Monday, April 9, 2012

Jamin Thompson on Motivation

Jamin Thompson, "Jrock," is quite an inspirational man. He's a fat loss expert, model, motivational speaker, and author of the e-book "The Six Pack Secret."

I came upon his article about his motivations on his site. Not only does he have impressive credentials and encouraging writing, but he's got an awesome physique to boot. Check out his article below and make sure to drop by his site,

My opinion is that, until people have committed enough in their preparation, they won't care enough when they fail. Many of us do not put forth enough effort, take enough risks, or aim as high as we can for fear of failure and the unknown. Life is full of “what ifs” and your mind will create many demons. Everyone has a breaking point where the gain or possible good outcome does not seem worth the pain.

Jamin ThompsonThis is where you will make it or break it. The problem that we have is that so many people have worked so hard and when they finally begin to realize how difficult things actually are they suddenly begin to invest the minimal amount of time and effort just to get by. This allows them to remain comfortable.

Many of these “pretenders” act like they are (or were) ever good at whatever it is that they do. This gives them some sort of notoriety. Deep down they know that they have no chance, not because they do not have the ability, but because they are not willing to work hard enough and make a commitment to drive through the pain in order to reach a goal.

Many people have encountered these types of negative feelings and emotions. It is the monster or self-doubt that prevents a person from even trying so they give up in despair before even attempting! They are always the ones who are about to start working out, about to set new personal goals, about to pursue that dream they always had, about to be a better person, etc. You get the idea.

Competition, in any form (job, school, sports, etc), is such crap because many people can pretend like they have been there and that they really want to go there. MOST people will watch other people and wish they were in a certain position (power, fame, etc), but when it comes down to it..these same people would rather just be lazy.

There is nothing worse in life than regret, and the world is full of people who become “losers” because they were always ABOUT TO do something. In order to be great you must leave your comfort zone (the happy place where you feel safe and live risk free) and decide to be proactive instead of reactive. Do not let outside elements control your future…only you can choose your future.

Preparation alone does absolutely nothing these days as it is easy to pretend so well. Until there is an investment, nothing matters. When most people reach their pain threshold or comfort level....they will pull the plug...everyone does. It does not matter what it is in....job, family, goals, etc.

I think that I have finally learned that, although you can bust your ass in preparation phase, you have to be endlessly positive when the event you have prepared so rigorously for comes around. We all are weak and have doubt when the “wolf and storming troops come to tear down our house.” In the end, you will perform if you really deep down believe in yourself.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that they know alot as they make critical judgments about others, which are usually reflections of self-flaws, and self sabotage themselves in the process. Make sure that you mind your own business, stay focused, and believe in yourself…even when nobody else will.

It is hard, I know, when deficiencies in motivation appear to be everywhere, to sometimes question your own motivation level. But the bottom line is, when there is no investment, and no pain, you end up with no long term reward. There are no get rich quick schemes on the road to success.

Work hard and keep grinding. Do not worry if you have a long road just have to take where you are and work from there. Start small and think big and in the end you will be better prepared once you are hit with massive success. Work hard and you can achieve anything you want.

The best way to achieve any goal is to first know yourself. Who are you exactly? Do you even know? Have some sort of sense of self-awareness. The function of self examination is to lay the groundwork for insight, without which no growth can occur. To me, insight is the “Oh, I see now” feeling that must consciously or unconsciously precede any change in human attitude.

These insights are real, genuine glimpses of ourselves as we really are, and are only reached with great difficulty and often with real pain. But they are essential building blocks to growth.

We all tend to be afraid of anything that would make us hate ourselves, or feel inferior, weak, or dumb. We constantly protect ourselves and our ideal image of ourselves with these quirky defense mechanisms, which are just simply our avoidance of becoming conscious of the reality of the truth itself.

Finally, in order to be successful you must win this battle against your own greatness. Your mind will always tell you to settle. It will tell you that it is ok to be average. And your mind will screw you up. You must be completely honest with yourself and be willing to make changes for self improvement.

Do not avoid personal growth because in doing this you are admitting that you are not all that you would like to be. Use your talents, accept criticism, be honest with yourself, and always bust your ass.

