Sunday, September 15, 2013

5 Sunscreens We Love for Summer

You guys know May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, right? Well, you should by now (!) -- we've already hosted an event, Mole-Check Monday, where we offered Flywheel riders free skin checks, and told you about those life-saving letters, ABCDE, too. Well in order to protect yourself, you've gotta use some SPF. But not just any old SPF that you find -- and definitely none of that tanning oil. Here, some of our favorite sunscreens for summer.

Tested under the most extreme athletic conditions -- as in, on marathon runners, this new sport-specific SPF doesn't interfere with your workout and is proven to feel comfortable on the skin. Key benefits include wear-off resistance from water, wiping and rubbing, aka no more burning, itchy eyes. The formula is also fortified with Artemia Salina which increases skin's resistance to UV and heat stress and protects collagen from UV damage. Bonus? It gives the skin a moisture boost to defend against the sun's drying effects.

With such a hefty pricetag, we had to ask -- what makes this lotion really worth it? Well, for starters, Restorsea products have serious anti-aging properties, thanks to antioxidant vitamin C, brown algae (which increases skin's elasticity) and the patented "Aquabeautine XL," which is a "natural enzyme released during the baby salmon hatching process." Mmmkay. Salmon or not, this supremely lightweight lotion also contains 20% zinc oxide, giving it an SPF of 30. We're also digging the box's bonus tips for how to stay safe in the sun. Use it as your only moisturizer, or apply over a heavier cream if your skin is naturally dry. And if this wasn't enough, in support of Skin Cancer Awareness Month,10 percent of the proceeds from the sale of this lotion at Bergdorf Goodman during the month of May will be donated to the Melanoma Research Alliance.

If you're the type that sets and spikes during beach volleyball, hits the ocean for a dip and lays out in a lounge chair, this sunscreen is for you. Featuring Neutrogena's famous Helioplex technology (which contains avobenzene and oxybenzone to aid in broad spectrum protection), this SPF-70 choice is super-easy to apply thanks to its 360-degree spray can and is water resistant for 80 minutes. Plus, it smells like summer. (Maybe I just need a vacation?)

Not enough time in the day? This brush-on formula is for you. Made from mineral powders, Brush On Block has the same traits that mineral makeup does -- it's natural, non-irritating and easy to apply. And if you're the type of lady running between appointments, parties or just around town, you'll needn't stress -- this powder applies invisibly. Really, don't sweat it: this SPF is water resistant for up to eighty minutes. Did we mention the company sells refills, so it's way eco-friendly, too?

Although this line was made for the kiddies, it works well on those with uber-sensitive skin, too. This latest sunscreen from the line is formulated with zinc oxide, a natural mineral that's considered the safest and most effective ingredient that is less likely to irritate teh skin and more likely to block harmful UVB and UVA rays. But remember when people would have, like, streaks of colored zinc down their noses? No longer, pretties: this SPF rubs on clear in seconds. The sweet smell after application is just a bonus benefit, BTW.


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does this actually help ?

Has this site helped any of y'all loose weight at all ? My last one didn't help me at all and I really need one to help me

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Jeanna Dieden, E-Commerce Manager

I'm wearing a jacket and shoes from H&M, trousers and T-shirt from Primark and the bag and necklace is from Monki. I wear a lot of black but like to brighten my outfits with colourful accessories. I would say that my style is Scandinavian and Acne is my favourite label. My best friend is my style icon but I also get outfit ideas from East London street style.

Photographed by Suzanne Middlemass.

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is anyone doing Bernstein?

I just started and would appreciate it to hear other experiences.Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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Swimming Pools May Pose Hazard for People With Heart Devices

News Picture: Swimming Pools May Pose Hazard for People With Heart DevicesBy Alan Mozes
HealthDay Reporter

THURSDAY, May 9 (HealthDay News) -- With summer approaching, researchers caution that swimming pools may pose a risk to patients with irregular heartbeats who've received implantable defibrillators.

The issue: a danger that electrical currents linked to standard pool utilities such as lighting may "leak," causing a defibrillator to misread the status of a patient's heart.

Implanted cardioverter defibrillators continuously monitor and control a patient's heart rhythm.

