deck of cards; 1 teaspoon of butter or margarine, a standard postage stamp; a cup of cold cereal, berries or popcorn, a baseball; 4-inch pancake or waffle, the diameter of a CD.

7. Clean out your pantry and refrigerator. Get rid of the foods that sabotage your weight loss.

8. Create "a dinner deck." This would include 10 favorite quick and healthful dinners written on index cards. Each card should list the ingredients for the recipe on one side and directions for making it on the other.

9. Avoid hunger. Eat regular meals and snacks. Make sure you have some protein foods such as yogurt, tuna, beans or chicken for most meals. Research suggests that protein helps you feel full longer.

10. Keep produce on hand. Place a bowl of vegetables such as broccoli, snap peas, cucumbers or carrot sticks in the refrigerator. You can eat them as a snack or when preparing meals to take the edge off your hunger.

11. Stock up on "impulse fruits." Keep things like grapes, clementines, small apples, small bananas and pears around the house. These foods are easy to eat without having to do much cutting and slicing.

12. Make some stealth changes. This will get everyone in the family eating healthier. Buy low-fat 1% or skim milk, low-fat cream cheese and reduced-fat cheese instead of the full-fat versions. Use them in recipes to cut the fat and calories.

13. Cut out liquid calories. Eliminate soda and sugary drinks such as sweetened iced tea, sports drinks and alcoholic beverages. Liven up the taste of water by adding lemon, lime, cucumber or mint. Choose fat-free and 1% low-fat milk.

14. Practice the "Rule of One." When it comes to high-calorie foods, you won't go wrong if you allow one small treat a day. That might be one cookie or a fun-size candy bar.

15. Pace, don't race. Force yourself to eat more slowly, and savor each bite.

16. Hydrate before meals. Drinking 16 ounces, or two glasses, of water before meals may help you eat less.

17. Downsize plates, bowls, glasses, silverware. Using smaller versions of your serving ware will help you eat less food.

18. "After 8 is too late." Adopt the motto for snacks after dinner.

19. Buy a pedometer and get moving. Health experts recommend taking at least 10,000 steps a day, which is roughly 4 to 5 miles, depending on your stride length.

20. Treat yourself occasionally. If your chocolate craving is getting to you, try diet hot-chocolate packets. If you need a treat, go out for it, or buy small prepackaged portions of ice cream bars. If you love chocolate, consider keeping bite-size pieces in the freezer.

21. Dine at a table. Eat from a plate while seated at a table. Don't eat while driving, lounging on the couch or standing at the fridge. At restaurants, ask for a doggy bag at the beginning of the meal, and pack up half to take home. Take one roll and ask your server to remove the bread basket from the table.

22. Eat out without pigging out. Figure out what you are going to eat in advance of going to the restaurant. Order the salad dressing on the side. Restaurants usually put about one-quarter cup (4 tablespoons) of dressing on a salad, which is often too many calories. Best to stick with 1 to 2 tablespoons. Dip your fork into the dressing and then into the salad.

23. Get plenty of sleep. Scientists have found that sleep deprivation increases levels of a hunger hormone and decreases levels of a hormone that makes you feel full. Lack of sleep also plays havoc with your fat cells, recent research showed. This can lead to overeating and weight gain.

24. Weigh yourself regularly. That's what successful dieters and those who manage to maintain weight loss do. Some step on the scales once a week. Others do so daily. Some find once a month is enough.

25. Reward yourself. When you meet your incremental weight loss goals, say losing 5 pounds, treat yourself to something — but not food. Buy a CD or DVD you've been wanting or go out to a movie with a friend.

26. There is a lot of products to exercise at home one of the best tool is from lepsoft, this one helped me lose weight like crazy

27.On average, sedentary people take only 2,000 to 3,000 steps a day. Adding 2,000 steps will help you maintain your current weight and stop gaining weight; adding more than that will help you lose weight

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The Top 10 Lessons I Learned From Season 2 of "Girls"

Ugh, you guys:, how am I going to last until the next season of Girls comes out? Like even after last night's finale, I need more of its signature mix of hilarity and rawness, stat. Thankfully HBOGo exists for me to get my fix from past episodes while I wait for new promos that I can watch on repeat in order to dissect them for hints dropped about Season 3. While we wait with bated breath, check out what I learned from Hannah, Shosh and the sage team of Girls this season.

