Screenshot of my first video “letter” to Quarterly subscribers.
Roughly 2-3 weeks ago, my first Quarterly package shipped out to subscribers, including many of you.
The theme of my Quarterly mailings is obsession–the ideas and objects I just can’t get out of my head. I get obsessed with all kinds of things. Sometimes I’m hooked on a great health product or travel gadget. Other times, I find a new productivity booster or incredible book through my experiments and research.
I never know what I’ll get obsessed with next, and that surprise factor is what makes obsessions great.
Here’s what the first box looked like (click to enlarge)!
The descriptions are below… and just wait until you see what’s next!…
Quarterly is now accepting 500 more subscribers — first come, first served. Just click here to check out the details. International is no problem — just a $10 shipping fee for Canada and a $15 shipping fee for all other non-US countries.
Anything in particular you’d like to see in future boxes? Please let me know in the comments.
In the meantime, here are all of the products from the first box ($200+ value):
1. Gyokucho Japanese Saw
2. Bird by Bird
3. Letters from a Stoic
4. Buddha Board
5. Prismacolor Col-Erase Colored Pencil Light Blue
6. Bigger, Stronger, Faster (DVD)
7. Athletic Greens
BioTrust Low-Carb Protein (This was only for some international subscribers, who could not receive Athletic Greens due to customs regulations)
Odds and Ends: Live Event and Merrell Winners
Live Event: “Building the Perfect Human: Tracking Biomarkers for Performance and Health Enhancement”
I use a start-up called WellnessFX for all of my comprehensive blood testing.
Be one of the first 200 people to purchase a WellnessFX package between now and March 28, and you’ll receive an exclusive invitation to see me speak live in downtown San Francisco on March 28th from 6pm-7:30pm. It will be an intimate group, and there will be plenty of time for audience Q&A.
Check out all the details here.
Merrell Winners
The 10 winners of the last comment competition are listed below. To the winners: keep an eye on your email! Also, since so many people have asked about my default shoes, here are my two current favorites:
- For all-around use: The Reach Glove
- For walking and (carefully) running: The Vapor Glove, their most minimal “barefoot-like” shoe
http://bit.ly/13VVpCk – Men’s
http://bit.ly/Z7TOoB – Women’s
It was hugely difficult to narrow these down, but here are 10 that my magic elves and I particularly liked. Thank you to everyone how commented!
1. Adam Brady
Connection for me occurs when purpose meets emotion. You can do things with purpose but without emotion and you can do things emotionally but without purpose, “connection” is when the two sentiments converge. Many individuals work with the purpose of making a living, and many play for the pure emotion of joy but, when one finds a calling or activity that speaks to them they become connected, and that work/activity is executed with both purpose and joy.
My favorite body weight exercises are pull-ups, push-ups, mountain climbers, deep squats and planks. 5 exercises, whole body, simple and effective.
2. Connor Grooms
It is inherently foolish to try to put words to connection. Connection is not possible to describe, just like the tao, “The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name”. Connection is what makes life worth living, what makes relationships deep, and what makes being alone in wild Nature feel so freeing. There are more literal meanings, but those are insufficient.
Best body weight exercise is Pullups, especially ones on door frames (grip strength)
3. Rachel
When we feel our hearts beating, blood pulsing in our veins, and our breath moving inside of us we are fully alive…we are in connection with ourselves and we are connected to all other living things. Connection is life.
Yoga is connection and is by far my favorite body-weight only exercise for mind, body and spirit!
4. Mike Gopsill
Connection is the noun for Kevin Bacon, who is always connected, by 4GEE and by six degrees.
My favourite bodyweight-only exercises are dips because they are isolated and intense, a one-handed pushup (Rocky-style) and I like a Turkish getup with no weight if that counts.
Great post Tim, looking forward to getting outside myself when the UK summer kicks in.
5. Edmundo Gurza
What does “connection” mean to you??A connection is the perfect mix of focus and calmness, which allows you to be in the moment with all your senses. Whether it is with a person, a task or nature, being in the moment and allowing the connection to happen opens your senses to bring clarity and be able to focus on what is surrounding you.
What are your favorite bodyweight-only exercises??- squats (such a natural movement that has been so lost in our culture)?- anything handstand-ish (pushups, holds, one handed, etc)?- and of course pullups
6. Rebecca
Connection is intangible, invisible and undeniable. Felt as an energy toward someone or something, our ears perk up, our eyes open wide and our hearts start to flutter.
It sneaks up on you when you least expect it. It grabs you by the heart and says “listen up!” It is the extra “something” that we often cannot put words to because there are some things in life that are too unique and special to name or label.
Best body weight exercise is full body squats in sets that make you wonder if you are going to be able to get off the toilet later! :0)
7. Drew
Connection, to me personally, is what I felt the first time I went to Brazil, speaking no Portuguese, and met a Japanese Brazilian girl who didn’t speak English. We had the strongest CONNECTION I had ever felt. We had a “chemical”, as she said, using her English dictionary.
8 years later: she is fluent in English, I am fluent in Portuguese, and we are married.
My favorite bodyweight exercises are the ones that use leverage and creativity to create extreme difficulty – one-armed pushup and one-armed pullup.
8. Ryan Ripley
Connection – a strange attractor that leads to unpredictable interractions and consequences.
Favorite body weight exercise: Face the wall squats (RKC)
9. Monica Ridgway
For me, “connection” means surrender, at least to some extent, allowing unity with whatever one is connecting with – be it nature, God, oneself, a dance partner, a spouse, a friend, or whatever. In order to connect, we have to let go of our own need for control, let go of preconceived ideas and agendas, and allow the external to enter and exert power over us. This surrender and connection changes us, the whole more than the sum of its parts.
As for favorite body-weight-only exercises, my top choice has always been dance. From the strict forms of ballet and modern dance, to ballroom and swing, to the nearly-formless bouncing and shimmying to be witnessed in nightclubs, to break dancing, dance involves all parts of the body – particularly the core – and it is also a great cardio workout. Dance is also an excellent way of connecting, be it with music – giving your body over to the music to drive your movement – or with a partner – surrendering the self to move together as one body.
10. Mark Greenman
1. For me, “connection” means a lot of things, but when I first read it, the connection I thought of was the feeling I get when I connect with a particularly well designed piece of gear, something that has been designed for exactly what I need it to do, and expresses itself instantly. But then I’m a gear nerd!
Posted on March 15th, 2013
View the original article here