Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Fresh Approach to Changing School Lunches

Tonight I ate a cookie.

It wasn’t a normal cookie though. It was one of those healthy cookies. The kind with less fat, less sodium, less of all the bad things yet it still tasted great. It was also the kind of cookie they have started serving in Memphis City School.

Cool, right?

Tonight I went to Community Foundation of Greater Memphis to watch the documentary Cafeteria Man. The film is about improving school lunches which falls into one of the Community Foundation’s main initiatives of healthy eating, active living.

The film follows the work of Chef Tony Geraci in Baltimore schools as he worked to change the way school lunches and other meals were served. The film was fascinating and it was awesome to see the changes he made in Baltimore during his time.

Based on the video he focused on great things:

buying food local from farms in the state/areabringing food from farm to table instead of prepacked traysproviding fresh whole foods to kids at each mealembracing urban agriculture and farming even at the schoolsteaching kids to grow food themselvesteaching kids to cook food that they’ve grownthe end goal of producing a healthy student ready to learn

The above photo is actually Memphis kids in a Memphis garden. Chef Tony Geraci is now the new director of Nutrition Services for Memphis City Schools. He is working here to create the same kind of changes to improve the quality of school food.

After the movie Tony Geraci was there to answer some questions and talk more about what he is doing in Memphis since the movie was focused on Baltimore.

Cool things happening with school food and nutrition in Memphis:

Breakfast in classrooms is now at 71 schools. Last year it was at zero. This rocks because as he mentioned it’s hard for kids to learn if they are hungry or jacked up on sugar so this kind of program is a type of readiness for learning.Geraci runs the program like a business. He makes sure they save money from the budget and he listed several projects currently running that do this. For example he is putting 200k into a few dozen acres to grow food and that will create 1.2 million in produce utilizing a prison-farming program.Grahamwood Elementary school created a hoop greenhouse garden that is producing food actually being eaten at their school and a couple others. It’s one of the first of several gardens planned. Hoop farms can provide food and also be a great teaching tool.New point of sale system that allows parents access so they can see what their kids are getting each day. It will also allow blocks (no cookies for example) or reminders to get at least 3 salads a week (and a message pops up if that isn’t happening so the kid has to get one).Trucks of food ready to cook and already prepared (cut, washed, etc.) go out from the central kitchen to the schools. Food is actually cooked at the school instead of just reheating trays a prepackaged food.People are parents in Memphis have been really supportive so far.

My favorite quote of the night: “If you eliminate the crap, they can’t order the crap. “

I really found the movie and the talk afterward fascinating. It’s a popular and sometimes controversial topic these days but things really do need to change. I remember the school lunches I used to eat and … they were bad. Really bad. I’m pretty sure I never ate a salad until college and vegetables were rare because they always looked so disgusting. It’s awesome to see that the choices are getting better and giving kids now a better chance at being and staying healthy and ready to learn.

What were your school lunches like as a kid? What improvements would you like in schools today? Meatless days? Fresh foods? More/less choices?

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Fitness Magazine's Fitterati 2012 Best Weight Loss Blog – Winner

2012 Fitterati Best Weight Loss Blog Winner I WON!!!

Thanks to YOU, I did it. I won the Fitness Magazine’s best weight loss blog, Reader choice and I am officially a 2012 Fitterati!

What does that mean?!?

It means that I will be able to contribute to Fitness Magazine, I will be receiving lots of Fitness goodies and…the biggest thing of all…I will be featured in the magazine late this summer!!! HOLY CANOLI!!!!

I am so excited and humbled to have won this award. If you would have told me a year ago when my website was just starting out that I would win an award like this, I would have told you, “NO WAY!” Well, here I am. God is so good and continues to be good. All we have to do is step out in faith and go with our heart.

This blog is so much more than I ever expected it to be. It was my way to motivate others and in return, hold myself more accountable for my actions. What it has turned into is an amazing, glorious thing.

There are so many great blogs that were nominated and won the Fitterati awards and I hope you will head on over there and check out the other winners. They can offer you so much inspiration when you are feeling down or need some motivation.

Again, THANK YOU! Without you and your votes, I would not have won!

Have you ever won something and you were totally surprised to win?

