Thursday, September 5, 2013

injury life events and weight gain

It has been a real tough 3-5 years as I went through separation and eventually marriage ending procedures ( annulment ) plus injury.

Been a big guy (6 foot 240) since I was 16 but was aways healthy and active I worked Road construction and walked/ran. Among other things along With many bad food choices i Gained weight through out the bad marriage and got up to 300-350 at times.

After marriage was over I lost tons if weight in a bad way due to depression and lack of eating. Then I met somebody and for the last four years life had been good and I have been emotionally happy. But some of the weight crept back up with me being I guess comfortably numb and if course lack of activity plus bad eating choices.

Then I tore up my knee got budging disc/pinched nerve and bone spurs plus tendon issues in foot. Now this is all on my left side so needless to say it been painful and many days and can't even lift the leg and she takes my shoes and socks off for me.

Been through many hours of physical therapy and providers like knee surgery and things like spinal steroid injections I still have long road to recovery but I feel I'm on the right track.

As I sat there last week and did a self assessment I saw a 43 year old guy that was at his heaviest weight ever with cholesterol/sugar and blood pressure all borderline high and raising with injures that still pain and plague me every day. Not to mention all the other aches and pains and other crap they comes along with being 200 pounds over weight.

So I got back to pt and with the spine doctor I also made appt. with the dietitian and nutricialist at the hospital for help with changing my eating habits and getting healthy again. I can't exercise a lot yet but i need to start someplace and eating us a big part of it also.

View the original article here


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