Nothing in life is free. You will earn most everything that you get. Even the air you breathe comes at a price. Can you be anything that you want to be? Probably not. Each one of use was blessed with unique gifts and talents and it is up to each one of us to use them to their max.

My advice to you is to use the talents that you were blessed with and develop them. Work harder than your rivals and go about your business like a professional and life will reward you. Sure there will be ups and downs, but just remember, 80% of us don’t care that you are having a tough time, and the other 20% are glad your life sucks.

Don’t whine because in the end nobody really cares. All you need to do is just be quiet, go about your business, and work hard. The best revenge is massive success.

reprinted with permission, 2009

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Top 5 Ways To Lose Weight Fast


Our environment is getting more and more polluted these days and lives of people are getting busier. Many people are exposed to a lot of pollution now days and they also live unhealthy lifestyle. Here, we are trying to suggest that people have a lot of risk of developing various kinds of diseases. Those people who are obese are at much higher risk to develop various health problems related to blood pressure, heart etc. Here, we tell you about top 5 ways to lose weight fast.
ways to lose weight fast Top 5 Ways To Lose Weight Fast

If you wish to lose weight, you must control your diet. You should not eat fatty foods and fast foods. Stay away from fried foods. Eat foods which have no or low fat content. Eat lots of green vegetables and avoid eating more than required. Always take your lunch when you go out so that you can avoid eating junk food.

It is one of the easiest methods to lose weight. By drinking more water, you would be able to feel fuller and you would not feel like eating much. You should drink water 10 minutes before eating your meals so that you do not overeat. Water keeps the body hydrated and it also helps in keeping your digestive system sound.

By exercises, we do not mean that you need to go to the gym. You can do various exercises like running, walking, and rope skipping etc. at home. You just need to do exercises for 30 minutes a day and if you do so, no one can stop you from losing weight. You can take rest from exercises for a single day every week for relaxing your muscles.

Believe it or not; most people are not able to follow healthy diets because their friends do not let them follow healthy food habits. If you stay with those people who rarely eat junk food then you will also be less likely to eat it.

You may have read about this method to lose weight for a hundredth time yet how much do you follow it. If you have followed this method of losing weight then you might have lost a lot of weight till now. Instead of picking the easy option of escalators, you should always climb the stairs to reach wherever you want to reach.

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Brad has written 433 articles .

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April – A Month of Focus

Don't Lose Sight!

I have worked out EVERY SINGLE DAY in April.  Okay, fine.  I know it has only been four days but hey, I am off to a good start.

The past few weeks months have been not so great on the weight loss front.  In my training for the half marathon, I ate more calories and wasn’t too concerned with my eating because I found when I ate more, I had more energy to run.  That being said, the exercise was just combating the calories I was eating and there wasn’t much weight loss.  In fact, there was some weight gain because I wasn’t thoughtful with what I was eating.

Then, after my half-marathon, I stopped exercising for two weeks.  The first week was all about time because I was working and getting ready to go to Philly.  Then, when I am normally doing my long workout, I was in Philly.

I have done good the past few days with my walking/running and eating so I feel like this month is going to be a good month to focus back on the plan and have some success.

Here are my goals for April:

Workout at least 7 times a week for at least 10 minutes.  I will be accountable to you, my readers EVERY SINGLE week.  That way, it will keep me focused (I know working out seven times a week is extreme but my goal is only 10 minutes and some days, that is all I will do.  If I miss a day, I have to workout twice on a different day to make up for the missed day.  This seems do-able for me).Only eat mindfully.  No more snacking without counting.  No more “just a bite” of this or that.  I’m going back to the whole “snack it, track it” phase of weight loss.

That’s it.  Two main goals that are key in how I feel and look.  I will focus on these two things and hopefully I will get the pounds back down to where they were in October.  I need to lose 10.2 pounds to get back to a total loss of 100.  I want to do that this month.

What are your goals for April?  April is going to come and go whether or not you choose to be successful.  This month, I am going to focus and have a successful month.  Will you join me?

Photo Credit

Focus on the PositiveDecember GoalsMarch Madness

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Fruit Diet: Get Fit on Fruit

Eat fruit and get fit? Sounds like a joke, right? Nope. There’s just too many benefits from fruit to ignore or exclude them from your diet.