Avatar of Jennifer Swafford

My name is Jennifer, I’m 33 and I currently live in a suburb outside of Atlanta. I live with my husband, Jason and Shi-tzu, Maggie. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends.
My full time job is teaching elementary school. My part time job is private tutoring after school for grades K-6. I have been on my weight loss journey my entire life but just began to take it seriously two years ago when I decided it was time to start a family. I didn’t want to be one of those people who others look and and say, “Is she pregnant or just really fat?” At the rate I was going, that question would certainly be asked. So, two years ago I joined Weight Watchers. Now, closing in on losing 100 pounds, my life is healthier and I am happier. Now…bring on the baby!
My blog is here for you to be inspired, learn something new, and hear all about all new products I try. Join me on this weight loss journey as I go through ups and downs, good and bad, and continue to take it one day at a time!

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The Importance of Weaning Students off of Soda


Guest Post by Angelita Williams…..

soda The Importance of Weaning Students off of SodaSoda—it contains more than 39 grams of sugar and 140 empty calories per 20 oz can. But despite medical experts constantly reminding consumers that soda is essentially liquid diabetes in a can (not to mention one of the leading causes of weight gain and obesity in children), Americans still drink more than 13.8 million gallons of soda each year. In fact, headlines show that a woman died from soda consumption in April. Her intake was excessive yes, somewhere around a liter of soda a day, but she did die of hypokalemia –a condition where soda depletes potassium in the body.

In short soda is one of the unhealthiest drinks one can consume. But students, those ranging from grade school to grad school, still typically make it their beverage-of-choice. Some drink it to stay awake, others just like the taste. But it needs to be cut from their diets. If you think you’re ready to help your child adapt to a healthier lifestyle without soda, or if you want to cut the drink out of your life for your benefit, continue reading below.

When eliminating soda from their diets, some people choose to go cold turkey. But this can actually be a hastily move—some drink it so often that abruptly eliminating it from their system only causes them to suffer from caffeine withdrawals. Symptoms may include but are not limited to:

Headaches IrritabilitySleepinessDepressionConstipationStuffy Sinuses

So if you are a heavy soda drinker and consume about two to three cans of soda a day, try limiting yourself to just one a day. Then work your way to limiting your weekly amount. In the meantime, choose water as your main beverage. Water doesn’t have any calories and helps flush out toxins that can harm the body.  If you’re not too crazy about water, there are some ways you can liven it up, which leads us to our next tip—

For most soda lovers, water is just too bland. But there are some ways that you can spice it up a bit. Try adding some lemon juice to give it a citrusy flavor or other fresh fruit like cucumbers, oranges, or strawberries to create fruit-infused water which is a tasty summer beverage. You can also try adding a packet of low-calorie Crystal Light; or add some ice cubes with mint leaves locked inside. Making water interesting might take some creativity, but it’s well worth it.

Many love soda because of the carbonation—most crave the “burn” that comes with the fizzy drink. But if it’s the bubbles you miss, opt for sparkling water instead. It can give you the same feeling as drinking a soda but it’s healthy for you. If you want a little bit more pizzazz, stores do offer flavored sparkling water as well.

Caffeine is what usually gets people hooked on soda, especially older students that need it to stay awake. But there are other beverages with hints of caffeine that actually help strengthen your immunity and burn fat, like green tea. Whether you drink it hot or cold, green tea has been linked to increasing metabolism and as well as helping the body fight off certain cancers if consumed at a regular basis. And since you’re essentially just drinking herb-infused water, you’re still working to meet your goal of six to eight glass of water a day.

Last but not least, the easiest way to refrain from drinking soda is to not make it so easily accessible. Don’t have it in the house, at all. Don’t order it at restaurants. If you’re really craving a soda, then the best way to deal with the situation is to treat the sugary drink as “dessert” for special occasions only.

This guest post is contributed by Angelita Williams, who writes on the topics of online courses.  She welcomes your comments at her email Id: angelita.williams7

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Angelita has written 1 articles .

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A Mother's Day Letter

I have talked about my amazing mother in past posts and with Mother’s Day being today, I thought it would be appropriate to hear directly from her. I asked her to write me a letter about my healthiness journey. Here is a letter written directly from my mom’s heart.

Mom and Jen Me and My Beautiful Mother

Dear Jennifer,

As your mom, I have watched you grow up through the years. You have been a joy and a delight – for the most part!

Your struggle with your weight began fairly early, but then, I was a “chunky” 10-year old who grew out of it during puberty so I just knew you would do the same. You did pretty well until you went off to college at Lee University, started eating fast food, had some emotional issues, and started stuffing your feelings with food.

