Monday, June 24, 2013
Certain Lifestyle Factors Linked to Arthritis in Study Patients
Category: Health News
Created: 3/25/2013 2:35:00 PM
Last Editorial Review: 3/26/2013 12:00:00 AM
Beginnings, and frustrations.
Hello! I am new to Calorie Count, but just inputting my meals so far and getting such great feedback from this service, I'm excited that it is better than I anticipated. I am very frustrated with my health at the moment and hope that being a part of this community will give me the motivation to help me loose!
Epic Trailer

Amanda Seyfried, Beyonce, Josh Hutcherson and Chris O’Dowd provide the voices for this animated flickContinue reading...
Waist Question
Be truthful I need to get ready for an audition! :b
Shorter Shifts for Medical Interns May Not Boost Patient Safety
Category: Health News
Created: 3/25/2013 4:35:00 PM
Last Editorial Review: 3/26/2013 12:00:00 AM
HELP! dietitian versus BMI calculator
hi there
a few month ago i become slightly anorexic with my lowest bmi being 17. So it wasnt drastic but my parents still sent me to an inpatient clinic as there was things that happend in my past that i needed to sort out. I have been out for about 2 months. I am 174cm tall, almost 18 years old and i weigh currently 58kgs. Whenever i calculate my bmi it says i am a normal weight, but my parents and dietitian are insisting i get to a weight of atleast 60 kgs. I am currently not doing an sport which really doesnt help much. My dietitian says i should be having 2400 calories a day to gain weight but i am currently not getting in more than 1800. Please please give me some advice. I am soo confused!
Rosario Dawson at the launch of the Tanqueray Gin Palace, London

Rosario Dawson wears a blue and white patterned shift dress with red velvet platforms and a Perspex red clutch to the launch of the Tanqueray Gin Palace, London - vote on celebrity fashion, style and red carpet looks in GLAMOUR.COM’s Dos and Don’tsContinue reading...
Recovery Motivation (Losing Hope)Binge
(I've posted this already tonight, but I'm new and a bit confused as to where this even belongs)
Hey everyone, thank you so much for reading this <3
I suppose this is the first time I've had a voice throughout my entire battle.
So,I guess I have an eating disorder. Though this has never been diagnosed so I can't really label myself. I'm pretty clued up though, as my sister almost died hooked up to a life support machine after fighting anorexia for all of my childhood. My brother is a nutritionalist so certain products like bread don't often appear in the house and my mum has always been a weight loss addict. She goes to the gym every night and has dropped 4 dress sizes in the past few months. My earliest memories of food consist of my sister force feeding me sandwhiches and giving me chocolate bars in bed so they melted all over me whilst I slept, my mum 'being good' and not eating sweets and her hiding the crisps so I couldn't reach them. Man I loved crisps.
(My background?: I'm 17 5 ft 8 and 46kg (though more now I guess) A-Level stress was my first trigger, after eating close to nothing almost every day for 8 months and spiralling into deeper and deeper depression I lost 22kg of weight, I lost my period, I lost my friends but worst of all I almost lost my parents and I couldn't put them through what my sister did so 2 months ago I made the decision to recover.
I've been eating more, I've been eating healthily, I've been exercising lightly. But today everything went wrong. :( We were doing a bakesale to raise money (for my trip to Africa to help build a school and teach this summer) but I just lost control. I ate all day. We're talking buns,spoons of golden syrup,raisins,nuts, bags of chocolate,chocolate chips, bowls of butter cream icing, biscuits, crisps,pizza,cereal,fudge,sweets. 5000+ calories. I even starting hiding in the kitchen to eat it, because even though usually I make a point of eating infront of my parents this was just embarrassing and would probably scare them as much as not eating did. I was just like a robot. I wasn't hungry, I kept putting the bags down, walking away, but I just came back and carried on. ''If its gone I can't do it tomorrow'. I didn't feel guilty at the time, I just felt empty? My stomach is in so much pain and my unnamed anorexic self is screaming in my head that I'm a failure, that I'm going to gain loads of weight and I don't need to.
(side note) I still kind of look in the mirror and wonder if I do need to gain weight though, as my friends are all as thin as me and they skip meals and eat super healthily all the time, which makes things harder, especially as I haven't been diagnosed. I haven't really talked to anyone about this since it all started, though I guess they must have noticed as at first i was getting compliments.
Then I remember that I still don't have my period back. I don't know I'm just lost. Am I a binge eater now? Have I moved onto another level? This isn't my first binge over the past few weeks. I don't know if I can handle the guilt, tonight I feel like I might aswell just go back to restricting as its so much easier than this feeling of pain and weakness :(
I guess I just need some motivation, reasons to gain weight?
Fun things about recovery? Because this isn't fun. My stomach hurts so much :(
Has this ever happened to you guys before? I crave bad things so badly these days,especially at night time. I feel like as I only restricted for a year I don't count in all these posts about 'recovery' do I even need to eat all those calories to repair myself?
I have binged before (though never quite this much) but I don't wake up in the night sweating like other people say they do so I doubt my metabolism is fast.
I know I will have gained a bunch of weight from tonight, I know I need to, but itshard to remind myself that. I couldn't handle being a binger, I don't purge as my gag reflex has always been weak so that makes me becoming a bulimic unlikely but this guilt is almost just as bad. Even when i don't feel guilty about the food, I feel guilty about not feeling guilty. its hard to explain :(
What's been recovered like?Is it worth this?
I'm not this bad every day I swear, I'm just having a bad night and needed some support! I'm sorry if none of that made sense.
Again thank you, I hope with all my heart, that you are all feeling strong and your lives are full of love and purpose.
Hilary Duff out and about in LA

