Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fun Cardio Workouts

Loving cardio workouts? Does that sound like a joke? Do you know why most people never attain high fitness levels, or lose it once they've managed to get there? They don't love the process, the lifestyle. They just do the cardio to get it over with, viewing it as necessary evil. They eek by with as little as possible and dread it.

So, here's a question for you: Can you keep doing something you despise for the rest of your life? Would you even want to? I know I wouldn't.

See, the expletive in this article should be "FUN."

The old adage still holds true; find something you love to do, or it'll never stick. When you can do that, it ceases to be a battle of willpower. It will not be a struggle. Do you have to force yourself to hang out with your friends? Of course not, because you love to do it. What about surfing on the internet or winning some cash? Would that be drudgery to you? If you love something, you naturally gravitate towards it. It easily becomes integrated into your life. AND YOU LIKE IT. Isn't that what we want for exercise program? To love it for life?

Cardio Sweat

I struggled for years with weight fluctuation. I'd pound out the cardio, just swallowing it down only for the results. Inevitably, I'd tire of it, and quit. And the pounds would come right back on. It wasn't until I, quite accidentally, stumbled upon an activity that wooed me, that I effectively wove fitness into my life. Permanently.

For me, it's running. For my husband, it's baseball. For you, it may be biking, or gymnastics, or chasing chickens on the farm. It doesn't matter. But, when you find something you love, you'll know it by the incredible momentum you have with your routine. You'll wake up charging like a rhino to do your cardio workouts. In fact, it'll take force to STOP you from doing your cardio.

Okay, now let's assume we all have our favorite activity that we get in at least 3-5 times a week. Just because of the nature of humans, we can tend to get lazy or stuck in a rut. Boredom is a common enemy to progress and we all have to be prepared for battle. Plus, if you don't spice things up, the flame of desire for your choice cardio will be endangered. Here are some ways I've used to make cardio workouts fun and to take it the next level.

Add Power
Regardless of your cardio flavor, there's always room for power to boost your fitness results. For example, if I run moderately for 4 miles, I can add a short spirit in between each one. Or, I could stop after each song ends, and do a few pushups or plyometrics. Or, I could run faster than normal for the entire run. Adding power takes little time and keeps you growing.

Love Your Enemy
Even though you love your cardio workouts, there will likely be an aspect of them that your not very fond of. If you're a biker, you may hate big hills. If you love racquetball, maybe you don't like all the backwards maneuverings. So, how to solve this? Tackle it head on. Find your weak area, and become determined to make it a strong point. Spend portions of your cardio workout doing nothing but biking up hills or running backwards. You'll surprise yourself at how empowered you'll feel.

Do it Differently
Find a way to change a variable in your cardio workouts to breathe new life into it. You could change the setting (like swim in open water instead of your normal pool swim, or mountain bike instead of road bike.) You could change the company you're with (ask a new friend to come with you, or join a club.) You can even change the whole style of your cardio (try track sprints instead of long runs.) You'll become a better athlete and stay on top of your game.

Add an Element
Add something totally new to your cardio routine. How about a different music style? A new trainer? I added a weighted vest during some of my runs. A friend of mine added swimming to her bikes and runs to try triathlon. Don't be afraid to branch out. You just might find another sport that floats your boat.

Enter a Challenge
Find a specific challenge that'll force you to focus your efforts and add accountability. A race, a competition, a personal record challenge - anything that has a deadline and pushes you to excel. Because really, what's life without the ebb and flow of facing new challenges and continually pushing through your boundaries, reaching new heights of success?

Fun cardio is not an oxymoron. Unless you embrace exercise as a natural part of life, just like eating, sleeping, and brushing your teeth; wholeness and health will elude you. and that awesome physique won't last long. let's put a stop to human homeostatis and take part in conscious evolvement, for better bodies and better lives.


Coming soon

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Design your own simple training: easy Workout ideas

I hear from people all the time that they don't have time to train, much less design their own simple workout program.  We all know that really achieving our goals is a matter of priority.

If you are not exercising regularly, you just am not high enough on your list of priorities put fitness. It happens to all of us.  The best thing to do if you find your exercise is to recognize the problem bet slip (which you obviously does now), and then renew your commitment by reminding yourself of why you wanted to get fit in the first place.