Brenda and Jennifer My mom and I in 2006

As a counselor, I was sure I could help you with your “issues” and I did practice every new therapy that I learned on your “willing” self. We did manage to clear up some issues along the way, but I knew you and God had to do most of the work together. As I watched you struggle, I had to give you up to Him over and over as I saw your misery, your tears, and listened to your heart crying out for healing. As your mom, this was not easy to watch, but I continually gave you over the Lord knowing that He had the answers – not me. But, I was also willing to be used in any way possible under His direction.

The challenge came in 2009 when we made a deal with you. Lose at Weight Watchers and we (your father and I) pay, gain and you paid. We knew, especially at this time, money was a motivator. This motivation and Jacynta (your God-sent leader), finally paid off! We started seeing results. S.L.O.W.L.Y the weight started coming off. I began to see an excited, motivated, healthier, energetic and MUCH happier daughter. And it does, to this day delight my heart.

Your journey has not been easy, quick, or immediate but you are continuing to persevere and I am so proud of you.

You are also allowing God to use you, your struggles and your journey to inspire and help others. And isn’t this what it is all about? Reaching out to others and helping them with where you have been and are continuing to struggle, encouraging them on – knowing if you did this so can they.

As your journey continues, I look forward to seeing how God will continue to use you for His glory and for your good.

Mom, Grandmamma, Katherine, and Jennifer

Before I close, I must mention the beloved lady who was my hero, my model and my biggest cheerleader, my mother – who would have been 98 years old this past Friday, May 11. She is also your namesake – Jennifer Delaney. You carry a great name for a great lady. Without her, none of this would have been possible.

May your readers all be blessed and inspired as they continue to follow your journey. I know I am continually blessed and I thank God for seeing fit to choose me as your mother!

Much Love,


Mom, You are MY hero, MY model, and MY biggest cheerleader. Without YOU, none of this would have been possible. I love you and thank God that He gave me to you. I couldn’t have asked for a better mother! Thank you for hanging in there with me all these years and loving me unconditionally. You are the perfect role model for all mothers out there and I love you so very much!

Avatar of Jennifer Swafford

My name is Jennifer, I’m 33 and I currently live in a suburb outside of Atlanta. I live with my husband, Jason and Shi-tzu, Maggie. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends.
My full time job is teaching elementary school. My part time job is private tutoring after school for grades K-6. I have been on my weight loss journey my entire life but just began to take it seriously two years ago when I decided it was time to start a family. I didn’t want to be one of those people who others look and and say, “Is she pregnant or just really fat?” At the rate I was going, that question would certainly be asked. So, two years ago I joined Weight Watchers. Now, closing in on losing 100 pounds, my life is healthier and I am happier. Now…bring on the baby!
My blog is here for you to be inspired, learn something new, and hear all about all new products I try. Join me on this weight loss journey as I go through ups and downs, good and bad, and continue to take it one day at a time!

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Spark the Fire – Weekly Weigh In

This post is actually my weekly weigh in from LAST week.  Since my site was switching servers and I was unable to post, I thought I would share it with you this week.  I didn’t make it to my weigh in due to a work obligation so it all worked out.  Just know that this was actually last week’s topic!  Enjoy!

It was an amazing Weight Watchers meeting tonight. Jacynta, my leader was really “on” and she hit home with me about quite a bit. The shocking 3.6 I gained on the scale is what it is. At home this morning, I was exactly the same so I am chalking it up to “first day” heaviness. I am not going to focus on that because the meeting was SO MUCH MORE than a number on the scale.

As some of you know, the reason I began this journey was to get healthy to hopefully be able to have a baby. Those were the initial “logs” that were put on my fire when I joined Weight Watchers back in January of 2009.

For those of you that know anything about fires, you know that you have to have some good coals in order for your fire to continue burning. Not only do you have to have good coals but you also have to continually add wood and stoke it in order to KEEP the fire from going out.

My initial “logs” on my weight loss fire were the desire to have a baby. Then, other “logs” were put on the fire like having a rockin’ leader, losing my first 25 pounds, losing 50 pounds, and then 100 pounds, shopping in regular sized clothing stores, getting compliments, running a half-marathon and having the confidence that I CAN do this. All of those logs were added gradually to my fire in order to keep it going.

Then, there is the stoking. These are the little things we do to keep our fires going. Things like, saying no when we really want to eat something, walking a few times a week when we don’t want to, training for a half marathon, going to my meetings when I really want to go home and eat dinner. All of these little things also keep the fire going.

Without adding more logs or stoking our weight loss “fires”, they will eventually go out.