1. Hide Your Crazy: I want to follow each Girls character around and whisper this exact sentiment in each of their ears whenever I can tell things are about to go South. Hannah's epic monologue to Joshua, the sexy older guy she meets at Grumpy's, is the perfect example. He's definitely into her, but she wrecks the budding relationship by word-vomiting her feelings all over him (i.e. "I'm deeply lonely!"). The more she talked, the more it was stomach-sinkingly clear that their budding relationship was dunzo.

2. Never Hit Below the Belt: People say you don't truly love someone unless you want to kill them sometimes. [Ed. Note: I can vouch for this. - RJ] By that logic, Jessa and Thomas-John love each other like crazy...or maybe they actually just want to kill each other. The demise of their lightning-speed relationship was horrific. Choice quotes: "I'm embarrassed when we walk down the street because you're so f*****g average," Jessa says, and "This is the worst mistake I've ever made. You're my worst nightmare," courtesy of Thomas-John. Ouch, you guys! There's no coming back from that. Ever.

3. Know Your Type and Stick to It: I'm all for romantic exploration, but Natalia, Adam's new girlfriend, is just not the kind of girl who's into the degrading style of sex Adam likes. Neither one is at fault for it -- different strokes for different folks (pun totally intended). But they really shouldn't be having sex without acknowledging their differences for what they like in bed. The scene that shows this mismatch is awful, and left viewers feeling like Natalia was violated.

4. If He Swears He's Amazing in Bed, He Isn't:In Season 1, Booth Jonathan told Marnie "The first time I f**k you, I might scare you a little, because I'm a man, and I know how to do things." After all, following her lackluster sex life with Charlie, it was time for Marnie to finally get with someone who knew what he was doing. Unfortunately, though, Booth Jonathan wasn't it. Marnie, it's general knowledge that the ones who brag about how good they are are compensating for something...and it's usually the fact that they're awful.

5. Don't Be the Bitchy New GF or the Bitter Ex: Marnie and Audrey, Charlie's new girlfriend, both crossed this line during Season 2. Marnie shows up at Charlie's door to spend the night; then Audrey verbally attacks her at a dinner party. Let's be clear: Marnie, Charlie isn't yours anymore, so showing up to spend the night is way out of bounds. Audrey, every time you get a dig in at Marnie, you're broadcasting your own insecurity.

6. If You're High, You Can't Keep Secrets: Hannah and her roommate Elijah's drug escapade made for one of the most fun episodes of the season, but it also led to the end of their friendship. Elijah, in a cocaine haze, told Hannah that he had sex with Marnie. Hannah. Flipped. Out. And promptly kicked Elijah out, which is sad, because these two had crazy good (platonic, friendly) chemistry that worked so well on screen, at least. Tear.

7. Face Your Personal Fears: This is tough for everyone to do, otherwise we'd all have about 75 percent less flaws than we do now. It's just so hard to watch Hannah's denial about her OCD when it's blindingly obvious to everyone around her that she's falling apart. Rupturing your eardrum with a Q-Tip then trying to do the same to the other so they'll be "even"? Time to ask for help, Hans.

8. Check Your Voicemail: Hannah is unraveling and Jessa, the only friend she wants to talk to, is nowhere to be found. Jessa's obviously got her own issues and has always been the wandering type, but in real life, that type of pal gets exhausting to constantly track down. Be a hippie globetrotter all you want, but don't forget about the people who love you at home.

9. You Really, Really Need to Maintain Your Own Life While in a Relationship: One of Season 2's main plot lines has been Shoshanna's increasing dismay about Ray's general disinterest in making anything of himself. This culminates with her making out with a doorman (How very un-Shosh like of her, right?). Shosh wants someone who has a life of his own with dreams to go along with it, and deep down, Ray's just not that guy.

