Monday, August 12, 2013

Study: THIS Common Pre-Marathon Habit Could Cause Serious Side Effects

It's been a scary week for marathon runners; it feels weird to write anything marathon-related right now without addressing that first. But once we take a step back, we know that, ultimately, running is still good for us -- more likely to do our bodies good than to do them harm. Now, however, a new study shows a potential danger that many marathoners face every time they toe the line. And it's due to a common pre-race ritual -- one that I've definitely done, and you probably have, too!

So what should we NOT be doing before a race? Popping painkillers. Everyday OTCs like aspirin, ibuprofen and acetaminophen can cause serious side effects when paired with endurance sports, says the study, published today in the online journal BMJ Open -- serious enough to affect your performance, or even land you in the hospital.

When German researchers surveyed nearly 4,000 runners after a local marathon and half marathon, 49 percent of respondents said they'd popped pain meds beforehand in hopes of a pain-free race. But overall, the medicated runners were five times more likely to suffer complications during or after the event, including stomach cramps, cardiovascular problems, gastrointestinal bleeds, blood in their urine, and joint and muscle pain.

Those who took medication were slightly less likely to drop out of the race due to muscle cramps -- but more likely to drop out because of GI distress (which, if you ask me, is worse than a little knee pain). Nine of them also ended up in the hospital for kidney failure, bleeding ulcers, or heart attacks, compared to none of the non-medicated runners. Taking more than the recommended dosage -- as 43 percent of ibuprofen users in the study did -- raised the risk of side effects significantly.

Painkillers prevent the formation of prostaglandins, hormone-like substances involved in the body's inflammatory process. But, the authors say, prostaglandins also protect the body under extreme stress (e.g. marathon running), and without them, we're at risk for more serious injury.

Bottom line? Use pain meds sparingly, and only when you really need them. And if you're relying on them to get through your workouts, talk to your doctor about a safer, longer-term solution. Stay safe out there, runners!

Do you ever pop pain meds before a run? Will this change your mind about it? Tweet us at @amandaemac and @SELFmagazine.


Image Credit: Arthur Belebeau

View the original article here


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