Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Motivational movies, magazines and books

Doing inspirational movies, books, and other media sources really work? Of course they do. Motivation is not a time thing. It is a healthy part of a daily life. Daily. Each one. If you do not fill your tank with higher thoughts and images, you will run dry.

It's not really a rapid solution that we talk about here. I mean, Yes, you get pumped and want to start with, and watching Rocky and almost staircase and drink eggs, but that only lasts for a short while, maybe for a few days or trainings. So, in a sense, it is a quick solution.

But, it's not just the simplistic solution we must after. Its an environment. By continually exposed to positive people, methods, images, and inspirational stories, tilt it your consciousness. Little by little, per day, you're building a solid foundation for success.

Let's say that your day consisted of the following:

• You awake and visualized your ideal body in detail before you out of bed.
• You watched a motivational mind movie before morning to reply to e-mail.
• You read and confirmed all the little sticky note objectives that you have placed around the home or Office.
• You watched a couple youtube clips of transformations and other motivators during a lunch break.
• You watched a movie with rock hard muscles for your movie night.
• You read from a motivational book that you passed right before bed.
• If you turn off your light to go to sleep, you ingest the motivational quotes written on your nightstand.

Military man readingAre you begin to see how if you surround yourself with success, the chances of failure are pretty slim? I repeat: it is an environment of success we after. A positive field. Fill your mind with thoughts that synchronized with your goals and ambitions are is one of the most important tasks of life.

I'm compiling a list of motivational resources below. They can be of great benefit. Commit to take a new resource in your life each day.Fitness success will be imminent.

All Rocky movies (duh)
GI Jane
Wolverine-no matter your gender, you've gotta dig the shoulders!
Fight Club-Holy moly. And Holy moly again.
Under the Tuscan Sun-everything can be done.
DOA-Cheesy, but awesome chicks. Jamie Pressly cracks me up.
Gladiator-hard and true.
Without borders-rude guy, but big dreams.
The secret-it is a shame it is so commercial and simplistic, but it certainly has its place.
300-haven't seen, but it left my sons super pumped for a loooooong time.

Simple truths has some great short films that rock. They hit home and help you focus on the truth that you really can be, and have what you're after. Here is some of their titles:

Paper Airplane The Race Finish Strong The Nature Of Success

To see more of this excellent video, click here.

Motivational Video's

Maximum performance by Brian Tracy

Suitable for the love of it by Kary and Uche Odaitu

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto

Become a better you by Joel Osteen

The Master Key System by Charles Haanel

Magazines offer a lot of motivation, in short, easily digestible form. It's fair to say that I personally addicted to muscle, fitness and motivational magazines. Here are a few that I couldn't live without.



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No time for Fitness? Working less, why not do more?

I've spent the last few weeks digesting the book, less work, do more by Jan Yager, Ph.d.  It is one of the most down-to-Earth guides for simultaneously decreasing your workload and increase your productivity that I have ever read.  You are wrong if you think that you have no time for fitness. Anyone struggling to take the added dimension of fitness in their lives knows that managing time and resources is essential. It can be done.

Aptly subtitled helps "The 14 day productivity Makeover," Yager of book readers whittle activity to an effective, comfortable pace.  With step-by-step instructions, it helps you achieve more with your book given 1,440 minutes per day.  An abundance of time management tools on the market today, and we got to be selective when it comes to what tools we have in practice.  I work less, do more to one of these valuable resources to be found.

Jan Yager, Ph.d. is a speaker, author and coach.  Her degree in sociology has her helped her career path, specializing in topics such as time management, friendships, relationships at work, business, and writing.  Her long list of interviews on well-established programs such as The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Today Show, and The View shows her credibility and impeccable knowledge about these topics.

Work Less Do MoreSome of the topics covered in the book are goal setting, prioritizing, paperwork, email communications, and maximizing meetings.  Each chapter contains practical advice and action steps to take.  Quizzes, vital information presented in easy to read charts and graphs, lists, and charts are sprinkled throughout the book.  Each chapter concludes with a "Beat the Clock" exercise that helps you immediately put into action what you've learned, to solidify the techniques and serve as a catalyst for change.