"How common this is, we don't know," said Dr. John Day, second vice president of the Heart Rhythm Society, a group representing arrhythmia specialists. "It's quite possible that there's underreporting going on, because when we see patients and we see noise recorded on their device we can't account for where it's coming from."

The concern stems from a few recent incidents that have been documented. In two cases, people with defibrillators experienced device misreadings while in a private family or hotel pool, and in another two cases, people experienced unwarranted shocks from their defibrillators while in public pools.

The cases all involved younger arrhythmia patients between the ages of 8 and 23. However, the investigators said there's no reason to believe that patients of all ages would not face a similar risk if they had such devices.

"I don't want to be an alarmist, because I do think we would have heard about this sort of thing happening much more often than we have if it were a really widespread problem," said study lead author Dr. Daniel Shmorhun, a pediatric cardiologist-electrophysiologist with Children's Cardiology Associates, an affiliate of the Dell Children's Medical Center of Central Texas in Austin.

"The nice thing about defibrillators is that they put a time-stamp on all activity," he noted. "So we were able to ask questions and delve into this after two patients came in with interference noise on their devices. And we found that both had been in pools at the time their defibrillators read the interference."

Shmorhun and co-author Dr. Arnold Fenrich are slated to present their findings at the Heart Rhythm Society meeting taking place this week in Denver. Findings presented at medical meetings are typically considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.

Arrhythmia is a chronic condition in which the heart's electrical system has the potential to go awry -- on occasion beating too fast, too slow, or irregularly. While many instances of arrhythmia pose little harm, severe cases can be life-threatening.

For such patients, implanted defibrillators can be life-savers, continuously surveying a patient's heartbeat for signs of trouble and instantaneously correcting for problems as they arise by sending out a corrective electrical pulse.

In the new study, Shmorhun and Fenrich reviewed the cases of two female patients (one aged 8 years and one aged 23 years), in which their defibrillators registered so-called "noise reversions" directly linked to time spent in swimming pools.

In each case their devices picked up the reversion, classified it as an outside interference, reverted to a mode that actively ignored noise, and thereby prevented any accidental shock.

After the lighting system was repaired in the family pool in which the 8-year-old had swam, the girl did not experience any further defibrillator trouble, the researchers said. The older patient, however, simply decided to no longer use public pools, and has experienced no further problems.

Others were not so lucky. For example, in the past year a 21-year-old male -- a competitive college swimmer and lifeguard -- experienced not one but two shocks while swimming in a public pool. "He remembers that he had his back against the pool wall, quite close to lights in water," said Shmorhun. "And as he was moving away from the light he got shocked."

Shmorhun and Fenrich believe that low-level electrical current leaking from swimming pool wiring might be an "underappreciated cause" of unwarranted defibrillator shocks.

"Water is an attractive source for electrical activity," Shmorhun explained. "We don't think there would be an issue at all in, say, the ocean or bay. But in a pool, where you have wires coming into the water from the outside, from the house, from an aging utility system, or an improperly grounded system, there is a potential for this kind of problem. Or if a pool is not properly bonded -- meaning the pool circumference is not intact -- there could be a problem," he noted.

"I'm not sure anybody can really predict up front what pools are an issue, and there's no practical means by which to easily test pools for this," Shmorhun added. "At the same time, we don't know the overall incidence, although three cases in the Austin area in one year seems like a lot to me. But at minimum, [defibrillator] patients need to be counseled about the risk."

For his part, Heart Rhythm Society vice president Day said the finding should not deter patients from swimming.

"We want our cardiac patients to be physically active. We don't want to restrain them and we don't want to create alarm," Day said.

"But in each of these cases we had these underwater pool lights that had an alternating current pool leak that could trigger a shock," noted Day, who is also director of Heart Rhythm Services at Intermountain Medical Center in Murray, Utah. "So, I think we certainly need pool safety. And clinically this is just one more thing that should be considered as a potential source of a problem for any patient with an implantable defibrillator."

