Friday, March 23, 2012


  This will be me on Sunday!


Yep…you heard me right. I am scared. I have been having this conversation in my head for the last two days and I need it to stop. Here it is:

This half-marathon is supposed to be hilly.
It’s ok…you are ready.
I don’t want to have to walk.
It’s ok…you might have to walk some. It’s not that big of a deal.
I really want to finish in under 3 hours.
You will! You have done 10 miles in 2 hours. You will do fine.
Now, it is supposed to be warm
Take it a little slower and enjoy it.
You don’t want to slow Amy down.
Amy can go ahead if she wants to.  You have already told her to leave you if she needs to!
Are you prepared for this?
YES! You have trained for 8 weeks for this. You are ready!

Do you see why I am scared? It’s the damn negative self talk. It creeps up after I have convinced myself that it will be fine. It creeps up and makes its way into my head and I start second guessing myself again.

Here’s the thing. I HAVE trained for this. I have only missed one training run from the entire schedule. I can do this and it is my first so there is no time to beat. There is no record to set. All I have to do in order to succeed at this is F-I-N-I-S-H!!!! And there is no doubt in my mind I will finish.

So, I will get up on Saturday and go to the Race Expo. I will pick up my number and my race goodie bag. I will carb up that night, try to get a good night’s sleep and pray H-A-R-D.

I will get up Sunday morning really early. I will put on my clothes and stretch. We will drive to downtown Atlanta with the thousands of other runners.

I will run jog, walk, or crawl if I have to, 13.1 miles.

I will S-U-C-C-E-E-D!!! I will not let the “cannots” in my head stop me or get in the way of my success!

What are YOU going to do this weekend to be successful?

I can and WILL do this!

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I am a Half-Marathoner

Well, I did it!

13.1 miles!

In this post, I will give you emotional highlights and fun things from the race.  I will talk more about the actual race course and logistics of the race when I do my race recap!

So, you all know from my earlier post that I was a nervous wreck!  Needless to say, I had to force myself to eat breakfast Sunday morning.  All I ate was a banana but it was torturous getting it down.  We got in the car bright and early around 5:30 to head to downtown Atlanta for the Publix Georgia Half-Marathon.

We stopped and picked Amy up around 6:00 and headed to the race.  Parking was a breeze and we were at our corral at around 6:40 a.m.  WE WERE READY!

Let's Do This!

The music was pumping and the runners were hoppin’!  Amy and I were about in the middle of the pack in Corral I.  It took us about 10 minutes to get to the starting line so each clock that we saw at the mile markers was about 9 minutes ahead of our actual time.

I was concerned about the first mile because it always takes me a few minutes to get into the rhythm.  Surprisingly, the first mile went by fast and we were on our way.  Starting at mile 2, there were water/Gatorade stations at each mile marker.  Big Plus!

We got to mile 10 about 10 minutes ahead of my training runs.  I was excited about that!  I was concerned about the amount of hills we would encounter…I should have been.  There were MANY hills and they were big!  But…I conquered them all…running!  NOT WALKING!

Yes, except for the water stations, I maybe walked a total of 3 minutes here and there.  That was due to Amy.

Amy was my personal cheerleader.  Amy had decided before the race began that she was going to stay with me.  She wanted to experience this with me and she didn’t care about her finishing time.  I am so thankful she did.  She pep-talked me the whole way.  She kept me running when I wanted to walk.  She encouraged me and pushed me and loved me the whole time.  We laughed together, cried together and ran together.  We held hands for our finishing picture and thanked God right before the finish line that He gave us the strength and the health to do this together.  She was a God-send and I am so thankful for her!

Along the race there were some pretty funny things we saw.  We saw the prettiest houses around the Inman Park area.  We saw the cutest dog with pink hair.  We saw families gathered to cheer on loved ones.  The two funniest things we saw were:

A man sitting in a lawn chair with a sign that said, “Please run quietly, I have a serious hangover!”As we were running by some houses, an older gentleman came outside to get his paper off of the front porch!  He was wearing one of those nightgowns from a long time ago and he looked a bit disheveled.  He came out, bent down to get his paper and then as he looked up he looked a little confused like, “What is going on?”  He looked around and smiled and said, “Good morning!”  With Amy and I were a group of women running and we all looked up and shouted, “Good Morning!”  He was the cutest thing with the cutest expression on his face!

I told you how God sends people to me to encourage me and He didn’t stop during the race either.  I think the whole race was a God thing because I couldn’t have done it without His strength.  However, there were two specific moments where He really revealed himself to me through others.

First, I was really struggling up a pretty big, constant hill when a random person ran up to me and said, “I just have to tell you, you have the best looking calves!”  I laughed and thanked her and told her I had lost 100 pounds and through it all, my legs were the only thing that looked good!  When I caught up to Amy after the hill, she said, “Girl, I need to look at your calves.”  I told her in order for that to happen I would actually have to be in front of her!  What a random and cool thing for someone to say just when I needed to hear it!

Second, as we are running up another major hill, a girl comes up behind me and says, “Are you Jennifer?”  I said, “Yes!”  She proceeds to tell me that she reads my blog and knew I was going to be there and had been looking for me!  I have no idea how she found me with thousands of people there but it was perfect timing and just the motivation I needed to keep moving.  We encouraged one another and chatted for a few minutes and then she took off.  Her name was Eliana and she was a rock star!  Such a cool God thing!

