Sunday, July 28, 2013
new today
Menopause-Like Woes Hinder Breast Cancer Treatment: Study

FRIDAY, April 12 (HealthDay News) -- Hot flashes and other unpleasant side effects are a major reason one-quarter of breast cancer patients do not start or do not complete their recommended hormone-blocking therapy, a new study finds.
Five years of daily pills -- either tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors -- is recommended for many women whose breast cancer expresses the hormones estrogen or progesterone. The drugs have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer returning and to extend survival.
Despite such benefits, this study of more than 700 breast cancer patients in Detroit and Los Angeles who were eligible for hormone therapy found that about 11 percent never started treatment and 15 percent stopped it early.
Unpleasant, menopause-type side effects, such as vaginal dryness, hot flashes or joint pain, were the most common reasons women either stopped or never started the therapy.
"We need to develop better ways of supporting women through this therapy," lead study author Christopher Friese, an assistant professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing, said in a university news release.
Those most likely to complete their hormone therapy were patients who were most worried about their cancer returning and those who already took medication regularly, according to the study, which was published online March 31 in the journal Breast Cancer Research and Treatment.
Patients least likely to begin hormone therapy included those who received less information about hormone therapy, which suggests that doctors need to properly educate patients before treatment begins, the researchers said.
Women who saw a breast cancer surgeon instead of a medical oncologist as their primary follow-up also were less likely to begin hormone therapy.
"It was particularly interesting that greater fear of recurrence was associated in our patient sample with greater adherence to endocrine therapy," study senior study author Dr. Jennifer Griggs, a professor of internal medicine at the University of Michigan Medical School.
"We don't want our patients living under a cloud of fear, so we need to develop creative ways to both reassure and motivate them," said Griggs, a medical oncologist. "This means providing better education about the importance of staying on these medications and partnering with primary care and cancer doctors to help patients manage symptoms."
More than 234,000 Americans will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year and more than 40,000 will die from the disease, the American Cancer Society estimates.
-- Robert Preidt
Copyright © 2013 HealthDay. All rights reserved. SOURCE: University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, news release, April 9, 2013
Beyonce kicks off her Mrs Carter world tour in Serbia
To Stop Smoking, Teens Should Start Moving

FRIDAY, April 12 (HealthDay News) -- A small amount of daily exercise can help teen smokers cut down on or quit their harmful habit, according to a new study.
Researchers looked at 233 teens at 19 high schools in West Virginia, which has one of the highest smoking rates in the nation. Nearly 13 percent of people under age 18 in the state are smokers, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
All the teens in the study were daily smokers who smoked an average of half a pack a day on weekdays and a pack a day on weekends. They also had other unhealthy behaviors.
"It is not unusual for teenage smokers to engage in other unhealthy habits. Smoking and physical inactivity, for instance, often go hand in hand," study lead author Kimberly Horn, associate dean for research at the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services, in Washington, D.C., said in a university news release.
The teens in the study were divided into three groups: one group took part in a smoking cessation program combined with a fitness program, another group took part in the smoking cessation program only and the third group heard only a short antismoking lecture.
All of the teens increased their amount of daily physical activity just by being in the study. Those who increased the number of days in which they did at least 20 minutes of exercise -- equivalent to a short walk -- significantly reduced the number of cigarettes they smoked.
Teens were more likely to quit smoking if they took part in the combination smoking cessation and fitness program and increased the number of days in which they did at least 30 minutes of exercise, according to the study, which was published online April 9 in the Journal of Adolescent Health.
"This study adds to evidence suggesting that exercise can help teenagers who are trying to quit smoking," Horn said.
-- Robert Preidt
Copyright © 2013 HealthDay. All rights reserved. SOURCE: George Washington University, news release, April 9, 2013
Lullabies Soothe Preemies, Parents Alike

HealthDay Reporter
MONDAY, April 15 (HealthDay News) -- Lullabies have been used to soothe babies since time immemorial. Now, scientists say that premature infants in particular can benefit from combining this tactic with other forms of music therapy, such as simulated womb sounds synchronized to preemies' vital signs.