Copyright © 2013 HealthDay. All rights reserved. SOURCES: John Day, M.D., second vice president, Heart Rhythm Society, and director, Heart Rhythm Services at Intermountain Medical Center, Murray, Utah; Daniel Shmorhun, M.D., pediatric cardiologist-electrophysiologist, Children's Cardiology Associates (affiliated with Dell Children's Medical Center of Central Texas), Austin, Texas; May 8, 2013, Heart Rhythm Society meeting, Denver

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how do I began to lose weight

I tried and exercise 30 mind. A day , I'm 5"5 , 173lbs and I want to get to 135 lbs . I dnt really eat a lot .

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DIY Project! Trick Out Your Cube at Work

Meet one of SELF's Editorial Assistants, Alyssa. When's she not scoping out the latest pop culture trends for our Entertainment department, Alyssa can usually be found DIYing. We tap into her craftiness to find out what she's whipping up every week.

Think about it: where do you spend the majority of your time during the week? If you're anything like us, it's a three-sided cubicle that's, let's admit it, hard to make attractive. We wanted to do a little something to spice up cubicle life as we know it, and what better way to do that than with a touch of neon that has a totally practical twist? Good news: Many office supply stores sell bare-bones products that can be injected with a bit of 'tude, minimal effort required. I went with two wood canisters for pencils, pens and scissors, as well as four pieces of cork with magnets attached to the back that will serve as an extra space to tack my edit ideas. (Likewise, feel free to tack on anything that inspires you!) 

You'll need:

2 wooden pencil holders4 square cork pieces1 roll of magnetic tape with adhesive backing blue painter's tapeneon spray paint in the color of your choiceDIY Cubicle Art

Start by using  the painters tape to create quirky, personal designs on both your pencil holders and cork pieces. I went for a trendy, color blocking-look on the pencil holders, and various lines on the cork pieces, but remember, do whatever you like. Only caveat: Make sure the tape is pressed firmly to the surface, as cork can be very absorbent and you don't want to spray paint to bleed through.

DIY Cube Step 3

Important reminder: Everything you cover with tape will remain the color of cork/pencil case. Keep that in mind when you design. Then, spray your items with a quick-drying neon spray paint. Spray two coats, letting the first dry for about 10 minutes before repeating. When you're done coating, let dry overnight. 

DIY Cube

The next day, cut the magnetic tape into pieces, and stick one piece onto each of the four corners of your corkboard.Simply transport the items to your office and set 'em up. All of a sudden your cubicle doesn't feel so much like a cubicle, amiright?!


Image Credit: Alyssa Longobucco

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Nature Therapy (Ecotherapy) Medical Benefits

Nature therapy may mean that better health is right outside your door.

A stroll outside on a sunny day is a great pick-me-up. Now it may also be just what the doctor ordered.

The benefits of nature for both body and soul are finding their way to the prescription pad as more health care providers are telling their patients to take a hike -- literally.

Many health care researchers and practitioners say that ecotherapy (also known as green therapy, nature therapy, and earth-centered therapy) -- a term coined by pastoral counselor Howard Clinebell in his 1996 book of the same name -- can have regenerative powers, improving mood and easing anxiety, stress, and depression.

But that’s not all. Health care providers are also giving their patients “nature prescriptions” to help treat a variety of medical conditions, from post-cancer fatigue to obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes.  

Scientists have long known that sunlight can ease depression, especially seasonal affective disorder (SAD). New research is expanding those findings. A 2007 study from the University of Essex in the U.K., for example, found that a walk in the country reduces depression in 71% of participants. The researchers found that as little as five minutes in a natural setting, whether walking in a park or gardening in the backyard, improves mood, self-esteem, and motivation.

The growing interest in ecotherapy has even given rise to academic programs, such as one begun at John F. Kennedy University, which offers a graduate-level certificate in ecotherapy, an umbrella term that includes horticultural therapy, animal-assisted therapy, time stress management, and managing “eco-anxiety.”

John F. Kennedy University ecotherapy professor Craig Chalquist, PhD, co-author of Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind, has acknowledged that research has not proven that spending time in nature can prevent, treat, or cure any particular condition.

But a growing body of research offers a “hopeful picture” of the effectiveness of ecotherapy, Chalquist says.