Eliana and Me at the finish line!

As we approached the finish line, this was an amazing site to see:


I knew at that point I could do it and I was going to do it!

Then, right before the finish line, I saw my family and they gave me that last boost of energy I needed to go faster until I hit the finish.  At the finish line, my friends Kristen and Kim were waiting as well as my brother and my husband.

The whole gang there to cheer us on!

As I ran across the finish line, there was a wave of emotions that were running through me.

Crossing the finish line!

First and foremost, I was so PROUD of myself.  How did this person, that three years ago was morbidly obese, just run for 2 1/2 hours straight?!?  As my sister said it best, “You’ve come a long way baby!”

I also felt so much LOVE.  Here I am surrounded by people who are there to cheer me on and watch me as I accomplish this major goal in my life.  Here are people that are so PROUD of me, they took time out of their busy lives to drive downtown, pay to park, fight the crowds, stand in the heat, all for ten seconds of watching me go by and finish this race.  How BLESSED am I?!?

Last, I felt GRATEFUL.  I am so grateful that God gave me His strength and determination.  Without Him, the training for this race would not have been possible and without training, I wouldn’t have been prepared to run it.

What an amazing day!  Here is my official finishing time:

My official finishing time!

Yep…we did it and I am officially a half-marathoner!

We did it!

Half-Marathon Training – {Update}Half Marathon Training ScheduleFirst Half Marathon – RegisteredOur First ItSuxToBeFat 5KI Hope You Rock It!

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Time To Track – Weekly Weigh In

I took yesterday off of work to heal from my half-marathon so I did not go to my Weight Watchers meeting.

However, I made a commitment to let you know how I do EVERY week, not just weeks I weigh in.  Well, I got on the scale yesterday morning and I was up another 2 lbs.

But…did I mention I am a half-marathoner?!?!?

My new t-shirt the hubby bought me in honor of my Half-Marathon!

Right now I am on such a runner’s high, it is really OK that I gained.

I am going to focus this week on my eating since for the last eight weeks it has ALL been about my half-marathon training.  I am going to track everything and write it down.  It is time to re-focus on the Weight Watchers points and staying within my range.

This week, it is time to TRACK in order to get back on track!

What are your goals for this week?

Track and Succeed – Weekly Weigh InSet an October Goal – Weekly Weigh InKicking and Screaming – Weekly Weigh InSimply Filling Technique – Weekly Weigh InTough Time Getting it Together

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Measure It – Weekly Weigh In

  Weight Watchers Food Scale

I have been a little lax lately with my weekly weigh ins.  Probably because it has been such a constant up, down, up, down, up, down.

Who wants to hear about that?  Well…I realized maybe YOU do.  Maybe you are experiencing the same thing and you need to hear that you are not alone.  Guess what?!?

You are not alone!

This week, I was down 1.6.  However, the week before I was up 5 pounds. The week before that I didn’t weigh in (President’s Day holiday) and the week before that, I was down 3.2.

See my dilemma?

If I were a roller coaster which one would I be?!?  Probably a dinky one because my ups and downs are constant not dramatic.

So, what can help me get back to a constant INcline instead of DEcline?


That is where you come in…hello!

I am going to start reporting, good or bad, in my weekly weigh in E-V-E-R-Y week.

EVERY week.

If I don’t weigh in, I will tell you that but I will report what my home scale says.

Now, on to the weekly topic…

Portion Control

Oh my…

I am not good at this one.  I have become very lax a never do it kind of person when it comes to measuring.  I do a lot mostly guesstimating.  Hmmm…maybe that could be a good reason why I am not seeing a decline at the scale?!?

I know if I want to have a good weight loss week, I have to measure and track everything I put in my mouth.  It really isn’t rocket science.  So, why don’t I do it?  Laziness?  Confusion?  Don’t want to come to grips with reality?  All of the above?

If I want to be successful, I have to measure and count.  So do you.

Last night, I took this to heart when getting my lunch ready.  My Weight Watcher weigher-inner gave me a WW measuring scale.  I have THE main tool I need.  I just need to use it more.  I whipped it out, dusted it off and measure out my Pretzel Crisps to put in my lunch bag.  When I looked at the amount in the baggie, I realized rather quickly that my guesstimating has been way off!

If I can consistently measure and track, I will be successful, get to goal, and STOP paying Weight Watchers so much money every month!

Are you good at measuring?  What is your favorite measuring tool?

Photo from Pinterest

Accountability is Key – Weekly Weigh InTrack and Succeed – Weekly Weigh InNew Beginnings – Weekly Weigh InTwo Bags of Rocks – Weekly Weigh InNo Point In Hiding – Weekly Weigh In

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The Knots Prayer

I saw this on my friend Cindy’s Facebook today and it was absolutely perfect and just what I needed to hear tonight:

Lord, Untie My Many Knots!

I will share some of my “nots” with you tomorrow.

What are the “nots” in your life that are holding you back?  Give the “nots” to God and let Him untie them so you can be free!

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