Tonight, I challenge you to ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” What are the big logs that are keeping my fire going. Sometimes, when we start to get discouraged, we need to remember those things and keep our eye on the prize.

This week’s meeting was somewhat emotional for me. Whenever the topic of WHY I am doing this comes up, I get emotional. This journey is so much more than just “to look cute” or “to fit into those jeans.” This is the future of my family. This is one day, a healthy, God given baby.

The next time I look at something unhealthy and want to eat it, or the next time I don’t want to get up and exercise, or the next time I start to let negative thoughts come into my head, I need to remember my fire. Remember that baby who is worth whatever sacrifice I have to give in order to have him/her. I need to keep my eyes focused on the fire so the flames do not go out.

What is your why? What are your “logs” that are on your fire that keep your weight loss journey alive and going? Whatever you do, don’t let the fire smolder and die. You are worth living your dreams!

Success is not the Result of Spontaneous Combustion. You must set yourself on fire! Spark the Fire!

Photo Credit

Avatar of Jennifer Swafford

My name is Jennifer, I’m 33 and I currently live in a suburb outside of Atlanta. I live with my husband, Jason and Shi-tzu, Maggie. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends.
My full time job is teaching elementary school. My part time job is private tutoring after school for grades K-6. I have been on my weight loss journey my entire life but just began to take it seriously two years ago when I decided it was time to start a family. I didn’t want to be one of those people who others look and and say, “Is she pregnant or just really fat?” At the rate I was going, that question would certainly be asked. So, two years ago I joined Weight Watchers. Now, closing in on losing 100 pounds, my life is healthier and I am happier. Now…bring on the baby!
My blog is here for you to be inspired, learn something new, and hear all about all new products I try. Join me on this weight loss journey as I go through ups and downs, good and bad, and continue to take it one day at a time!

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Food Truck Rodeo in Memphis

First, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!  Happy Mother’s Day to my mom who is awesome and all the other amazing moms out there. I hope the day is amazing and you are celebrated and cherished.

Second, let me tell you about the food truck rodeo that happened in Memphis on Thursday. Sure this blog post is a little late but I’ve been busy!

The new Memphis Food Truck Alliance was created recently to unite the various food truck operators to help support and market the members. Memphis is new to food trucks and only last year started allowing them to operate. I think right now there are around 50 or so in operation and I’ve seen maybe a dozen of them, most at the Food Truck Rodeo on Thursday.

Photo 16

By the time thursday rolled around I couldn’t contain my excitement!It started at 11 a.m. and we left around 11:45 to walk the couple blocks to Court Square where the food truck rodeo was happening.

memphis food truck rodeo

When we got there things were in full swing and several trucks had rather long lines. It seemed that Revival Southern Food and Fuel Cafe were very popular and had the longest lines.

memphis food truck rodeo

After checking out several of the menus at various food trucks I decided to get in line at Fuel Cafe’s food truck. They had bison tacos that sounded interesting!

memphis food truck rodeo

Unfortunately everyone else had the same idea that I did. The line was very long so it crawled along slowly. Lucky for us it was a beautiful day.

memphis food truck rodeo

Then, five people before I got to order they ran out of bison. After waiting twenty minutes (or more?) in line I had to switch my order to chicken tacos. They erased it right off the menu when I got close. It was a bit disappointing but I was also excited they were getting so much business.

memphis food truck rodeo

When I finally got my chicken tacos, about half an hour after ordering them, but luckily they made up for the wait.

memphis food truck rodeo

I love a good taco! The chicken was well flavored and taco worked perfectly as a whole with the veggies and warm corn tortillas. I was very happy to see the cilantro on top too! I added a bit of hot sauce and it was perfect!

memphis food truck rodeo

After eating my tacos I went to get frozen yogurt from YoLo… except they weren’t taking credit cards. Yuck.

Overall the food truck rodeo was a bit disappointing. A few people on Twitter complained about waiting 1.5 hours for food and my coworker gave up after waiting and went to a local restaurant. I’ll give them a pass though because it was the first one and it’s hard to predict how big the crowd will be the first time you hold an event like that. Hopefully next time will be better.

I’d love for them to do it once a week downtown, maybe on Thursdays. I think it would be nice to have a revolving group featuring different food trucks every week.

The Memphis Food Truckers website will eventually include event listings where food trucks will be and a map tool showing exactly where food trucks are operating that day. As a food truck lover I’ve extremely excited about that!

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