Kathy Helzlsouer, MD, director of the Prevention and Research Center at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, has long been recommending to breast cancer survivors that they get outdoors more.

For 30% to 40% of breast cancer survivors, persistent fatigue follows their treatment, says Helzlsouer. To help her patients learn how to manage this fatigue, Helzlsouer created “Be Well, Be Healthy,” a holistic program that includes tips not only on managing stress and improving diet and exercise patterns, but also on incorporating nature as part of the healing process.

“Among the frustrations we saw in our patients,” Helzlsouer says, “was that they didn’t have the energy to garden, a favorite activity for many of them.”

For people who enjoy gardening, Helzlsouer prescribes getting back outside, even if it’s starting out with five minutes of weeding. People who aren’t gardening enthusiasts are advised to find a nearby park where they can take a walk, "commune with nature," and reap the mind-body results of a relaxing setting and physical exercise.

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Health Tip: Keep Teeth Healthy During Pregnancy

(HealthDay News) -- Regular dental checkups and proper daily hygiene are important during pregnancy.

The American Dental Association (ADA) offers these suggestions for pregnant women:

Use an ADA-accepted fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth at least twice daily. Floss teeth at least once daily, as well.Eat healthy, nutritious foods and keep snacking on sugary or fatty foods to a minimum.Get regular dental checkups.Talk to your dentist about using an antimicrobial mouth rinse.Discuss any problems with your dentist, such as gums that bleed, swell or become red.If you have morning sickness, rinse your mouth with a mixture of one teaspoon of baking soda and water. Avoid brushing just after vomiting to prevent contact of more stomach acids with the teeth.

-- Diana Kohnle MedicalNews
Copyright © 2013 HealthDay. All rights reserved.

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FDA Allows Two New Cigarettes to Hit Market

It's first such action since agency was given regulatory control over tobacco in 2009FDA has power to mandate lower levels of the

By Steven Reinberg

HealthDay Reporter

TUESDAY, June 25 (HealthDay News) -- Using its newfound authority to regulate tobacco, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has for the first time allowed two new cigarette brands to hit the market.

The agency also rejected requests to allow the marketing of four other new tobacco products it did not name.

The FDA first gained regulatory purview over tobacco products in 2009 under the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. Therefore, "new tobacco products under FDA's authority cannot come to market without FDA's review," FDA commissioner Dr. Margaret Hamburg explained during an afternoon news conference Tuesday.

The cigarettes the FDA allowed are both Lorillard Tobacco Co. products -- Newport Non-Menthol Gold Box 100s and Newport Non-Menthol Gold Box.

Because these products are essentially "equivalent" to approved products already being marketed, they "do not raise new questions of public health" and can be sold to U.S. consumers, explained Mitchell Zeller, director of FDA's Center for Tobacco Products.

He stressed that allowing the sale of these cigarettes does not mean that they are safer or less harmful than cigarettes already on the market.

"An FDA product order is not a finding by the FDA that the product is considered safe or safer than its predicate product, or less harmful in general," he said. "In addition, the companies cannot say their products are 'FDA-approved.'"

The agency rejected four new tobacco products because they determined that they were not similar enough to existing products already on the market.

"The applicant [also] did not adequately show that the new product did not raise new questions of public health," Zeller said at the news briefing.

By law, the FDA cannot release the names of the manufacturers of the rejected products or what types of products they were, he added.

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Cathy Mee, Law Student

My boots, bag and top are all from Topshop, the leggings are from ASOS, the hat is from Primark and the jacket is from Mango. Cara Delevingne is my style icon and I get ideas from the catwalk and the Topshop website. Mary Katrantzou is my favourite designer.

Photographed by Suzanne Middlemass.

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Bruce Forsyth and wife Wilnelia at the TV BAFTAs in London

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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Brain Scans Suggest 'Food Addiction' Might Be Real

Certain carbohydrates seemed to activate neurological centers focused on reward, study foundCertain carbohydrates seemed to activate

By Robert Preidt

HealthDay Reporter

WEDNESDAY, June 26 (HealthDay News) -- New brain scan research supports the notion that some people have a food "addiction," with foods like white bread or potatoes helping to spur their craving to eat.