10. Love (Maybe) Conquers All: Even after Marnie's disastrous, cringe-inducing slow jam rendition of Kanye West's "Stronger," Charlie still wants to be with her. If that's not true love, IDK what is. We also see this play out with Hannah and Adam. Even though their relationship is pretty effed up, my heart swelled right along with the music as Adam sprinted to Hannah's apartment to take care of her in a way she wouldn't let anyone else. Will they actually make it as a couple? It's hard to tell, but I have to say I'm rooting for them.


Image Credit: Courtesy of HBO

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Latest Edition of Psychiatry's 'Bible' Launched Amid Controversy

Authors say it defines disorders more concisely; critics say it will lead to over-diagnosis and unnecessary treatmentsAuthors say it defines disorders more concisely;

By Dennis Thompson

HealthDay Reporter

MONDAY, May 20 (HealthDay News) -- As the American Psychiatric Association unveiled last week the latest edition of what is considered the "bible" of modern psychiatry, the uproar over its many changes continues.

"This is unprecedented, the amount of commentary and debate and criticism," said Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman, president-elect of the American Psychiatric Association (APA). "It's been an interesting phenomenon, but the evidence is what it is. You have to evaluate it and then make your own determination of how compelling it is, and what would be best clinical practice."

The APA believes that changes made in this fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) will allow for more precise diagnoses of mental illnesses in patients, because this edition better characterizes and categorizes disorders.

But it has drawn fire from critics who are concerned that the revised version will lead to the diagnosis of mental illness in people who are simply being challenged by life.

More than 1,500 experts from 39 countries representing a wide variety of medical fields contributed to the new DSM-5, which was more than a decade in the making. Drafts of the manual were made available online as part of three open-comment periods that drew more than 13,000 responses.

One of the most notable naysayers has been Dr. Allen Frances, chairman of the task force that created the DSM-4, the previous version of the guide that has been in use since 1994.

In a commentary released the day of the DSM-5's release, Frances wrote that this latest revision introduces "several high-prevalence diagnoses at the fuzzy boundary with normality," and predicted that the changes "will probably lead to substantial false-positive rates and unnecessary treatment."

"In DSM-5, normal grief becomes a major depressive disorder, temper tantrums become disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, worrying about medical illness becomes somatic symptom disorder, gluttony becomes binge eating disorder and almost everyone will soon qualify for attention-deficit disorder," Frances said in an interview.

The main points of contention regarding the DSM-5 include:

The combination of a number of autism-related disorders into a single category called autism spectrum disorder. Although some clinicians believe that placing autism on a continuum from mild to severe will allow for more accurate diagnoses, others are concerned that high-functioning people with autism will find themselves unable to receive services or treatment. This is particularly true of people with Asperger's Syndrome, a diagnosis that has been eliminated from the DSM-5, critics of the new version contend.

"We're concerned that people who have Asperger's -- who have high-functioning autism -- are going to be dismissed as just being different when the majority of adults with Asperger's will need people to assist them in parts of their lives," said Karen Rodman, president and founder of Families of Adults Affected With Asperger's Syndrome.

"We are very concerned that medicine is going to drop the ball again, and the children who need services won't get them," Rodman said. "Fortunately, clinicians and physicians and the public around the world are still going to refer to Asperger's as Asperger's. It's like saying people don't have a right arm anymore.

"Many people with Asperger's are [also] concerned there will be a stigma -- that everyone will be considered autistic -- and when people think of that they think of a child sitting in a corner and spinning," Rodman added.

Changes made to the diagnostic criteria for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Critics are concerned that changes made to better diagnose ADHD will instead lead to over-diagnosis. In the previous version of the DSM, a person needed to show the onset of symptoms before age 7 to be diagnosed with ADHD. The new version now says 12 is the latest age at which ADHD symptoms can manifest themselves. The DSM-5 also reduces the number of criteria needed to arrive at a diagnoses of adult ADHD from six to five.A new diagnostic category for children who are hostile or acting out. The DSM-5 includes a new category called disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, which would apply to children who have extreme irritability but fall short of the standards for bipolar disorder or depression. The category was created to deal with the upswing in bipolar diagnoses among children, but there is concern that some clinicians will label a simple childhood temper tantrum as a treatable mental illness.Breaking out obsessive-compulsive disorders into their own category. Obsessions such as hoarding, hair-pulling and skin-picking had been considered anxiety disorders, but in the DSM-5 they will have their own category. Critics are concerned that this change has more to do with reality television's recent focus on hoarders than with the need for a new category of mental illness.

