My heart is heavy tonight after hearing a dear friend and co-worker lost her father today.
Yes, it is the circle of life. Yes, it is bound to happen. Yes, people get old and die and leave us here to mourn and feel the loss.
It doesn’t make it any easier!
There is a woman at work who loves E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E! Every child, adult, and person she meets, she has an instant smile for. She is an encourager, a helper, a friend, a passionate person, a mother, sister, and daughter. Most of all, she is loved back from all who she comes in contact with! She is truly living life to the fullest!
In hearing the loss of her father today, I am reminded that life is so short! I had to ask myself the following questions:
What am I doing to make a difference in the life of others?
What am I doing to impact others for the good?
What have I done to impact the future through each child I came in contact with today?
What am I doing to better my health so I can live as long as possible for those around me?
Now, I ask you. What are you doing to make a difference and leave behind a legacy when you go? Life is so short…live it to the fullest!
To our dear Momma Moran…you are in our hearts and prayers this week as you mourn the loss of your father. I hope you know how much your EV family loves you! I hope you know what a difference YOU make each and every day to children and adults alike! During this loss, feel His arms around you and know He is right there beside you.
One List LifeWhen Life Hands you a Cupcake…GIVE IT AWAY!!!!!
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