People on a mission to lose weight will try almost anything. They can get pretty desperate.

If you scan the pages of any fitness or bodybuilding magazine, you’ll see a lot of sample diets from prominent fitness folks. They’re usually pretty cut and dry chicken, broccoli, and occasional brown rice diets. Blah. Blah. Blah.

You'll hardly ever see bodybuilders wolfin’ down fruit smoothies. Ever see a muscle building ad with a ripped lady eating a handful of grapes? Nope. For a long time, I didn’t understand. I mean, fruit is healthy, right? Why don’t the hardcore fitness mags push them? In fact, they almost make fruit out to be an evil. They hardly discuss it at all.

Then it hit me: they can’t make money with fruit. They’ve got to push lots of supplements and protein. It’s not like they can profit from apples and oranges. Prepackaged edible widgets are all the rage.

In reality, fruit is a human’s natural food. We were made for it. Our bodies need it. It supplies many of the nutritional components we need to live. Not just survive – but live healthily. What’s the used of having a fit looking body if you’re an unhealthy cancer breeding ground? Doesn’t make very much sense, in my opinion.

Can you get lean and hard and eat fruit? The answer is, unequivocally, YES.

kristopher flannery
Vegan bodybuilder (non-competitive)

So why should fruit be a large part of your diet? Some top reasons are:

According to Medicine Net, fruits can help reduce the risk of many diseases. Cancer risk is much lower in individuals that eat ample fruits. Blood pressure can also be lowered by eating fruits, along with a healthy diet plan. Because fruits are nutritional powerhouses, they can even help reduce the risks and effects of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

Fruits do not contain many calories. Since they offer healthy energy, without too many calories, they make an excellent food to incorporate to a weight loss or weight management program. Not only are fruits low in calories, but they contain a generous amount of fiber, which promotes satiety. Another benefit for those on weight loss programs is that fruits consist of large amounts of water, adding bulk and volume to meals.

Fruits contain large amounts of various vitamins and minerals that make them a top priority in a healthy diet. The CDC reports that fruits are an excellent source of potassium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C. Potassium, which helps maintain a healthy blood pressure, can be found in tomatoes and prunes. Vitamin A, which promotes healthy eyes and skin, is found in cantaloupe and pumpkin. A single serving of cantaloupe, for example, has 120% of the daily value for Vitamin A.

Vitamin C has many benefits, including a stronger immune system, and healthier gums and teeth. Kiwi, cantaloupe, oranges, mangoes, and strawberries are all good sources of Vitamin C.

I eat fruit with every meal. That’s five times a day for me. I’m still lean. I know of lots of folks who eat tons of fruit and have low body fat percentages. There’s a great discussion of people who live fit lifestyles who eat nothing but fruit. It’s an interesting read. Richard Blackman is incredibly fit and is a fruitarian for Pete’s sake. Not that I’m promoting that; I’m only trying to show that eating fruit won’t thwart your muscle building or weight loss efforts.

Oh, and the picture of the guy at the top of the page? He's a vegan bodybuilder named Kristopher Flannery. Nice, huh?

(Note: If you’re in pre competition mode, yes, you’ve got to be slightly stricter with your diet. Sugars, even natural ones, may slow progress if you’re trying to achieve extremely low body fat percentages. But, even if you decide to eliminate fruit during this period, it’s still only temporary – for a few weeks...tops. When normal, healthier eating is resumed, add fruit right back in.)

Fruit does not make you fat. If you carefully plan your diet, fruit can be easily incorporated, without compromising it. In fact, fruit in your diet with improve your health, your vitality, and boost your longevity. Plus, it tastes AWESOME. Isn’t it worth it?

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Motivating Quotes to Inspire Fitness Success

Where to Find the Quotes?

Scroll down for motivational quotes.
I've hunted these babies out personally.
Gleaned from reading tons of books, magazines, watching interviews, and reading internet articles, this list I've compliled should help ya out!

Motivating quotes are always in super high demand for one reason: they work! They’re like a shot in the butt. They get our minds thinking on the right track.