Browse through Glamour's extensive daily celebrity photo gallery online today. Check out what your favourite celebrity has been up to!Continue reading...
Tofu-Rich Diet May Help Women With Lung Cancer Live Longer
Category: Health News
Created: 3/26/2013 10:35:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 3/26/2013 12:00:00 AM
Need help losing 5 lbs! PLEASE READ
I'm 5'5, 130, female and having a hard time losing 5 lbs. I have a TINY frame...ex my bra band is 28/30. So I can lose 5, probably more but 5 would be perfect! I have been stuck at 130 ish forever! My main thing is my stomach. It is not flat. I don't expect it to be super flat, but I do expect it to be bikini ready ( you get the idea) with all of the hard work I've put in. Also, my thighs could slim down a tad.
I work out but my workouts vary. I only do cardio right now as I did begin weight loss in a gym but no longer have a membership. I'll be getting it back like now though. Should I stop running until I'm able to get back in the gym and lift weights to build muscle to burn?
I jog about 4-5 miles usually burning 400 ish cals a few times/ wk. I'd say 4 tx/wk. so about 15 miles/ wk to be conservative. Think a school track, where im running 4 laps= 1 mile in about 9 mins so not super fast at all. But I'm thinking that maybe I eat too much? I eat about 1800 on a good day, regardless of exercise and about 2300 normally. I don't know if it's me being on this new birth control or what, but while I've always had a healthy appetite, it is huge now and growing. How many cals should I be consuming on workout days vs. non- workout days? Am I eating too much? My diet is balanced btw, and I eat normal amts of everything ( carbs, fats, etc).
Please help guys! Thanks
Millie Mackintosh at a party in London

Browse through Glamour's extensive daily celebrity photo gallery online today. Check out what your favourite celebrity has been up to!Continue reading...
Facebook a Boost for Your Self-Worth?

By Robert Preidt
HealthDay ReporterTUESDAY, March 26 (HealthDay News) -- Being on Facebook can bolster people's self-confidence, a new study suggests.
After conducting experiments with 88 undergraduate students, researchers from Cornell University concluded that Facebook profiles offer people reassurance about their self-worth because the profiles allow them to display their most valued personal traits and relationships.
The researchers also discovered that after receiving criticism, Facebook users unconsciously go back to their online profiles to boost their sense of self-esteem.
The findings appear in the March issue of the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
"The conventional wisdom is that Facebook use is merely a time sink and leads to an assortment of negative consequences," study co-author Jeff Hancock, a professor of communication and computer and information science, said in a Cornell news release. "But our research shows that it can be a psychologically meaningful activity that supplies a sense of well-being at a relatively deep level.
"The extraordinary amount of time people spend on Facebook may be a reflection of its ability to satisfy ego needs that are fundamental to the human condition," he added.
Viewing their Facebook profile may provide emotional benefits to millions of social network users by restoring deeply held notions of themselves as good people loved by a group of friends and family, Hancock said.
"Perhaps online daters who are anxious about being single or recently divorced may find comfort in the process of composing or reviewing their online profiles, as it allows them to reflect on their core values and identity," he said. "Students who are feeling stressed about upcoming exams might similarly find solace in their social-networking-site profiles."
Will I eventually stop losing weight? 800 - 900 calories a day?
I'm 5'9 and 115 lbs.
Last year, at this time, I was 164lbs.
I've been eating 800 - 900 calories a day but ALL nutritious foods. Clearly I keep losing weight but I want to stop losing weight now and start maintaining.
The problem is I HATE eating. It's a chore to me and I don't enjoy it.
But what I really want to know is: what will happen if I continue to eat only 800 - 900 calories a day? Will I lose so much weight I could eventually be really sick and 70 lbs, or will I eventually stop..?
Edited Jun 01 2013 22:37 by coach_kReason: Moved to Health and Support as more appropriate