Studying 272 infants in 11 hospital neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), researchers from Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City found that live music matched to babies' breathing and heart rates enhanced feeding and sleeping patterns. Parent-selected lullabies also seemed to promote bonding between parents and babies, easing the stress of the chaotic NICU environment.
"Historically, premature infants were thought to be best off left alone in a quiet, closed incubator with no stimulation," said study author Joanne Loewy, director of Beth Israel's Louis Armstrong Center for Music & Medicine.
However, she added, "In more recent times, we're seeing that the right kind of stimulation -- particularly live, interactive music -- can enhance babies' neurological function and increase their quiet-alert state. It helps them through those tough moments . . . the more we can regulate the sound environment, the better they're going to fare."
The study was released online April 15 in advance of publication in the May print issue of the journal Pediatrics.
Loewy and her colleagues examined the effects of three different types of music therapy interventions on premature babies. The infants were born at least 32 weeks into gestation and were small for their gestational age or suffered from conditions including respiratory distress and sepsis.
Three times each week for two weeks, certified music therapists used devices called Remo ocean discs and gato boxes, which replicated "whoosh" and heartbeat womb sounds while synchronized with infants' breath and heart patterns. Parents or therapists also sung the lullabies preferred by the babies' parents (called "songs of kin"), or "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" when parents had no preference.
Compared to babies not receiving any music therapies, babies who did showed more positive health effects such as better sleeping and feeding patterns. Those exposed to the ocean disc sounds experienced improved blood-oxygen levels and quiet-alert states. Additionally, parents' perception of stress in the NICU environment significantly decreased with the interventions, the study said.
"Many NICUs are noisy, or people put on random lullabies that are recorded," Loewy said. "What we're saying is, it's not just any old lullaby that's recorded, it's the power of the parent's voice synchronized therapeutically . . . and the other two sounds that can have a therapeutic benefit."
Dr. Joseph Awadalla, a neonatologist at Redlands Community Hospital, in California, agreed that such therapy helps premature infants thrive. He noted that womb-like sounds have been used in some hospitals for at least the last 20 years to soothe and relax babies.
"I'm aware that not all the [NICUs] do this kind of therapy," Awadalla said. "There should be no obstacle to using it -- there just needs to be an understanding from the staff that choosing it will help."
The cost of such therapy is minimal, study author Loewy said, and depends on the region of the United States a hospital is located. In the mid-Atlantic region, for example, certified music therapists cost about $65 per hour, and a typical session with each infant would last for 10 to 15 minutes, she said.
"In terms of the cost, when you're able to better regulate [a preemie's] vital signs, that's going to lead to less days in the hospital and less expense for [medications]," she added.

Copyright © 2013 HealthDay. All rights reserved. SOURCES: Joanne Loewy, D.A., director, Louis Armstrong Center for Music & Medicine, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York City; Joseph Awadalla, M.D., neonatologist, Redlands Community Hospital, Redlands, Calif.; May 2013 Pediatrics
Amazed, OMG! Wow! I did it! So thrilled!!!!
So just a little up-date from I love this little forum and want to thank all the people that have supported me and given advice to me since my weight loss journey began.
Today I stepped on the scales, having being stuck at 147/148 for what seemed like months and actually weighed TODAY 140 lbs!
Yipee..I reached my goal.
I started out October 1st last year at 171 lbs - and for my height 163 and my age 48 was not a good look!
With diet and exercise and doing it properly I have reached my goal.
Now what do I do!!!! Maintain I s'pose....don't want to lose more, just want to be toned and fit.
Thank you all for so much support and good luck on your journey too!
Maisy x
Toms: One Day Without Shoes
We know we're always going on about finding the perfect shoes, but on 16 April we're going barefoot (yep, you read that right) for a good cause.
One Day Without Shoes is Toms' global initiative to bring awareness to children's health, education and self-esteem. Health issues such as hookworm, which can prevent a child from attending school, as well as school uniforms (a requirement), and poverty can impact childen's confidence, leadership ability and even future earnings.
So, how can you help? Just tweet a picture of yourself barefoot - with your best pedi - with the hashtag #withoutshoes to @TOMS.
Londoners can pop into Toms' swish party tonight at 15 Monmouth Street (featuring MTV DJs) to get involved ahead of the nationwide event on Tuesday.
