Thursday, March 29, 2012

Jamin Thompson on motivation

Jamin Thompson, "Jrock," is quite an inspirational man. He is a fat loss expert, model, motivational speaker and author of the e-book "The Six Pack Secret."

On his site, I came across his article about his motivations. Not only did he write encouraging and impressive credentials, but he has an awesome physique to start. Check out his article below and make sure to drop by his site,

My opinion is that, until enough people have committed in their preparation, she won't care enough when they're not. Many of us not enough to pursue efforts, enough to take risks, or as high as we fear of failure and the unknown can aspire. Life is full of "what ifs" and your mind will make many demons. Everybody has a breaking point where the profit or possible good result seems not worth the pain.

Jamin ThompsonThis is where you will make or break it. The problem we have is that so many people have worked so hard and when they finally begin to realize how difficult things actually are they suddenly start investing the minimum amount of time and effort just to get by. This allows them to remain comfortable.

Many of these "pretenders" act like they are (or were) ever good at whatever it is that they do. This gives them a kind of notoriety. Deep inside they know they have no chance, not because they do not have the ability, but because they aren't willing to work hard enough and make a commitment to drive through the pain to an end.

Many people have encountered this kind of negative feelings and emotions. It is the monster of self-doubt that prevents a person even try so that they give in despair even before! They are always those who are about to start working out, about to pursue new personal goals, about which she always had that dream, about a better person, etc. You get the idea.

Competition, in any form (work, school, sports, etc.), is such nonsense because many people can pretend like they have been there and that they really want to go there. Most people will look to other people and wish them in a certain position (power, fame, etc), but when it comes down to ...These same people would rather just lazy.

There is nothing worse in life than regret, and the world is full of people who are "losers" because they always were about to do something. To be great you must leave your comfort zone (the happy place where you feel safe and live risk free) and to decide on proactive and instead of reactive. Don't let your future ... only you can control elements outside your future.

Preparation only does absolutely nothing these days as it's easy to pretend so well. Until there is an investment, nothing matters. When most people reach their pain threshold or comfort level .... they will pull the plug ... does everyone. It doesn't matter what it is…. work, family, goals, etc.

I think I finally have learned that, although you can bust your ass in the preparation phase, you must be positive when the endlessly event you have so carefully prepared for comes around. We all are weak and have a doubt when the wolf and storming troops come off our House to break. " In the end, you will only run if you really deep down believe in yourself.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that they know much as they make critical judgments about others, which usually are reflections of self-flaws, and self sabotage themselves in the process. Make sure that you have your own business spirit, stay focused, and believe in yourself … even when no one else will.

It is difficult, I know, where deficiencies in motivation seem to be everywhere, sometimes question your own motivation level. But the bottom line is, when there is no investment, and no pain, you end up with no long-term reward. There are no get rich quick schemes on the road to success.

Work Hard and keep grinding. Don't worry if you have a long road ahead ... you just have to take where you are and work from there. Start small and think big and in the end that you better prepared once you hit with huge success. Work Hard and you can achieve anything that you want.

The best way to reach a goal first know yourself. Who are you exactly? You know? Have some sort of sense of self-awareness. The function of self-examination is to lay the groundwork for understanding, without which no growth can occur. For me, is understanding the "Oh, I see now" feeling that must consciously or unconsciously before each change in the human attitude.

These insights are real, real glimpse of ourselves as we really are, and only with great difficulty and often with real pain have been achieved. But they are essential building blocks for growth.

We all tend to be afraid of something that would hate us ourselves, or feel inferior, weak or stupid. Constantly We are protecting ourselves and our ideal image of ourselves with this quirky defense mechanisms, which are becoming aware of just our avoiding the reality of truth itself.

Finally, in order to be successful you need to win this fight against your own greatness. Your mind will always tell you. It will tell you that it's ok to be average. And your mind will you screw up. You must be completely honest with yourself and be prepared to make changes for self improvement.

Not shy away from personal growth because in doing so you are admitting that you are not be everything you could want. Use your talents, accept criticism, be honest with yourself and always bust your ass.

Nothing in life is free. You will earn most everything you get. Even the air you inhale comes at a price. You can be anything you want? Probably not. Each one of use was blessed with unique gifts and talents, and it is up to each one of us to use them to their max.

My advice to you is to use the talents that you were blessed with and develop them. Work Harder than your rivals and go about your business, such as a professional and will reward you. Certainly there will be ups and downs, but just remember, 80% of us don't care that you are having a tough time, and the remaining 20% are glad that your life sucks.

Not whining because in the end nobody really care. All you need to do is just be quietly go about your business and hard work. The best revenge is massive success.

Reprinted with permission, 2009

View the original article here


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