Design your own simple workout and exercise regime is not really complicated.  Suppose you are a beginner and your goal is to do cardio three times a week and strength training three times per week.

For cardio -you could choose from three different activities, or choose the same activity but switch of the methodology.  For example, if you jog for your cardio, jogging a day you could do a jogging pace for 30 minutes, you could do one day sprints, and one day you could do a slow, steady hours.

Strength training plans are just as easy to whip together, even when you have little planning or prep time.

1. Select the muscles that you want to target
2. choose 1 to 3 exercises per muscle group (preferably compound movements)
3. run them back to back in superset form
4. repeat in rounds (generally 2 to 4 rounds, or as long as time allows.)

So here is a quick example after the above method:No excuses, creative commons liscense by bitmask

1. Legs, shoulders, abs
2. legs-squats, lunges.
Shoulders-overhead press, upright rows.
Lower ABS crunches, bicycle crunches.
3. a: 20 squats, overhead presses Superset 15, 30 lower crunches.
Superset two: 10 lunges, 15 upright rows, 30 bicycle crunches.
4. repeat each superset 3 times.

I try to keep a set of exercise bands or in the car with me when I travel, so I never without resistance the cuff a simple training options.  I also keep a skipping rope with me for effective cardio where ever I go.  If I only have a little exercise in 10 minutes, the jump rope is a lifesaver.  A little prep goes a long way.

Of course, if you're the type of person who prefers to have a coach who the entire training schedule for you and help you take it up a notch, I can help you with that too.

Remember, procrastination kills and makes us fat and lazy. Your chosen exercise methods are not so important-Just get moving!

Here is a bunch of workouts to try. Remember to customize them to your specific needs. Some of them use tires (I love the convenience of this), some use free weights, some are body weight routines and some are traditional gym workouts. I'm always hunting new ways to spice, so there are pointers and tips for every workout. Have fun!

Best Workout ever

Design your own simple training

3 Day Total Body Workout

Bootcamp style

4 day Split

5 day Split

Total body workout Band

No Gym Req. exercises

Killer Upper Body Workout

Best Glute Workout


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Motivating Quotes to Inspire Fitness Success

Where to Find the Quotes?

Scroll down for motivational quotes.
I've hunted these babies out personally.
Gleaned from reading tons of books, magazines, watching interviews, and reading internet articles, this list I've compliled should help ya out!

Motivating quotes are always in super high demand for one reason: they work! They’re like a shot in the butt. They get our minds thinking on the right track.

Motivational quotes remind us of who we are and where we’re heading. They are a quick way to boost our morale, showering us with bits of truth that cut to the heart of what we need to be focusing on.

A while back, I trained with Jenny Lynn. We exchanged quite a few emails. My favorite quotes are from her because, number one, they are from Jenny Lynn, a super woman in my opinion. And, number two, they were written directly to me. Awesome, huh?
Here are a few things she told me. I wrote out the motivating quotes and and taped them to my closet door where I can see them every morning.

Jenny Lynn Quotes

The rest of these weight loss inspiring quotes I’ve collected, hoping that they will help fuel the flame of others’ successes. If it resonates truth for you, then use it. Write it, repeat it, or use it as a screen saver. Do whatever you have to in order to embed these powerful ideas into your mind.

motivating quotesEach of us are our own greatest inhibitor. And, at the end of the day, if you just get out of your own way and let things come to you, it's amazing what will come to you.
Laird Hamilton, champion surfer

motivating quotesWe are all accountable for ourselves. Think of yourself as a precious commodity, and then protect your investment each day.
Monica Brant

motivating quotesThere are only two options regarding commitment. You're either IN or you're OUT. There's not such things as life in-between.
Pat Riley

motivating quotesYou can always become better.
Tiger Woods

motivating quotesAs long as we persevere and endure, we can get anything we want.
Mike Tyson

motivating quotesAim for the highest.
Andrew Carnegie

motivating quotesThe reason so many people never get anywhere in life is because when opportunity knocks, they are out in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers.
Walter Percy Chrysler

motivating quotesThere are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there.
Indira Gandhi

motivating quotesThe price of excellence is discipline. The cost of mediocrity is disappointment.
William Arthur Ward

motivating quotesAlways bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.
Abraham Lincoln