The only thing left to ponder is what colour to paint your toes?
« Back to more Fashion NewsJohn tesh radio show- new study's show skipping breakfast is good for you
I am about to stab something. Seriously! New studies always contradict each other. The only information that you can trust is that which you know from personal experience.
Kris Humphries fails to attend Kim Kardashian divorce hearing
Kris Humphries reportedly angered a judge on Friday, when he failed to attend a mandatory court hearing in the continued saga of his divorce from Kim Kardashian.
The basketball player and his estranged wife Kardashian were both expected to attend the conference, which had been set up so that the two parties could settle their divorce ahead of a scheduled trial date.
According to E! News, sources close to Humphries blamed his absence on a delay or cancellation relating to his flight from New York to Los Angeles on the day.
Meanwhile, TMZ has reported that Judge Goldberg went "nuclear", asserting that the star could have caught a flight in time and was disrespecting and mocking the court. The judge is also said to have ordered a sanction hearing, meaning the New York Nets player could face a fine.
Kardashian was present for the conference, as was Humphries's legal team.
Judge Goldberg is also said to have set a pre-trial readiness/settlement conference for April 19. The divorce trial is due to begin on May 6.
On 15 February 2013, we wrote...
Kim Kardashian's lawyer has claimed that Kris Humphries is holding the reality star "hostage".
Kardashian's lawyer Laura Wesser is arguing that Humphries is holding up the couple's divorce proceedings deliberately, claiming that he doesn't want to go to court until May.
Wesser stated in court papers that Humphries "cannot continue to hold the court and [Kardashian] hostage through his own lack of diligence in preparing his case for trial".
The reality star wants her divorce from the basketball player to be finalised before she gives birth to her child with Kanye West.
She said: "I do not want to be married to [Humphries] when I have my baby... I am requesting the status of my marriage be determined now for not only my health and welfare but also for the health and wellbeing of my unborn child.
"I firmly believe that an immediate dissolution of our marriage will help create a new, full life for me. One chapter will be officially over, and a new one can begin. The same should hold true for [Humphries]."
On 7 February 2013, we wrote...
Kim Kardashian has requested a judge to declare her marriage to Kris Humphries over immediately, so that she won't be married to the basketball player when she gives birth to Kanye West's baby this summer.
In court papers filed last month, Kardashian writes: "I firmly believe that an immediate dissolution of our marriage will help create a new, full life for me... One chapter will be officially over, and a new one can begin. The same should hold true for [Humphries]."
In the L.A. Superior Court filing, Kardashian - who initially filed for divorce from Humphries after 72 days of marriage in October 2011 - is requesting either a quick trial date for the divorce action or, at the least, to have the marriage legally dissolved while the other issues are battled out later in court.
In her declaration to the court, the 32-year-old reality TV star writes: "I am currently pregnant by a man with whom I began a relationship well after I separated from (Humphries)."
Giving a due day of early July, she continues: "I do not want to be married to (Humphries) when I have my baby. I am requesting the status of my marriage be determined for now for not only my health and welfare but also for the health and well-being of my unborn child."
She adds: "I should not be constrained in my financial and social endeavours by the fact that (Humphries) and I have a marriage which now exists in name only... I do not want the status of my marriage to affect any investment I wish to make, such as the purchase of a new residence."
Meanwhile, Humphries - who is seeking an annulment, rather than a divorce on the basis of fraud - has countered Kardashian's plea, stating that the fact his estranged wife is having an "apparently unplanned pregnancy", is not a reason to expedite the litigation.
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On 29 November 2012, we wrote...
Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries are still battling it out in the courts, with the former couple no closer to being divorced.
Lawyers for the pair were back in court on Wednesday over the progress of an upcoming trial to finally end the marriage officially.
Kardashian's lawyer Laura Wasser asked for a quick end to her client's marriage telling the LA Superior Court judge that "Ms. Kardashian is now handcuffed to Mr. Humphries".
The divorce proceedings are thought to be taking additional time because the reality TV star is seeking a traditional divorce, while NBA player Humphries is asking for an annulment based on fraud.
Speaking in court, Wasser said of Humphries lawyer, Marshall Waller: "I don't think his client has a fraud case... I think there's a fishing expedition going on here. I'm asking the court to give us some core deadlines when my client can expect to stop worrying about this. We need the courts help to set a cut off."
