Friday, August 2, 2013

Get Summer-Ready Beachy Waves

You guys, summer is getting close -- even though it feels like spring's just started. And what's more summery than the ubiquitous beachy waves we've been seeing repeatedly for years now? Problem is, most of these sprays leave my locks feeling like hay and looking like straw. But, yesterday Ouidad launched two new products that create serious texture without zapping health from your strands.

The Wave Create Salt Spray,  is awesome for really any kind of hair, from straight hair with a tiny bit of texture to naturally curly strands. It's formulated with sea water and sea salt to create volume and texture, as well as plant humectants to majorly moisturize without adding weight.

But, you know, we've seen the wave sprays before. We love them, really, but Ouidad one-upped themselves with the launch of their Texture Taffy, which is ideal for straight hair that can seem to NEVER wave. (Of course, though, you can use it if your strands are wavy or curly, too.) This "stretchy styling cream," as the brand dubs it, has a ton of benefits that add texture without parching strands. Sea kelp seaweed extract has tons of vitamins and minerals that add shine, while algae extract moisturizes. Plus, milk thistle extract, an antioxidant, helps fight free radicals from doing damage.

Gonna give the stuff a whirl? Scoop a nickel-sized blob and warm it, rubbing the product between your hands. Using your palms, cup the ends of your damp hair with the taffy, and keep cupping until you actually see waves. Then, let your hair dry naturally or use a diffuser to speed it up.

Are you gonna try the Texture Taffy? If you do, tweet me @AESam and @SELFmagazine and let me know if you thought it was as cool as I did!


View the original article here


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