One of my favorite chapters in work less, do more deals with what is called the five P 's: procrastination, perfectionism Yager, poor planning, polar bears, and petulance.  I'm so glad someone finally covered the topic of petulance, also known as just plain ol' grouchiness.  I'm a big fan of positive thinking, and Yager Relays important info regarding the stimulative impact of enthusiasm and a positive mental Outlook.

I also love day 6, the chapter that concerns itself with the organization.  Yager begins with a short quiz about the signs of the disorder and how to combat it.  They contains a sample appointment book format, a list to help organize your repetitive tasks, office organization techniques and considerations, and tips on organizing your home.

I took this chapter to heart and organized all my fitness equipment and info.  I have all my free weights in order and made them easily accessible.  I finally hung up the weight training charts and motivational quotes that I've been meaning to for ages.  I installed hooks to hang my miscellaneous equipment such as my TRX, my resistance bands and my skipping rope.  I put all my workout journals and documents in one location, and even organized and founded my Cabinet supplement.  Great, huh?

When you order, your book (and I highly recommend that you do, as soon as possible) by running the first time if you want to work through the book, but subsequently perpetrate in its entirety.  We tend to skip topics are lessons that uncomfortable, but it is likely that the reason why she is uncomfortable precisely because they are in the urgent need for attention.  For example, I was inclined to skip the chapter to paperwork.  I tried to convince myself that I don't need that chapter because I don't much paperwork; that I was mainly electronic-based.  Wrong.  I still had a bad system-floating paperwork and I just don't want to deal with.

Yep, I was dealing with denial and procrastination. I forced myself to working through the chapter, treated my clutter, and viola!  I'm a cleaner, more organized, and very feel good about myself for sticking to it.

You can visit Jan Yager and see what they're up or get a copy of her book.  Remember, you can set the time for fitness if you have the time to make.  We are all given 24 hours per day.  Make sure you take your time conscious and wise use, and fill your time with the things that really are important, such as your family, your health and your chosen passions.

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The Best Workout Ever. Sike.

You know what the best workout in the world is? Want to know my secret to my long standing weight loss and pounds of healthy muscle gain? It seems like everybody is always on the hunt for "the best workout ever." People will argue until they're blue in the face over which exercise program is the way.

Best WorkoutI've tried over twenty kinds of workouts and have paid thousands of dollars in my insane search for workout perfection. So, you want to know what I've discovered, what the hidden secret is?


For those of you who didn't know I was going to say that, you must still be on the hunt. The search is over, people! Don't lose hope, though. There's another way to state my secret with a more positive ambiance:


In order to maintain weight loss success, you actually have to do the workouts. And, you've got to switch them up. Seeing skinny fat ladies performing the same cute little machine circuit week after week, makes me want to barf up my MRP. Or, to the dude who always flocks to the bench press: "Great pecs, but you're teetering on your toothpick legs, man."

There are infinite workouts possibilities. Think about that for a second. You NEVER need to suffer from boredom. This is such a fortunate thing because monotony will kill accomplishment. Jazzing up your workouts helps make this whole spcheil a lifelong endeavor, not a "get buff in two weeks" deal.

I'm sharing lots of different workouts I've done from 3 day total body workouts, to marine corp style, to hard and heavy 5 day splits. Feel free to copy my regimens to use for yourself. They'll be at the end of this page. Remember though, none of these rank any higher in success rate. It's the combination and the workout rotation that helps burn the fat and put on healthy muscle.

Here are three keys to ANY strength training program:

Rotation. Rotate your workout routine every 4-6 weeks. Without muscle confusion, you are doomed to failure. Plus, you'll waste time and look like an ignoramus.

Convenience. Make it convenient. If it's too much of a pain in the butt to do, chances are you won't. If your life is super busy right now, embrace supersets. If your kids are little and need you, choose a strength training routine you can do at home.