Motivational quotes remind us of who we are and where we’re heading. They are a quick way to boost our morale, showering us with bits of truth that cut to the heart of what we need to be focusing on.

A while back, I trained with Jenny Lynn. We exchanged quite a few emails. My favorite quotes are from her because, number one, they are from Jenny Lynn, a super woman in my opinion. And, number two, they were written directly to me. Awesome, huh?
Here are a few things she told me. I wrote out the motivating quotes and and taped them to my closet door where I can see them every morning.

Jenny Lynn Quotes

The rest of these weight loss inspiring quotes I’ve collected, hoping that they will help fuel the flame of others’ successes. If it resonates truth for you, then use it. Write it, repeat it, or use it as a screen saver. Do whatever you have to in order to embed these powerful ideas into your mind.

motivating quotesEach of us are our own greatest inhibitor. And, at the end of the day, if you just get out of your own way and let things come to you, it's amazing what will come to you.
Laird Hamilton, champion surfer

motivating quotesWe are all accountable for ourselves. Think of yourself as a precious commodity, and then protect your investment each day.
Monica Brant

motivating quotesThere are only two options regarding commitment. You're either IN or you're OUT. There's not such things as life in-between.
Pat Riley

motivating quotesYou can always become better.
Tiger Woods

motivating quotesAs long as we persevere and endure, we can get anything we want.
Mike Tyson

motivating quotesAim for the highest.
Andrew Carnegie

motivating quotesThe reason so many people never get anywhere in life is because when opportunity knocks, they are out in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers.
Walter Percy Chrysler

motivating quotesThere are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there.
Indira Gandhi

motivating quotesThe price of excellence is discipline. The cost of mediocrity is disappointment.
William Arthur Ward

motivating quotesAlways bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.
Abraham Lincoln

motivating quotesErrrrbody wanna be a bodybuilder....But don't nobody want to lift heavy aaaazzz weights!
Ronnie Coleman, former Mr. Olympia champion

motivating quotesI think that everything is possible as long as you put your mind to it and you put the work and time into it. I think your mind really controls everything.
Michael Phelps

motivating quotesBe cocky. Walk into the Georgia Dome like you own it.
Mary Lou Retton

motivating quotesBig shots are little shots that kept shooting.
Chistopher Morley

motivating quotesTo give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.
Steve Prefontaine

motivating quotesI've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come.
Michael Jordan

motivating quotesKeep telling yourself everyday..."I'm better than I think I can do anything. I'm going to start now for a better life."
Robert Kennedy of Oxygen magazine

motivating quotesYou can do more. You can always do more.
Dan Marino

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Weight Loss Competition Winner – Guest Post

Hi! I’m Tony Bernard, a friend of Jennifer’s since 2000 when we were both hired to teach at the same school! We’ve seen each other gain and lose weight through good times and bad. These are definitely good times! I am so excited that she asked me to be a guest blogger for ItSuxToBeFat and to share my story of gains and losses.

Let’s cut to the chase—I JUST WON THE WEIGHT LOSS COMPETITION AT OUR SCHOOL! Hooray! I lost over 50 pounds in 11 weeks! (Yes, that’s the same contest that Jennifer won last year!) I am so excited! But how did this all come to pass? I’ll share my story; is it similar to yours? (The story is long—if you don’t want to read it now, just skip to the last four paragraphs!)

The Good Old Days

Once upon a time, there was a young man who was in great shape in high school and college. Really great shape. I amazed the college coaches with my 9% body fat and ripped leg muscles. I worked out in the gym several days a week, and rode my bike every morning. I (thought) I could eat anything I wanted. Life was good.

The First Stage of Disaster

So there I was at college, in the best shape of my life. I weighed 140 pounds of mostly muscle. Invincible. I had always worked off campus, but my senior year I started working many more hours a week and ended up eating fast food a couple of meals a day. At the same time, I had less time to ride and work out. I gained five pounds that year, but I could live with 145 pounds and 12% body fat. Life was still good. I was on top of the world!

