Thursday, September 26, 2013

Vexed (TW)

Hi, I'm recovering from a relapse into anorexia (though I've been in a sort of suspense lately). Currently I'm 19, 5'2-3, and about 97 lbs. I got my period back 3 weeks ago, but it was lighter than usual and I'm not sure whether I'm getting it again this month either. My problem is that I'm "only" a few pounds underweight and I think I look "normal" (i.e. slim perhaps, but not particularly thin), although sometimes I do think myself quite (very?) thin--it differs from day to day, from hour to hour, or even from minute to minute. To make it worse, I have an eating disordered younger sister who is very thin--she probably gloats over how I'm so big compared to her!

Today my mom suggested that I could stop drinking Ensure because I seemed to be eating normal portions and had gotten back my period. I got very irritated because to me that meant she thought that I no longer had much struggle with food (a major mistake) and that I wasn't very thin anymore (she probably thinks I look normal!). As if I were just greedy for Ensure and were making myself fat (or heavier than my minimal healthy weight)!

Now, so what's wrong with looking "normal"? First, I still have this disordered mind that makes me desire extreme thinness even though I don't think it looks good (I have some theories about why this is, but these would be a digression here). Also, I can't help feeling my body no longer deserves to be nourished with care if it's no longer very thin. This bothers me a lot because I know this is not true, especially since in fact my body still hasn't quite finished recovering, and yet the thought keeps nagging at me. Moreover, my eating disorder is a symptom of other deeper problems, so my mom's supposed misunderstanding of my relationship with food makes me think she doesn't understand the issues behind my ED either. 

Thanks if you have read till here. I guess I just need to vent and to hear a few words of support/advice from you people! 

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Loose weight in JULY


I am 47

CW 189

BBM 33

Height 5.3

GW 136 although I would be sooo happy with 140

looking for people with similar goals. It used to be easy to loose weight but always had problems with maintaining it. Since over 40 loosing weight is a real struggle. I need support

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Mystery weight gain

Hi all. 

I weighed myself on Thursday and weighed in at 61.4kg. I have not changed my diet at all in the last 4 days and certainly didn't overeat at the weekend. I weighed myself this morning on the same scales, same time of day, been to the toilet etc etc (basically everything was the same) and the scales registered 62.4kg - a gain of 1kg in four days. I weigh myself pretty regularly and haven't seen a jump like this in ages.

I am eating on average 1800 - 2200kcal (I'm 5ft 6.5") and I am maintaining my weight. I started the C25K challenge and am going into week 4 today and wondered if this has anything to do with it? I did 5 days last week and gave myself a break over the weekend as muscles were starting to get tired.

So basically I was just wondering if anyone out there has had suffered with quick/mysterious gain like this, knowing they haven't overeaten, and have started exercising recently??? 

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July 2013 Fitness Group -- All are Welcome

Anyone else need a little structure with their fitness commitments? In the past months years (since Sept 2010), a few of us certainly made working out and exercise a new, healthy hobby. Makes a person feel proud to accomplish goals, right?!

This will go throughout July in hopes that a whole month is enough to start a new, healthy habit of working out regularly. Tell me what you want to accomplish this week. Studies show that if you write it down, and say you WILL do something, you're more likely to stick to your word. It doesn't hurt to know that you'll report how you did either. No judgments here. If you missed a workout, let's talk about it and get you back on track. That's what we're here for :)

Set your own goals and keep us posted. I plan to update my progress every time I do something active.

You are OUR inspiration. Talk to us. Tell us what you've done. Drop by and see how motivating it can be to read about the progress of others. If you're feeling behind, talk to us. We're here for you.

Informative "How-To's":

Dork -to-Diva: Great pictures of how to perform a routine

Think that squatting is bad for your knees? Or that squatting will make you bulky? These, and other squatting myths debunked in the Learning the Squat series 1, 2, 3, 4! And after you're convinced (because you will be), Lurn to Squat Good -- E-ZY!

5x5 weight-lifting program: Scroll down for calendar; click on links for informative videos

Stronglifts 5x5

Hal Higgons Running Programs: Scroll down, select distance, select level (novice, intermediate, advanced, walk).  

Couch-2-5K: Never ran a 5K before? Here's the baby steps that get great reviews. Scroll down for the calendar.

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How can I get over my fear of going to the dentist?

Posted July 01, 2013, 2:00 am dental tools

I’m a rational person, but I have a deep fear of the dentist that I just can’t overcome. Any suggestions?

I don’t know too many people who enjoy a trip to the dentist. But the health of our teeth and gums are an important part of maintaining our dental and overall wellness. So we do it.

Some of my patients have such a fear of dentists that they avoid making dental appointments at all, or cancel appointments they do make. Almost to a person, they tell me they’ve “always” been afraid of dentists. Almost surely the fear began with a visit to the dentist — maybe their first — when they were a child.

Regardless of why you have this fear, there are several things you can try to get yourself into a dentist’s chair. Medications such as diazepam (Valium) and lorazepam (Ativan) may help reduce anxiety. But they are best used in combination with the following cognitive and behavioral strategies:

Breathing techniques. Physical tension and emotional stress can make pain feel worse. Deep breathing can counter physical and mental tension. Breathe in slowly and count to five. Then exhale to another count of five.Muscle relaxation. Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and then releasing one group of muscles at a time. It can help to slow heart rate and promote calmness. Just a few minutes of progressive muscle relaxation may help during an appointment.Desensitization. This approach combines deep breathing and relaxation with gradual exposure to the thing that triggers your fear. If you’re afraid of needles, for example, you may look at pictures of a dentist’s needle in a safe environment such as at home, while practicing relaxation and breathing techniques. The goal is to help you learn to relax while confronting a trigger of your fear.Distraction. Focusing your mind elsewhere is another way to lessen anxiety and pain. The more complicated the task, the better. Listening to music may help. But counting tiles on the ceiling or slats on a window blind may be even more effective.

I know that this all may sound silly. If you’re tilted back in a dental chair, and a person wearing a mask is approaching your molars with a drill, is counting the tiles on the ceiling really going to make you relax? Yes: A combination of multiple relaxation techniques really can help. I’ve seen it happen, repeatedly.

Relaxation techniques have been used by people in Asia for thousands of years. On occasion, true nonsense can be perpetuated for thousands of years, but usually things that have lasted that long have proven their value. Recent research at Harvard Medical School has even shown that relaxation techniques literally change body chemistry. They alter which genes are turned on and off. So consider this approach to your fear of the dentist. It really could work.

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I need help loosing weight?!?!

I am very over weight I weight about 230 and am 5 foot 4 and I love to swim and just went swimming today at a lake for 3 hours and I swim a lot and it seems I don't lose weight I ride bikes about 2 hours every 2 days or so and I eat around 1300 calories I don't really know how much I need to eat but i just need so pointers thanks

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