Fun. Make it enjoyable. I think the reason most people fail at maintaining the programs is because they simply don't like it. find something you like. Pumping iron wasn't something I enjoyed doing at first. I've learned to like it. I dance between sets. No joke. I'm rhythm-impaired, but it makes me laugh and loosens me up. Or I'll chant mantras (Push harder. Go longer.) while working out. No matter how goofy I look doing the white girl shuffle and talking to myself, I do it because it makes exercise FUN. I truly love lifting now.

So, stop the futile hunt for the best workout. Just pick one out. Repeat for a few weeks. Pick a new one. Repeat for a few weeks. Add some flair. Then repeat this whole process for the rest of your life and reap ultimate rewards.

Stay motivated. Stay pumped. YOU CAN DO THIS!

Here are a bunch of workouts to try. Remember to suit them to your specific needs. Some of them use bands (I love the convenience of these), some use free weights, some are body weight routines, and some are traditional gym workouts. I'm always hunting new ways to spice it up, so there are pointers and tips for each workout. Have fun!

3 Day Total Body Workout

Bootcamp Style

4 Day Split

5 Day Split

Total Body Band Workout

No Gym Req. Exercises

Killer Upper Body Workout

Best Glute Workout


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Workout Songs and Awesome Exercise Playlists

I bet there’d be way fewer weight loss success stories if it weren’t for workout For playlists: See bottom of the page for a listing.songs.  I’ve tried working out or doing my cardio in silence.  Never again!  It just sucks without the sustaining fuel that songs supply.

I’m not alone in this either.  Workout songs really do boost weight loss motivation. There’s tons of research out there that confirms that we work harder and longer with the right music.  And, even better in my opinion, is that the PRE (perceived rate of exertion) is lower when jamming to music.  In other words, if while I’m lifting weights, I’ve got good workout songs that I like ringing through my ears, my brain tells my body I’m actually having a little fun and it feels easier – which helps me work harder – which multiplies my success!

On Genres – What Your Choices Say About You
I firmly believe that a person’s choice of music speaks volumes about them.  Here are some observations I’ve made about people and their choice tunes:

(Be forewarned.  If you are easily offended, don’t read on.  I think I step on everyone’s toes.  Lighten’ up!)

Heavy Metal Listeners.  These people tend toward anger.  But, a lot of these people don’t even know what they’re angry about.  And, they like it like that and don’t want to let it go.

Rap/R&B.  They tend to be narcissistic folk.  They don’t really like to break too much of a sweat and ruin their air of coolness.  However, the zone-producing beat of their songs really helps them with their tempo while working out.

Ipod by Antonio MouClassic Rockers.  These people are pretty cool.  They’re usually people who are a little stuck in their younger days, perhaps trying to regain a little confidence and freedom they had “back then.”  We all have songs from our teen years that flood us with memories that we can channel into usable energy for our workouts, I guess.

Christian Listeners.  There are lots of songs out there in every genre you can think of that you wouldn’t even know were Christian unless  you listened carefully to t he lyrics.  This breed of people are generally level-headed and on a mission.  Wouldn’t really know much more about them as they’re kind of clique-ish and don’t talk much to us dyed hair, piercing type people.

Theme Music/Show Tunes.  These people crack me up.  They view life and their workouts as a stage or a theater.  There’s usually a good spring in their step and they always silently mouth the words as the sing along while doing their cardio.

I’ve spend tons of time finding good songs and trying them out, seeing which ones work the best.  It’s really all about personal tastes, mood and the objective.  If I’m feeling kind of bitchy and it’s time for HIIT, I’ll probably choose a Pink or Evanescence song.  If I’m feeling kind of lonely because I’m missing my hubby and I’ve got to push out a hard weight training session, I’ll probably rely on Queensryche or Fergie.

The workout playlists I’ll be giving in this section of Body Mojo will, by design, supply a wide variety of genres and tempos.  And, for the love of God, don’t be so stuck on your coolness that you refuse to try some titles that are out of your usual playlist.  If you’re a metal head, don’t’ scoff at a Disney movie remake song (like La Vida Loca with Antonio Banderas and Eddie Murphy.)  Try having a sense of humor.  If you’re not a big enough man to listen to something kind of ‘out there,’ well…then… grow up and get a life!  There’s nothing sexier than a man with a sense of humor.