The Appalling Change

I graduated college and began working 40+ hours a week at one job and 8 at another. I was living alone for the first time, and finding all kinds of creative ways to cook with cheese and butter! I always enjoyed cooking, however, with cash in my pocket and no guidelines but my taste buds, I started cooking like Julia Child on crack! The richer the food, the more I liked it (I didn’t understand that there are actually addictive ingredients in rich food). There was no more free gym like in college. There was even less time to ride my bike. And fast food 3x a day was so much more convenient than cooking, especially since I was working seven days a week. I began to gain weight. Fast. Life was not as good…

Trials and Tribulation

When I hit 175 pounds for the first time, I knew I was in trouble but didn’t know what to do about it. I tried the prepackaged meal diets, medically supervised plans, etc. You know what happened, don’t you? My weight bounced up and down like a yo-yo for two decades. But each time the bounce went up ever higher than before. In 2010, I weighed 280 pounds! Double what I weighed in the 1980’s! I was with my family on a Caribbean cruise when I realized that I could barely make it to the top of the Mayan temple that I had climbed with ease five years before. I felt like I was going to pass out. Back on the ship, I had a consultation with a nutritionist from their spa and she told me about research that really made sense to me.


I have a Ph.D. — I know research can be manipulated. But this really rang true. She explained that my metabolism had basically shut down from years of ingesting toxins like those in prepackaged foods, carbonated drinks, and of course from pesticides that end up in or on our food. She said that the key to regaining my health was to detoxify my cells so that my metabolism would kick back in. 85 pounds later, I can tell you that she was right! I’ve read several books in the last year that corroborate her advice.

Effort and Remorse

So if I lost over 50 pounds in the last 11 weeks, why have I only lost 85 pounds in the last 20 months? Yo-yo, of course. Not big swings, mind you. Two steps forward, one step back. I’d lose a few pounds during my structured work week and gain most of it back on the weekend. I’d have a net loss each week, but then I’d gain a lot on vacation and be back to the drawing board. The contest changed all that. It kept me focused 24/7. It helped me to achieve a new “normal” that will keep me healthy for the rest of my life! The effort necessary to change my habits was definitely worth it!

My New Lifestyle

If it isn’t sustainable, it won’t work as a lifestyle. My new eating habits include mostly organic veggies, fruit, whole grains, and beans/legumes. I’m now mostly a vegan—not fanatical, but as a general rule I try to not eat anything that came from a creature with a face. (My family started one day a week with Meatless Mondays—we would look at the plate and wonder, “where’s the entrĂ©e?” After adding another day or two each month, vegan is our new normal.) I’ve cut out processed foods and foods with preservatives (because they preserve our body fat). Every day, I drink almost an ounce of water for every pound of my body weight. And I’ve begun to work out again!

Motivation and Willpower

By chance, I sat down at a retreat dinner next to Danny Cahill of “Biggest Loser” fame. I don’t watch much TV, so I didn’t know who he was. I said to him, “that must have taken a lot of sweat.” He agreed, and mentioned goal setting. My goal had been to lose weight. Now my goal is to get back to a healthy weight. Watching Jennifer lose over 100 pounds has been a great motivator. My goal to preempt conditions like diabetes and heart disease was another. My kids are in middle school—I want to set a good example for them and be around to see them grow well into adulthood. My kids’ TaeKwonDo teacher, Mr. Groce, was always there to motivate and encourage me. The staff members at my school seemed to always have a compliment ready when I needed a nudge. But most of all, I had to take personal responsibility, to “man-up” and exert enough willpower to make those healthy choices 24/7. I feel great! I look so much better! My success has helped me regain some of the self-confidence that had dwindled as the weight piled on. And I don’t feel guilty about the occasional slice of cheesecake.

Life is Good!

I am so thankful for the people who motivate and encourage me every day. Our friends and family can encourage us, but who has to do the work? We do. Remember, it is up to you to make it happen. Whose life is it? What quality of life do you want? So find what works for you and make it your new normal. Points? Calories? Fat? Portion size? Exercise? Organic? Vegan? We have to take personal responsibility for our life choices. I can sincerely say again, “life is good.” Is your story anything like mine?

I pray that you will find your path to good health and a happy life, because it does in fact, suck to be fat!