Meanwhile, according to Us Weekly, Waller is still collecting documents with which he plans to depose Kardashian. He said: "I do understand the desire to get this case moved... There's nothing in particular about this case that makes it more important than anybody else."
A deadline for the depositions was not set but a 15 February hearing next year will determine if a trial can begin.
Kardashian and Humphries messy split comes after the 32-year-old TV star filed for divorce on 31 October 2011, just 72 days after the two tied the knot in a lavish ceremony in LA.
On 29 November 2012, we wrote...
Kim Kardashian is apparently suing her former publicist, after he claimed that her marriage to Kris Humphries was a sham.
The reality TV star has reportedly hired famed lawyer Marty Singer to sue Jonathan Jaxson for defamation.
It has been claimed that she will demand $200k in compensation for the damage she feels his comments have caused her reputation.
Jaxson, whom she worked with briefly several years ago, apparently decided to "spill the beans" on matters she claims he has no knowledge of.
Kim's lawyer said: "Everything that he is saying is false and nonsense. This guy is in it to promote himself for his 15 mins of fame."
It has also been claimed that Kim got Jaxson to sign a confidentiality agreement, which he has now apparently violated.
However, Jaxson said: "I have never signed an agreement dealing with confidentiality with Kim Kardashian. I have an agreement in my possession that does not have either parties' signature on it."
On 4th November, 2011...
Kim Kardashian is determined to keep hold of her $2million engagement ring, her mother has revealed.
Kris Humphries was hoping to get the 20.5 carat diamond back from his estranged wife, who filed for divorce from him earlier this week after just 72 days of marriage.
However, Kim's mother and manager Kris Jenner, 55, has other ideas.
She told Good Morning America while promoting her new memoir: "It's a gift - you keep a gift.
"I hate an Indian giver," she added.
The phrase, which is deemed offensive by some to Native Americans, describes a person who gives a present and later wants it back.
The comment actually caused quite a stir, and a spokesperson for The National Congress Of American Indians labelled Jenner's remark "wrong and hurtful".
Jenner went on to say that Kim's decision to file for divorce came "after a lot of heartache."
"Kim's dream [was] to get married and have babies, and raise a family - that's all she's ever wanted."
"Kim hasn't been the Kim I know,'" Jenner said. "She seemed worried, not her happy self. I want Kim back - I want her to be happy."
On 2 November 2011, we wrote...
Kim Kardashian has said that she "rushed" into marrying Kris Humphries - a move that ultimately led to the couple's divorce just 72 days later.
Writing on her official blog, Kardashian explained: "Everyone that knows me knows that I'm a hopeless romantic! I love with all of my heart and soul. I want a family and babies and a real life so badly that maybe I rushed into something too soon. I believed in love and the dream of what I wanted so badly.
"I felt like I was on a fast roller coaster and couldn't get off when now I know I probably should have. I got caught up with the hoopla and the filming of the TV show that when I probably should have ended my relationship, I didn't know how to and didn't want to disappoint a lot of people."
Kardashian also asked for understanding from her fans, adding: "I'm being honest here and I hope you respect my courage because this isn't easy to go through. But I do know that I have to follow my heart.
"I never had the intention of hurting anybody and I accept full responsibility for my actions and decisions, and for taking everyone on this journey with me. It just didn't turn out to be the fairy tale I had so badly hoped for."
On 31 October 2011, we wrote...
Kim Kardashian has confirmed that she is divorcing Kris Humphries.
In a statement released today, she said: "After careful consideration, I have decided to end my marriage.
"I had hoped this marriage was forever but sometimes things don't work out as planned.
"We remain friends and wish each other the best."
Kris Humphries also released a statement about the divorce filing, which, according to reports, he only learned about a few hours before Kim signed the papers.
"I love my wife and am devastated to learn she filed for divorce," he said.
"I'm committed to this marriage and everything this covenant represents and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it work."
It is thought that the pair ended their relationship over living arrangements.
They will be featured in E!'s upcoming second season of Kourtney & Kim Take New York. The promo for the show hints at trouble between the couple.
