The people over at Snikiddy contacted me and asked if I would try their product. I am sometimes leery of “healthy” snacks that are not actually healthy at all. After looking at their website, I decided these snacks could be a healthy alternative and decided to try a few samples.
After the samples arrived, I knew exactly WHO I needed to get to try these for an honest opinion. KIDS! Kids will tell it like it is…no holds barred. So, I asked my sisters three kids to come over and try the snacks and give their opinion. Watch this video to see what they thought!
Obviously, they LOVED them. It was so funny after the taping ended because Hannah said, “I really wanted to NOT like one. On those shows on TV like Cupcake Wars, they always DON’T like one. I was hoping there was one I didn’t like so it could be more like TV!” Hilarious!
Now, for all the fun nutritional facts. We will start with Hannah’s favorite, Eat Your Vegetables™:

My husband and I both LOVED these snacks too! His favorite was the cheese puffs followed by the fries. I loved them all and couldn’t decide which I liked the best. I am excited to try the Bold Buffalo fries. Those sound like they would be right up our alley!
Would you like to purchase them in your area? They are available in select stores around the country. If you go to their website, you can put in your zip-code and it will tell you what locations are in your area. I found out that these are sold not too far from where I live. You better believe I will be heading out to stock up on these and all their yummy flavors.
Instead of buying them, do you want to try and WIN some samples for free? Stay tuned for a giveaway soon where YOU could win some to try.
Until then, head on out and buy them because they are yummy! Have you heard of these before? I recently saw them in World Market store near my house. What is your favorite healthy snack that tastes yummy?

My name is Jennifer, I’m 35 and I currently live in a suburb outside of Atlanta. I live with my husband, Jason and Shi-tzu, Maggie. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends.
My full time job is teaching elementary school. My part time job is private tutoring after school for grades K-6. I have been on my weight loss journey my entire life but just began to take it seriously two years ago when I decided it was time to start a family. I didn’t want to be one of those people who others look and and say, “Is she pregnant or just really fat?” At the rate I was going, that question would certainly be asked. So, two years ago I joined Weight Watchers. Now, closing in on losing 100 pounds, my life is healthier and I am happier. Now…bring on the baby!
My blog is here for you to be inspired, learn something new, and hear all about all new products I try. Join me on this weight loss journey as I go through ups and downs, good and bad, and continue to take it one day at a time!