motivating quotesErrrrbody wanna be a bodybuilder....But don't nobody want to lift heavy aaaazzz weights!
Ronnie Coleman, former Mr. Olympia champion

motivating quotesI think that everything is possible as long as you put your mind to it and you put the work and time into it. I think your mind really controls everything.
Michael Phelps

motivating quotesBe cocky. Walk into the Georgia Dome like you own it.
Mary Lou Retton

motivating quotesBig shots are little shots that kept shooting.
Chistopher Morley

motivating quotesTo give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.
Steve Prefontaine

motivating quotesI've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come.
Michael Jordan

motivating quotesKeep telling yourself everyday..."I'm better than I think I can do anything. I'm going to start now for a better life."
Robert Kennedy of Oxygen magazine

motivating quotesYou can do more. You can always do more.
Dan Marino

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Country Top ten: Workout songs. Waved to Twang.

A country Top ten list is probably one of the least sought-after genres. But, everyone should give it a try. Although a lot of country lyrics leave much to be desired, the numbers still have a lot to offer:

• They are cheerful.

• They stay with the same beat throughout, which can help when counting reps or doing cardio.

• Many country songs are actually just stories set to music. Although they are tasteless, eventually you listen to to see how it ends. This can be an advantage because the time go by faster if your workout feels like it can drag on.

And Jeff Foxworthy, one of America's favorite comedians said, "I love country music because it's about the things that really matter ... in liveHaar about love, family, friends, with a few beers, a cheap woman and an unfaithful man thrown in for spice." Jeff Foxworthy the CMT speech makes some interesting points.

cowboy boots

These top ten country songs are a mix of male and female artists. It is mostly new stuff, with a little thrown Yoakam. Hope you enjoy this playlist twangy country.

1. Joey by Sugar land. Don't really know what she is sorry about, but she has a really strong voice.Sugarland - Love On the Inside (Deluxe Fan Edition)

2. Goodbye Earl by the Dixie Chicks. Funny video. Great song. (Another one of those good story-type songs.Dixie Chicks - Fly - Goodbye Earl

3. you belong with me by Taylor Swift. This song is at the urging of my daughters, on this list.Taylor Swift - Fearless - You Belong With Me

4. I'm Gonna Miss her by Brad Paisley. Funny story in a weird, glad-I 'm-not-his-wife way. It should end up being a classic country top ten song.Brad Paisley - Triple Play - EP - I'm Gonna Miss Her

5. I want to do by Sugar land. Sing songy and fun. But, it will stick in your head for hours-be warned.Sugarland - Love On the Inside (Deluxe Fan Edition) - All I Want to Do

6. Toby Keith American ride by. Can't really understand the meaning behind this song. Not sure he is pro-American, or mock them. But, I have heard, some people want to work it out.Toby Keith - American Ride - Single - American Ride

7. Save A horse (ride a Cowboy) by big and rich. Big and rich kind of gross me out a bit, but the song's strange enough to keep your interest.Big & Rich - Horse of a Different Color - Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)

8. What Was I Thinking by Dierks Bentley. Good story. It is a pretty funny. Think, all people pushing their luck at one time or another.Dierks Bentley - Live from Bonnaroo 2007: Dierks Bentley - What Was I Thinking

9. I Like It, I Love It by Tim McGraw. An older song, this was probably the last of the really ' country-sounding ' music produced by McGraw counry, at least.Tim McGraw - Greatest Hits - I Like It, I Love It

10. Guitars, Cadillacs by Dwight Yoakam. He is definitely not a vibrant entertainer, but his voice is strong and very distinguishable.Dwight Yoakam - The Very Best of Dwight Yoakam - Guitars, Cadillacs

I hope this country top ten playlist fuels your next workout. Continue to strive. Keep working hard towards your goals. Do your best to enjoy the process. And never, never, never give up.

Apple iTunes  

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Jamin Thompson on motivation

Jamin Thompson, "Jrock," is quite an inspirational man. He is a fat loss expert, model, motivational speaker and author of the e-book "The Six Pack Secret."