Researchers used functional ("real time") MRI to observe the brain activity of 12 overweight or obese men during the crucial four hours after they ate a meal, a period that experts say influences eating behavior during the next meal.

The participants' blood sugar levels and hunger were also measured during this time.

The men's "meals" were two milkshakes that had the same calories, taste and sweetness. The only difference was that one milkshake contained high-glycemic index carbohydrates and the other had low-glycemic index carbohydrates.

High-glycemic index carbohydrates -- which are quickly transformed into sugar in the blood -- are found in highly processed foods such as white bread and white rice. Low-glycemic index carbohydrates are found in items such as whole wheat products and sweet potatoes.

The researchers found that consuming carbohydrates like those found in processed foods can cause excess hunger and stimulate areas of the brain involved in reward and cravings, regions that also play a role in addiction, according to the study published June 26 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

The study might have implications for weight control, the researchers said.

"Limiting high-glycemic index carbohydrates like white bread and potatoes could help obese individuals reduce cravings and control the urge to overeat," study leader Dr. David Ludwig, director of the obesity prevention center at Boston Children's Hospital, said in a hospital news release.

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Further acts added to Glastonbury line-up

Glastonbury festival has added a whole new set of acts to this year's line-up, after they revealed the bills for the Spirit Of '71 and Glade Lounge stages.

The line-up for the Glade Area this year will include appearances from Simian Mobile Disco and Boys Noize.

"The energy and vibe of the stage is not just about the electronic music that has evolved from these beginnings but is continuing the Spirit of '71 theme, blurring musical boundaries and celebrating the midsummer celebration of Glastonbury Festival," the organizers posted of the additions.

The Spirit Of 71 Stage is as follows:

Friday 28 June
Simian Mobile Disco, Elite Force, Yousef, Stanton Warriors, Robyn Hitchcock, Slim Chance, Don Letts, Acollective, Saritah, Gringo Ska

Saturday 29 June 
Boys Noize, Mixhell, Kahn, The Correspondents, Don Johnston, Electric Swing Circus, Gypsy Hill, DJ Chris Tofu, Kitten and The Hip, Slamboree, The Beatbox Collective.

Sunday 30 June
Eat Static, System 7, Tristan (DJ), James Monro, Kaya Project, Monkey Pilot, Terakaft, Saz, Don Letts, Cassetteboy & DJ Rubbish, and 'Breakfast with Howard Marks'.

The Glade Lounge line-up is as follows:

Thursday 27 June
Dubkasm, Gorgon Sound, Ishan Sound, Brothers Dubwise, Formidable Vegetable Soundsystem, Dutty Moonshine, DJ TYall Will, Heymoonshaker, DJ Monektrik

Friday 28 June
Bang Face crew, John Bingly Bongly, Don Johnston, Cat In The Hat, Eclectik Mick

Saturday 29 June 
Killerwatts, Master Blasters, Shane Gobi, Ans, James Monro, Aliji, Josko, Mirror System, Pathaan, Don Letts & Jett Letts

Sunday 30 June
Dave Seaman & Friends, Aidan Lavelle, Tom Real, Presence, Golly, Liquid Ross, Hybrid present Glasto Headliners Mashup & Cinematic Sets (2 sets), Hibernation

On 28 March 2013, we wrote...

The Rolling Stones, Mumford & Sons and Arctic Monkeys will headline Glastonbury 2013, it has been confirmed.

It is the first time the legendary rock band have played at the festival in their 50-year history. They are scheduled to headline the Pyramid Stage on Saturday 29 June 2013.

Primal Scream, Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds, Elvis Costello, The Vaccines and Ben Howard will also perform on the Pyramid Stage over the three-day event.

Portishead, The XX, Foals and Example will perform on the Other Stage, as will 90s grunge superstars The Smashing Pumpkins, Alt-J, Azealia Banks and Editors.

On the West Holts Stage, Chic and Nile Rogers, Seasick Steve, Public Enemy, The Weeknd and Major Lazer will take to the stage.

Bastille, Hurts, Cat Power, The Horrors and Django Django are among the acts that will play on the John Peel Stage.