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The Wanted at iHeartRadio’s 20/20 Experience Album Release Party

Britain’s most unlikely success stories The Wanted were invited by Justin Timberlake to attend his album release party at the El Rey Theatre in Los Angeles yesterday

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have anyone tried losing weight by eating lean meat ONLY right after PERIODS/MENSES?

Recently I haven't been here for a whole because I'm trying other weight losing solutions. I tried eating only lean meat without fats and carbs, eggs and 0 fat milk for 5 days after MENSES/PERIOD and I LOST 6 POUNDS WITHIN THESE 5 DAYS.

I just did a few physical exercises.

according to the suggested 10 days weight-losing Programme, the next five days should eat half lean meat half vegetables, and better following with 2 vegan days. Have anyone tried it? It works wonder for me and I'm going to do it again a few days later.

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Hysterectomy May Not Raise Heart Risks After All: Study

Finding might reassure women considering the procedure, researcher saysFinding might reassure women considering the

By Steven Reinberg

HealthDay Reporter

TUESDAY, May 14 (HealthDay News) -- Women who have a hysterectomy are not in danger of increasing their risk of cardiovascular disease later in life, a new study says.

Although earlier research had found higher chances of cardiovascular disease in the years following a hysterectomy, different criteria were used in this latest study, the researchers noted.

"If women are contemplating hysterectomy, they don't need to be worried about increased cardiovascular risk," said study author Karen Matthews, a professor of epidemiology and psychology at the University of Pittsburgh.

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the uterus; sometimes the ovaries are also removed, to lower the risk of cancer.

Previous studies found an increased risk for conditions such as coronary heart disease, stroke and heart failure in women who underwent a hysterectomy.

Unlike other studies, however, the new research included only women who had a hysterectomy in midlife and who didn't have their ovaries removed due to cancer, Matthews explained.

"It is possible that women who have a hysterectomy when they are young have an increase in cardiovascular risk," she noted.

The report was published May 14 in the online edition of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

To see if a hysterectomy actually increased a women's risk for cardiovascular disease, Matthews' team collected data on more than 3,300 premenopausal women who took part in a national study on women's health.

They compared cardiovascular risk factors before and after the women had elective hysterectomy with or without ovary removal with women who had a natural menopause.

These risk factors included cholesterol, blood pressure, inflammation, blood sugar and insulin resistance, Matthews said.

Matthews' group found there were changes in cardiovascular risk factors after a hysterectomy, compared to risk factor changes after natural menopause.

These changes, however, were not associated with an increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease. Women who had a hysterectomy with removal of ovaries did tend to gain weight, the researchers found.

These effects were similar in all ethnic groups.

It's not known why these findings differ from other studies. The researchers speculated that differences in their study -- such as excluding women who had a hysterectomy because of cancer and the older age of the women -- may have played a role.

The women in this study were middle-aged and it is possible that women who have a hysterectomy earlier may have more cardiovascular risk, they explained.

One expert agreed that the evidence on a possible association between a hysterectomy and an increased chance of heart trouble has been mixed.

"Prior studies have suggested that there may be increases in cardiovascular risk after women undergo hysterectomy, particularly if accompanied by removal of the ovaries," said Dr. Gregg Fonarow, a professor of cardiology at the University of California, Los Angeles.

However, other studies have not found elevated risk for cardiovascular events with hysterectomy with or without the removal of the ovaries, he added.

"These findings suggest that hysterectomy with or without removing the ovaries does not appear to play a major role in worsening cardiovascular risk factors in women compared to natural menopause," said Fonarow.

"Nevertheless, as cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death in women, women should closely assess, monitor and improve their cardiovascular health," he said.