During the advert, Kim asks Kris: "How am I going to have my career and live in Minnesota?"
"Baby, by the time you have kids and they're in school, no one will probably care about you," Kris replies.
Kim Kardashian filed for divorce from Kris Humphries this morning after being married for just 72 days.
According to reports, although the marriage was brief, she will not be seeking an annulment.
It's a garden variety divorce, in which Kardashian has cited "irreconcilable differences". She has apparently hired top lawyer Laura Wasser, who has represented Britney Spears, Maria Shriver, Angelina Jolie and Ryan Reynolds in the past.
The couple have a prenuptial agreement.
Ryan Seacrest, who owns Ryan Seacreast Productions - the company that produces Keeping Up With The Kardashians - tweeted today: "Yes @kimkardashian is filing for divorce this morning. I touched base with her, getting a statement in just a few mins[sic]"
On 21st October 2011, we wrote...
They might only have been married for eight weeks, but it is already being alleged that Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries' romance has fizzled out.
The NBA star was seen ferrying cardboard moving boxes and a suitcase out of his current room at New York's Gansevoort Hotel.
He had been sharing the room with Kim while she films her reality TV show, Kim & Kourtney Take New York.
The basketballer was also pictured without his wedding ring, prompting further speculation that the marriage is indeed over.
However, Kris isn't the only one packing up his things. The whole Kardashian family are thought to be moving on from the hotel.
A source close to the couple told reporters: "I don't know when they'll announce the split or why they got married in the first place but they are done."
"They are divorcing. Kim has been staying in a New York hotel which Kris has failed to visit."
One source has even suggested that Kim has already consulted a top divorce lawyer to begin proceedings.
As of yet, there is no confirmation from either party's spokesperson.
« Back to more Celebrity NewsParents Who Veto Vaccinations Often Seek Like-Minded Opinions

By Amy Norton
HealthDay ReporterMONDAY, April 15 (HealthDay News) -- Friends and family may be key in parents' decisions on whether to vaccinate their young children, a small study suggests.
The study, of about 200 parents, found that those who had opted not to follow the standard vaccine schedule often sought advice from anti-vaccine friends and family.
Experts said it's not certain that the advice actually steered parents in an anti-vaccine direction: Parents who were already prone to shunning vaccines may have turned to like-minded people for reinforcement.
"It's the chicken-and-egg question," said researcher Emily Brunson, an assistant professor of anthropology at Texas State University, in San Marcos. "The answer is, we don't know which came first."
To be more sure, Brunson said, parents would have to be followed over time, to see whether undecided parents actually base vaccine decisions on advice from other people.
But Brunson said she thinks family, friends and others in parents' "social networks" really are an important influence.
Dr. Douglas Opel, of Seattle Children's Research Institute and the University of Washington, agreed.
"It is unclear how these groups influence parents. Do they simply reinforce the vaccine decisions parents would have made otherwise, or do they actually function as a way that provokes a parent to consider other ideas?" said Opel, who wrote an editorial published with the study, which appears online April 15 and in the May print issue of the journal Pediatrics
Opel said his hunch is that family and friends reinforce parents' existing views. But even if that's true, they are still a big influence by bolstering parents' beliefs.
Experts recommend that babies and young children routinely receive vaccinations against a host of common (or once common) infectious diseases, such as measles, mumps, whooping cough, chickenpox and hepatitis.
But some parents balk at those recommendations, largely because of a purported link between vaccines and autism. More than a decade's worth of studies have failed to confirm that link exists, but anxiety remains: A recent study of U.S. parents found that about one-third thought children receive too many vaccinations in their first two years, and they thought the shots could contribute to autism.
Brunson wanted to see where parents are turning to get their information, so she recruited nearly 200 parents of children 18 months old or younger. About 130 had their child up to date on all vaccines (and were dubbed "conformers") and 70 had opted to skip or delay at least some vaccinations ("nonconformers").
In an online survey, Brunson asked the parents to list the people and other sources -- such as websites and books -- they had gone to for vaccine advice.
She found that nearly all parents had sought advice from other people -- usually several people, including their doctor, spouse, family members and friends. And parents' ultimate decisions generally fell in line with that advice.
Will New Gout Findings Get a Toehold?

