Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Trip To Bonkville

Here is a story you might find interesting.

I'm almost to the end of a two week "ultra low carb" diet. I've never tried this before but at the suggestion of a friend, did so. 1,600 calories/day and less than 20 grams of carbohydrates/day. Yes, I was a bad bad boy all winter, got to 190 lb (5' 11"), trying to get down to 175 lb.

Well, the diet has been working fine, I'm at 180-181 now (from 187) and ready to go to a merely "low" carb life and off this ultra-low carb plan on Monday. I like eating things other than protein and fat, and I am starting to hate chicken.

Anyway, I have been feeling rather weak on this diet, which is noticeable on my daily bike commute and in the spin class, so for today's ride I decided to pack some carbs. The plan was to meter out the evil carbs just as needed on the ride and thus no interrupt the virtuous cycle of ketosis, if indeed I am in ketosis which may or may not be, how the heck would I know anyway. I'm not going to pee on a test strip, with my luck I'll be pronounced pregnant and that will take some explaining.

Well, that was a disaster.

We did 47 miles at avg 17 mph. The first third we were riding 20 mph, I started out weak and faded as we went, began wheelsucking shamelessly. Hmm, this isn't starting so well, so it's time for carbs! We stopped for food - but my buddy had forgotten his, so we shared mine. I had half a PBJ and half a banana, and we went on. Doing 18-19 mph, now I was slowing us down, down, and then I started a bonk.

Had an emergency gel which helped but after a few miles back at 20 mph I was even deeper into bonkville and struggling to ride 17 mph. It was a flat ride but on the little rises and overpasses, that you'd normally ride over without noticing, I had to stand and fight my way up.

My heart rate never rose, I barely even sweated, but my legs were dull aching empty shells. I rode the whole way in the drops because even that little aero help was desperately needed.

At 43 miles my buddy and I parted ways, he to complete a round 50 miles without towing a panting slug, me headed for Velocult Bike Shop & Tavern. It was just another 4 miles but I was losing bike control and gritting my teeth to ride 15 mph, then 14, then 13.

On one of the last blocks, a little girl on the sidewalk, riding a pink bike with tassels and 16" wheels, almost beat me. I made a supreme effort and pipped her at the line. Her training wheels hurt her but I think she was on 'roids. After all she had no chest and her frilly collar must have been concealing an Adam's apple.

I supposedly burned 2,670 calories (says Cyclemeter, I doubt it) yet my body started out with just a pre-ride chicken breast for fuel and received only the half-rations on the way. Normally, I don't need to eat at all on a 50 mile ride. Not today.

Ended at the bike shop where there was a pint of IPA and a bag of potato chips. The guys there recommended a book: "Paleo Diet For Athletes". Anyone know it? Anyone on a low-carb diet and doing long rides/other extended exercise?

View the original article here


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