Tony - Before Tony – Before Tony - After Losing 80 pounds! Tony – After Losing 80 pounds! Biggest Loser Winner Danny Cahill – Guest PostWeight Loss Competition Is OverBoosterthon Guest PostWhat Now? – Boosterthon Guest PostWeight Loss is Like Marriage

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Keeping Healthy Whilst Losing Weight


Guest Post By Helen Battersley

For today’s busy woman looking for tips to lose weight, there are a number of small changes in eating habits that can easily help on the way to that ideal body shape and tone. It’s important while following a weight loss programme to ensure that your body is still getting the right balance of foods it needs to keep it healthy and happy. Sometimes getting this balance right can be difficult to achieve, especially if quick results are desired. That doesn’t mean that we should take short-cuts though, as ultimately this can be worse for us.

keeping healthy while losing weight Keeping Healthy Whilst Losing WeightBreakfast is vital and is something that often goes overlooked. Higher fibre options, for example bran flakes, will also keep you feeling fuller for longer. Giving your body the nutrients it needs first thing is a good kick start to the day and will give you the energy you need to get through the morning with vitality. Skipping breakfast increases the likelihood of craving high calorie ‘pick-me-up’ snacks that can sabotage your dietary goals.

One way to ensure that less food does not have to mean less essential nutrients is to incorporate specially formulated weight loss foods and supplements into the weight loss plan. These foods generally come in many forms that can easily be integrated into a busy lifestyle. Weight loss companies stock everything from chocolate delight flavour protein shakes to caramel crunch flavoured meal replacement bars and nutrient balanced weight loss capsules. These can be easily and conveniently combined with a balanced diet and exercise to complete a healthy weight loss and fitness programme which also satisfies the sweet tooth fairy! Be patient with yourself and your body. This is essential when losing weight. You don’t want to lose the weight too quickly; it should be a gradual change to ensure that you still stay healthy and have a healthy diet. Many people cut out carbs completely, but sometimes just adjusting the portion size of each section of your meal can help to ensure that you still get the essential nutrients that your body needs.

Drink lots of fluids. Sometimes what the body actually needs is water, rather than food, so keeping hydrated throughout the day is also helpful. Always keep a bottle of water or fruit juice with you and take frequent sips throughout the day. This is especially true if you work in an office or indoor environment, as air conditioning can be particularly dehydrating.
Set realistic weight loss and timing goals as these are fundamental to maintaining motivation along the way. The female body is a very complex system, naturally subject to the hormonal fluctuations of adulthood, motherhood and menopause. It is worth remembering that these too can have an effect on how quickly or slowly weight is healthily lost.

Actively asking for the support of your friends, family or a weight loss buddy can also support you with your resolve. They will want to encourage you in what makes you happy and will be sure to notice the results of your efforts. If you have an ‘off’ day, be kind to yourself.

Combining the above tips with a balanced diet and exercise programme, your energy levels between meals will be more even and consistent. This means reduced cravings for sugary foods and more control of your eating patterns. Every day that you stay on track is a day closer to your ideal weight and fitness. Just keep going at it, starting again from where you left off. Enjoy the process and remember that many have succeeded before you. The more you believe you too can do it, the more likely you are to make it happen.

Helen Battersley is a freelance health writer who produces articles for a number of different brands such as Maxitone. Maxitone weight loss products are developed by Maxinutrition, Europe’s leading sports nutrition supplier.

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Brad has written 433 articles .

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Weekend in Philly

This weekend, I flew to Philadelphia for the ASCD National conference. I went with a group of 10 ladies from work.

We had a blast.

When we got there Friday night, traffic was a nightmare due to some rally. It literally took us half an hour to go 8 miles from the airport to the hotel.

Rainy Downtown Philadelphia!

After arriving we decided to eat dinner close to the hotel so we ate at a quaint little place called The Rose Tattoo Cafe.

Dinner was a bit pricey but it was super good. We all shared the appetizer and then I had salmon for dinner. It was really delicious and healthy! It was one of the ladies birthdays so they brought out Philly cheesecake for us to share. It was heaven on a plate and the two bites I had were just enough to get that sweet ending to the meal.

