Tuesday, September 24, 2013

do I have an eating disorder?

I constantly change diets. From paleo to vegan to raw to paleo again. I'm obsessed with food and controlling input and output. I used to eat 800 calories a day but during university and now working I eat 1200. I have cheat meals twice a week. I'm trying to lose weight but its still not coming off. I'm 5;5 130 pounds. I want to be 115 pounds

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Really really bad bloating issues - advice needed!

I am a 15 year old girl suffering from anorexia, height 166 cm  and weight 39 kg. Yesterday I severely restricted because I thought I had binged the day before, and today I have eaten quite a bit more than usual. I have really really bad bloating and indigestion, I am badly constipated and my chest hurts. Is this due to the fact that I restricted and then started eating normally again??

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Roll Call July 2013 Exercise Challenge!

How much do you want to exercise a month? How can you push yourself out that door when the last thing you want to do is go to the gym? Easy - Challenge yourself!!! Pick a goal and work towards it!!!

What is exercise you ask?
It is whatever you do over and above your normal everyday activity. If you start taking the stairs instead of the elevator due to your wanting to improve your health this is exercise - if you park further from the door and walk extra - this is exercise. However if your work requires you to be on your feet running around all day - this is lifestyle and not exercise and should be added to your "activity level" in your account. I think its important for you to be honest with yourself so you will truly get the benefit of this challenge.

Some fresh sites on where to look to get some guidance and ideas for working out: Simple ideas and inspirations for adding exercise and activity to your day 7 Benefits of Regular Fitness

Sign ups always open -- do not post a goal until you have actually worked out!!

Please post in the following format - accumulated time worked out/ goal.  It is your responsibility to keep track of your totals the timekeepers can not do this for you. Also, create a new post for each update. Don't update an older post as the timekeepers work from last post back to the post of the last person who updated.

750 minute challengers

1000 minute challengers

1250 minute challengers

1500 minute challengers

1750 minute challengers

2000 minute challengers

2500 and above minute challengers

***********************PLEASE READ*********************

Please do NOT post until you have accumulated some minutes towards 
your goal. We are no longer adding people until they actually have times
to post. Thank you!

The Exercise Challenge volunteers are :


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How long can marinating chicken stay in the fridge for?

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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How does this sound?

I'm trying to lose 15-20 pounds in 2 months! I am implementing this plan TOMORROW! July 1st. 

this is just a sample, won't be the same everyday 

breakfast: 200 calories (2 slices cinnamon raisin Ezekiel toast with 0 calorie butter spray, handful of strawberries) 

snack: 100 calories (a banana) 

lunch: 450 calories (turkey + avocado sandwich, some blueberries and crackers) 

snack: 100 calories (air popped popcorn) 

dinner: 500 calories (whatever my mom makes, in moderation, the occasional 2 slices of pizza or salmon or whatever!) 

snack: 150 calories (this is usually my dessert where I have fruit, or sometimes i'll have a little ice cream or chocolate treat haha - i'm a chocolate fiend!) 

I also exercise 7 days a week. I do 30-40 minutes on the Arc Trainer and I do the weight loss program at level 5 or 6. 

And i drink 2 liters of water per day and usually have a cup of green tea to start and end the day. 

So it adds up to 1500 calories and I burn around 300. (this is how I lost weight a few months ago, then i fell WAY off track trying to do starvation diets and i've finally come to my senses) 

anyway, how does it sound??? not perfectly healthy, i know. but i'm a teenager, it's summer, and I like to enjoy myself as much as possible.

and I am currently 5'7 around 140 lbs. I haven't actually weighed myself lately .. i may have actually gained some weight :/ and I'm 19

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Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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