Monday, December 10, 2012

Weight loss Is difficult and not particularly rewarding

I just read this article on Slate about a woman who went from 320 pounds, to a size 12.

Of obese chubby: How I lost the weight to, and why you shouldn't admire me for it. -Slate Magazine

For example, suppose you had to starve yourself daily for bare maintenance of your health and physical appearance. Can you do it? Forever? And would you like? I doubt very much that you would do. But still, it's what I need to do.

That is the question. When I was at my lowest weight was, I was STARVING. I always thought about food and I wasn't particularly happy with how I looked.

I think I had so much of my accident the blame on my weight that I was shocked that I'm still unhappy with my appearance when I was so close to goal was. The truth of the matter is, be thin not makes me happy.

Neither does thick.

Happiness and weight loss are two different things. If losing weight will not make you happy, what are the benefits?

You live longer: those extra years will be spent in joy or misery is your choice.People respect you more: as much as we would want to deny, we respect people who are thin. That girl from high school who is still physically fit is the belle of the 20 year high school reunion.

That's about it, folks. If you think losing weight is going to change your life, that you are wrong. Lose weight your body will change. You must change your life.

If you expect to be happy immediately because you have lost weight, then you will be disappointed. If you are setting concrete objectives on living longer and basking in the glow of your performance, you will much more likely to achieve your goal and stay there.

Via: weight loss and happiness are two different things

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