Saturday and Sunday were both early days getting up at 5:30. Breakfast was a full buffet so I filled up on an omelet with a big thing of fresh fruit and coffee of course.

The whole day on Saturday was spent at the conference where I heard some great speakers on integrating technology into the curriculum. I walked away with lots of great ideas.

Lunch was at this amazing market in downtown Philadelphia, Reading Terminal Market.

What a cool market this is!

I wish I had one of these markets where I live.  The fresh fish and produce there looked amazing!

Fresh Fish!

The place was packed too!

I had to have a cheese steak since I was in Philly, with whiz of course. Surprisingly, it wasn’t all that great. I guess maybe my expectations were too high. Or I just didn’t get a really good one. Either way, the amount of grease probably put a damper on the taste.

The afternoon was filled with more sessions including two Google Chromebook presentations.

I love Google Chromebook because my husband and I have one at home and we use Google docs and a shared Google Calendar. Even with all my prior knowledge of Google Docs and how Google Chrome works, it was a very interesting presentation.

I ended up with a raffle ticket to come back later and possibly win one of three new Chrome laptops. I headed to my next session not thinking much about it. While I was in my next session, I had a very strong urge that I needed to go back to the laptop drawing. In a very calm voice, I heard God tell me to go back to the drawing because I was going to win.

The funny thing is, I never doubted it. I even told the other ladies I was with, after the session, that I couldn’t go back to the hotel just yet because I had to go win a new laptop. On the other end I heard, “Yeah, right. Ok!” My faith never wavered and I headed back to the Google Chrome presentation about 20 minutes before the drawing.

Another presentation was going on so I sat through it and ended up with a second ticket. My chances of winning had just increased. The good thing was you had to be present to win and there were only about 50 people standing there. The other thing I didn’t know was that they were giving away three!

I said a quick prayer right before the drawing, “God, you know I really want that laptop. Please have me win it!” Again, I felt a complete peace that I was going to win.

Not only did I win it, I was called first!!!! He didn’t even make me wait to be called last! I serve an awesome God!

Winning the laptop was the highlight of my trip! Of course, I gained so much knowledge and I am so pumped to teach these kids even more than they already know!

Yep...I won this!

I came back exhausted but thrilled! It was a great trip and I got to know my co-workers even better and on a more personal level.

People say I am lucky that I won the laptop but I say that God rewards us who trust in Him and have Faith!

Have you ever asked God for something, no matter how big or small and He not only gave it to you but exceeded your expectations?

Birthday WeekendReady for the Weekend

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Top 5 Exercises For Losing Weight Fast


Most people, who have excess weight than they should have; want to lose their weight and get slim. However, all people are not ready to do what it takes to lose body weight. It is very easy to put on weight but it is very difficult to lose it especially for those people who do not know what exactly they should do for weight loss. Here, are top 5 exercises for losing weight fast.
fast weight loss exercises Top 5 Exercises For Losing Weight Fast

Before you start running for weight loss, you should make your body comfortable with walking. For this, you should begin by walking every day for at least 30 minutes. After 2 weeks of walking, you can start running slowly. You can increase your running speed with time. Running is one of the simplest and most effective weight loss exercises.

In order to lose your excess weight, you should do rope skipping daily for around 30 minutes. In the starting, you should do it only for 5 to 10 minutes. You should take breaks while doing this exercise to regain your breath. This is a very effective exercise for weight loss.

Here, we are not advising you to lift heavy weights. You can start by lifting very light weights. By doing weight lifting, you would be able to put strain on your muscles and it will help you to lose a lot of fat. Weight lifting exercises may seem hard to some people, but once you start doing them, you find out that they are worth the effort.

Most people have a bicycle at their home but only a few of them ride it. When was the last time, you ride your bicycle? Well, if you wish to lose weight then you should start cycling for at least 30 minutes a day. Cycling is a great exercise for those people who wish to burn lots of calories. So, pick up your bicycle today and get ready for losing weight.

Most people love to do swimming as it is fun and it also keeps them fit. If you have put on weight and wish to lose it fast then you should start swimming. Swimming involves exercises of all body parts and helps in burning a lot of calories. You would be happy to know that you can burn 400 calories by swimming for just thirty minutes.

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