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Evolution May Keep Birds From Becoming Roadkill

Title: Evolution May Keep Birds From Becoming Roadkill
Category: Health News
Created: 3/18/2013 12:56:00 PM
Last Editorial Review: 3/18/2013 12:00:00 AM

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Is 1,400-1,500 calories enough for a teenager to maintain on?

I lost 20 pounds on 1,200-1,500 calories and now I want to maintain my weight.  I'm 17, 5'9, and 130 pounds.  I'm not what you'd consider active because I'm a home schooled student and during the day I'm sitting down a lot doing my work.  I do move around several times a day to cook a meal, clean up my room, and stuff like that...just the normal daily activities.  Then in the evenings I'll do a half hour of either strength training or cardio...I alternate between the two.  I do this 4-6 times a week usually.  So I guess I'm lightly active maybe?  My mom says that I need to eat more because she says I look like I'm getting thinner but I'm worried if I increase my calories that I'll gain weight.  So, is what I'm eating (1,400-1,500 calories) enough or should I increase it and if I do will my weight go up?

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Gerard Butler at the premiere of Olympus Has Fallen in Los Angeles

He does scrub up well, does that Gerard Butler. And who are we to deny you your daily dose of the Scottish hunk, all three-pieced-up and Spartan-spruced at the Olympus Has Fallen premiere? No one.

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how many calories should I be eating a day?

I weigh 326lbs and exercise either on an elliptic or treadmill or water aerobics about 5 days a week. I pretty active to begin with because I have a 2 year old plus two more school age kids. I have tried to google how many calories would be goofs but I can't figure it out. Any help a would be appreciated.

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Health Highlights: March 18, 2013

Title: Health Highlights: March 18, 2013
Category: Health News
Created: 3/18/2013 12:56:00 PM
Last Editorial Review: 3/18/2013 12:00:00 AM

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Sodium is not my friend!

I've been looking over my analysis of meals on here and I am consistently going WAY over on sodium.

Soooo I was wondering if ya'll had any tips about how to change that up?

What to eat, what not to eat, and so forth. 

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Many Can Blame Family for Their Bunions

These and other foot disorders are 'highly inheritable,' study findsThese and other foot disorders are 'highly

By Mary Elizabeth Dallas

HealthDay Reporter

MONDAY, May 20 (HealthDay News) -- If you've got bunions, chances are others in your family suffer from the common foot disorder, with a new study finding the condition is often passed down from parents to children.

Reporting in the May issue of Arthritis Care & Research, researchers found that people of European descent often inherit conditions such as bunions or other toe deformities.

"Our study is the largest investigation of the heritability of common foot disorders in older adults," Dr. Marian Hannan, from Hebrew SeniorLife and Harvard Medical School in Boston, said in a journal news release. She said the data confirms "that bunions and lesser toe deformities are highly inheritable in [white] men and women of European descent."

Up to 60 percent of older adults have a foot disorder, which could limit their ability to get around and hamper quality of life. Prior research revealed that 23 percent of people aged 18 to 65, and 36 percent of those older than 65 have bunions, a sometimes painful deformity of the big toe.

The new study involved almost 1,400 people enrolled in the Framingham Foot Study. The participants averaged 66 years of age. Each person underwent a foot exam between 2002 and 2008 to determine if they had bunions, toe deformities such as "hammer toes" (where a toe appears permanently bent), or a condition called plantar soft tissue atrophy, a breakdown of the fatty "cushion" under the ball of the foot.

The researchers also used software that performs genetic analyses to estimate the inheritability of the participants' foot disorders.

Of the participants examined, 31 percent had bunions, 30 percent had toe deformities and 28 percent had plantar soft tissue atrophy. The study revealed bunions and toe deformities were highly inheritable depending on age and gender, but not plantar soft tissue atrophy.

"These new findings highlight the importance of furthering our understanding of what causes greater susceptibility to these foot conditions, as knowing more about the pathway may ultimately lead to early prevention or early treatment," concluded Hannan, who is also the journal's editor-in-chief.

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