On his site, I came across his article about his motivations. Not only did he write encouraging and impressive credentials, but he has an awesome physique to start. Check out his article below and make sure to drop by his site,

My opinion is that, until enough people have committed in their preparation, she won't care enough when they're not. Many of us not enough to pursue efforts, enough to take risks, or as high as we fear of failure and the unknown can aspire. Life is full of "what ifs" and your mind will make many demons. Everybody has a breaking point where the profit or possible good result seems not worth the pain.

Jamin ThompsonThis is where you will make or break it. The problem we have is that so many people have worked so hard and when they finally begin to realize how difficult things actually are they suddenly start investing the minimum amount of time and effort just to get by. This allows them to remain comfortable.

Many of these "pretenders" act like they are (or were) ever good at whatever it is that they do. This gives them a kind of notoriety. Deep inside they know they have no chance, not because they do not have the ability, but because they aren't willing to work hard enough and make a commitment to drive through the pain to an end.

Many people have encountered this kind of negative feelings and emotions. It is the monster of self-doubt that prevents a person even try so that they give in despair even before! They are always those who are about to start working out, about to pursue new personal goals, about which she always had that dream, about a better person, etc. You get the idea.

Competition, in any form (work, school, sports, etc.), is such nonsense because many people can pretend like they have been there and that they really want to go there. Most people will look to other people and wish them in a certain position (power, fame, etc), but when it comes down to ...These same people would rather just lazy.

There is nothing worse in life than regret, and the world is full of people who are "losers" because they always were about to do something. To be great you must leave your comfort zone (the happy place where you feel safe and live risk free) and to decide on proactive and instead of reactive. Don't let your future ... only you can control elements outside your future.

Preparation only does absolutely nothing these days as it's easy to pretend so well. Until there is an investment, nothing matters. When most people reach their pain threshold or comfort level .... they will pull the plug ... does everyone. It doesn't matter what it is…. work, family, goals, etc.

I think I finally have learned that, although you can bust your ass in the preparation phase, you must be positive when the endlessly event you have so carefully prepared for comes around. We all are weak and have a doubt when the wolf and storming troops come off our House to break. " In the end, you will only run if you really deep down believe in yourself.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that they know much as they make critical judgments about others, which usually are reflections of self-flaws, and self sabotage themselves in the process. Make sure that you have your own business spirit, stay focused, and believe in yourself … even when no one else will.

It is difficult, I know, where deficiencies in motivation seem to be everywhere, sometimes question your own motivation level. But the bottom line is, when there is no investment, and no pain, you end up with no long-term reward. There are no get rich quick schemes on the road to success.

Work Hard and keep grinding. Don't worry if you have a long road ahead ... you just have to take where you are and work from there. Start small and think big and in the end that you better prepared once you hit with huge success. Work Hard and you can achieve anything that you want.

The best way to reach a goal first know yourself. Who are you exactly? You know? Have some sort of sense of self-awareness. The function of self-examination is to lay the groundwork for understanding, without which no growth can occur. For me, is understanding the "Oh, I see now" feeling that must consciously or unconsciously before each change in the human attitude.

These insights are real, real glimpse of ourselves as we really are, and only with great difficulty and often with real pain have been achieved. But they are essential building blocks for growth.

We all tend to be afraid of something that would hate us ourselves, or feel inferior, weak or stupid. Constantly We are protecting ourselves and our ideal image of ourselves with this quirky defense mechanisms, which are becoming aware of just our avoiding the reality of truth itself.

Finally, in order to be successful you need to win this fight against your own greatness. Your mind will always tell you. It will tell you that it's ok to be average. And your mind will you screw up. You must be completely honest with yourself and be prepared to make changes for self improvement.

Not shy away from personal growth because in doing so you are admitting that you are not be everything you could want. Use your talents, accept criticism, be honest with yourself and always bust your ass.

Nothing in life is free. You will earn most everything you get. Even the air you inhale comes at a price. You can be anything you want? Probably not. Each one of use was blessed with unique gifts and talents, and it is up to each one of us to use them to their max.

My advice to you is to use the talents that you were blessed with and develop them. Work Harder than your rivals and go about your business, such as a professional and will reward you. Certainly there will be ups and downs, but just remember, 80% of us don't care that you are having a tough time, and the remaining 20% are glad that your life sucks.

Not whining because in the end nobody really care. All you need to do is just be quietly go about your business and hard work. The best revenge is massive success.

Reprinted with permission, 2009

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