Saturday, August 31, 2013

being full is in my mind!!

so I am suffering from anorexia, now tyring to recover but admittingly still restricting! Im having breakfast, then nothing until dinner and over-exercising :(

My problem is this, I'm scared to gain weight and as much as I want to recover really am struggling to come to terms with weight gain ;(

When it coms to dinner time, I'm not hungry! like I think I get hunger pangs during the day, but the ED voice comes stronger and stronger as the afternoon draws closer to night and I start feeling full, full to the point as if I have JUST eaten!

can anyone shed some light?? is it cause I'm actually so hungry, I' feeling hunger not fullness? I sound crazy I know.  I just hate not being able to GUAGE MY OWN HUNGER at 25 freakin years old! this ED has taken over my life completely. help *cry*.  (P.s I do eat a large dinner regardless, then feel immense guilt)

I haven't weighed myself, but I am approx. 83-4 lbs, and 5'2"

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