By Robert Preidt
HealthDay ReporterWEDNESDAY, June 12 (HealthDay News) -- The big toe is not the biggest culprit in gout flare-ups, contrary to popular belief, a new study reports.
Researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., found that people with the highest risk of repeated cases of gout are those whose gout first appears in other joints, such as the knee or elbow, rather than in the joints of the big toe.
Gout is a painful form of arthritis caused by uric acid buildup in the body. Continuing to take medication is essential to prevent recurrences, the researchers said.
"Because patients often think that a gout flare-up means their medications are not working, they may stop medications like allopurinol. It is especially important for these patients to continue taking gout medication to prevent flare-ups," study co-author Dr. Eric Matteson, rheumatology chair, said in a Mayo news release.
The study was scheduled for presentation at the annual meeting of the European League Against Rheumatism, June 12 to 15, in Madrid.
Researchers followed 46 gout patients for about 13 years on average. Their first gout attack occurred at an average age of 66.
Mayo researchers presented other studies at the meeting. Among those findings:
Black American lupus patients with certain autoantibodies (anti-RNA-binding protein autoantibodies) have higher levels of interferon, a protein involved in inflammation. The finding may explain why black Americans have worse lupus than whites and could lead to improved treatments, the researchers say.Rheumatoid arthritis patients have greater changes in their systolic blood pressure (the top number of a blood pressure measurement) from one health care visit to another than people without the disease. That erratic blood pressure was linked to heart disease, which means that doctors need to closely manage heart disease risk in these patients.Another study may help explain why smoking doubles the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. In people with a genetic predisposition to a particular immune response, smoking triggers immune cells called dendritic cells, the researchers found. Unlike osteoarthritis, which is related to wear and tear, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder, meaning the body attacks its own cells.Data and conclusions presented at meetings are typically considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed medical journal.
Millie Mackintosh at the Groucho Club
When Millie Mackintosh celebrated her engagement to Pro Green this weekend, it seemed only appropriate to wear wedding whites. Looking lovely in a sheer and lace dress, the Made In Chelsea star was joined by a number of her co-stars and celeb pals as the couple celebrated the happy news at London's Groucho Club.
Justin Bieber makes controversial Anne Frank remarks
To say Justin Bieber has had a controversial few months would be an understatement. From having a pet monkey quarantined and lashing out at photographers, to angering fans by turning up hours late to an O2 gig and mocking Lindsay Lohan on Instagram, he's been a regular feature on GLAMOUR's daily news round-up of late.
Now the Beauty and the Beat singer has courted controversy again over the weekend, sparking outrage on social media following a visit to the Anne Frank House museum in Amsterdam.
After touring the house where Frank and her family hid during World War II to escape persecution by the Nazis, Bieber decided to leave a comment in the museum's guestbook:
"Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber"
The Canadian singer, who is currently in Amsterdam on tour, then received a huge online backlash after his comment was quoted on the Anne Frank House Facebook page. User Meghan Mausteller wrote "Way to turn an inspiring moment into something about yourself" whilst Angela Gigi Mohler agreed: "Here I thought it was nice of him to go and see the history of her until I read what he wrote. Have some respect Mr. Bieber for she will be famous long after your fame fizzles".
Whilst Bieber's fans flew to his defence, and a source close to the singer told US Weekly that "He wasn't trying to be offensive at all…He was really moved by the experience", the response to the singer's remarks was overwhelmingly negative online.
The Anne Frank press office confirmed with the BBC that Bieber had written the comments, and said
"He's 19, it's a strange life he's living, it wasn't very sensible but he didn't mean bad…He was very interested in Anne Frank"
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Source: Us Weekly
« Back to more Celebrity NewsWeekend Muncher !!!
i Have always been able to eat good heathy foods during the week ( Monday - Friday Morning) then when i get home its all systems go and end up eating loads of rubbish and going out for nice meals and having wine.
Is there any way around this apart from staying in all weekend and putting locks on all cupboards !! :)
1 good thing i have done is not to do the weekly shop until sunday as i work away i get to leave the goodies behind for the BF.
But the going out for meals and having the odd snacks while out and about or my scottish breakfast on a sat morning :), I need healthy ways round all my bad habits please???