Also appearing on the festival's eclectic bill are Dizzee Rascal, Rita Ora, Jake Bugg and Vampire weekend.

Glastonbury 2013 will take place from 28-30 June 2013 at Worthy Farm in Somerset.

Tickets will go back on sale on 21 April 2013.

On 19 March 2013, we wrote...

Registration for tickets to this year's Glastonbury Festival has reopened this week.

The last opportunity for fans to get hold of tickets to this year's event will be 21 April 2013. Anyone hoping to purchase a coveted ticket to the event will be required to sign up to the site with their details beforehand.

Anyone who signed up prior to the 2007 Festival will need to submit a new registration. 

The first batch of Glastonbury tickets went on sale in September 2012 and sold out in a matter of minutes.

A standard Glastonbury ticket is priced at £205 with additional charges of a £5 booking fee per ticket and £6 P&P per booking.

So far, the only acts confirmed for the festival will appear in the renamed 2013 Dance Village - now called Silver Hayes after the oldest meadow on Worthy Farm. So far confirmed to play the 7,000-capacity sonic tent is US rapper Nas, Disclosure, Hot Natured, David Rodigan, Sub Focus, Alunageorge, Eats Everything, Rudimental and The Congos. 

There will be the Wow Stage, which will feature up-and-coming acts and a brand new installation named Gully; a "combining an open air stage and a pulsating street of sound systems and stalls featuring the best new DJs, MCs and live music".

The headline acts are expected to be revealed in the next couple of weeks.


On 14 March 2013, we wrote...

Glastonbury has denied that Mariah Carey is headlining this summer's festival.

Organiser Emily Eavis denied that the American Idol judge would be taking part in the event, after media reports suggested she'd be making a performance.

"Three nonsense headliner stories in a week, all completely untrue ... Real news will be with you soon!"  she tweeted.

The Glastonbury headliners are usually revealed in January but this year the organisers are holding off till closer to the festival.

Arctic Monkeys, The Rolling Stones and Rihannahave all been slated for the official line-up.



On 7 March 2013, we wrote...

The Rolling Stones will headline this summer's Glastonbury festival, according to man in the know, Kasabian's Serge Pizzorno. 

The band's main man let the secret slip during a conversation with MTV News yesterday, during which he was discussing Kasabian's headlining slot at Hard Rock Calling the same June weekend.

He said: "I hope ours is the most talked about performance of the weekend, but that would be a miracle because The Rolling Stones are playing Glastonbury." 

Of the band's Hard Rock Calling set, he said: "It's nice because we'll be christening the Olympic Park and we're playing with Paul Weller and Miles Kane, so it's gonna be a great Saturday night."

Other Glastonbury rumours so far have included the live comeback of the great David Bowie, Prince, Arctic Monkeys and more.




On 18 January 2013, we wrote...

The first few acts for Glastonbury Festival 2013 have been announced.

Malian singer Rokia Traoréhas officially been revealed as the first act for this year's festival.

Organisers also confirmed that a singer from Mali will open the Pyramid Stage each day.

The idea behind promoting Malian music is intended as an act of support and solidarity to the people and musicians living in the wartorn African country.

Speaking to The Guardian, festival organiser Emily Eavis said: "We have a long tradition dating back to the '80s of African acts playing the festival. Given the situation in Mali at the moment, it felt particularly important to show some solidarity. We want to stay out of the politics, but if we can give musicians a platform we will always do that."

Billboard have reported that Searching For Sugar Man star Rodriguez will appear at Glastonbury, alongside a string of other tour appearances, including at the Royal Albert Hall. 

Alongside this, Glastonbury Festival has launched its famous competition for up-and-coming bands to win a slot on the legendary Pyramid Stage.

Bands who have won the yearly Emerging Talent Competition in the past have included successful acts Scouting For Girls and The Subways.

Hopefuls can enter the competition for one week only from 9am on Thursday 17 January until 5pm on Thursday 24 January.

Entries to ETC2013 are free. To enter, acts will simply need to supply Glastonbury HQ with a link to listen to one of their songs online via YouTube, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, or any other online stream.

The entry form is on the official Glastonbury website here: 




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