Every time I post a new playlist, I like to give a short commentary on why it’s a good song to try.  Sign up for the Body Mojo newsletter at the bottom right of the page, and you’ll get the new workout song ideas whenever I post them.  Oh, and help other, too:  Email me any songs that have really worked for you and why and I’ll include it in a playlist.
Whatever you listen to, just do what works and keep rockin’!


Here are the playlists to browse through and sample the workout songs.
Workout Tunes

Workout Mix Playlist Mix of Genres. Akon to Alice in Chains!

Rock Playlist 10 Great Rock Tunes for Your Next Workout

Grungy Playlist Alternative Songs. STP to Jane's Addiction

Country Playlist Swang to Twang

Body Mojo CheckMore playlists are coming soon. Sign up for the newsletter or follow Body Mojo on Twitter so you'll get the new work out tunes.

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Goal Setting Tools and Forms for Weight Loss Success.


Goal setting tools help for the bedrock of any weight loss program or fitness regimen. I've

learned, through trial and error, that without the right goals and ture vision, I was going to keep running my chubby little legs on the hamster wheel of weight loss.

Sure, I knew I wanted to be "fit." I knew I wanted to feel comfortable in my own sin. I wanted to like myself again. But, because my goals weren't clear and I had no practice in the art of active visualization, I had no real way to tell if I was getting real results.

So, I came across a few sources, namely Precision Nutrition and Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, and they talked about the importance of goal setting and how to do it properly. One of the best books on this subject I've read is Maximum Achievement by Brian Tracey. You can apply the whole book to any part of life, including your health and weight loss endeavors.

I reset and tweaked my goals, and learned how to visualize with passion. I felt it in my bones that my desires would manifest. They steadily have. Holy crap! This stuff works! Using my brain, mustering up some mojo, and utilizing a few goal setting tools started producing results.

I constantly upgrade my goals. I religiously track them, too. It helps give me the weight loss motivation I need. When I go about reassessing my goals and forming my new ones, I discovered they all fit under these four guidelines:

The 4 C's Of Goal Setting

Crystal Clear. You simply can't hit a target if you don't know what it is. Goals must be super precise. "Look sexy" = bad goal. "Be 12% Body Fat" = good goal.

Conquerable. Yes, goals must be big enough to scare you a little. They have to be grand enough to keep you motivated. Just make sure they're actually doable. Discouragement will plaque those who try for something that's not meant for their body. However, most anything is possible. Listen closely to the voice within and it'll give you your heading.Goal Setting Tools

Checklist Worthy. If it's not a goal that doesn't have an ending date, chuck it. If you'll never know exactly when you arrive at the finish line, you can't check it off your list. It's never accomplished. "Feel better in my skin" = bad. "Lose 2 lbs a week for ten weeks to achieve my goal weight of 130 lbs." = much better.

Charismatic. If your goal isn't imbued with passion, why the heck are you wasting your time with it? If you don't often wake up like a 6 year old on Christmas morning, geared up to work towards your goals, then it simply doesn't have enough fire power to keep your motivation flame glowing.

I've created a lot of tools and forms to help track my goals. I'm pretty pragmatic, and these tools help me make sure I'm heading down the path I've chosen. Below are some goal setting forms that you're free to download. Don't forget to use the calculators and charts to help you set your goals. And never give up. You really can do this. No matter where you are on your path, you are going to succeed. Just keep at it. Keep your eye on the prize. Success happens!!

The following articles are on their way. Get notified when they're published. Remember to not only dream up the body of your choosing, but to take concrete steps in attaining it.

Creating SMART Goals for a Physical Transformation

Set Your Goals HIGHER to Boost Motivation

Personal Contracts for Weight Loss Accountability

Simple Goal Tracking Methods to Ensure Success

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