Peace is a hard thing to attain. Life throws so much at us, constantly, that there is ALWAYS something.
I have had a hard time lately with finding peace. There is a lot going on in my life right now.
I am busy. I am so busy that I sometimes feel like there is never time to just “be.” I am thankful for two jobs that I LOVE that keep me busy. I am thankful for a thriving blog that keeps me busy. I am thankful for a home that keeps me busy. However, I am busy and sometimes that busyness becomes a little much.
I am also struggling with disappointment. I am disappointed in some areas of my life that I have no control over. Lately it seems people are disappointing me more than usual. I feel like maybe Satan is trying to get into certain areas of my life and I am fighting hard to keep focused on Christ and not let Satan get anywhere near me. That is hard.
This afternoon, I was having a quiet moment thinking about things and I was led to my room to find the book, “Jesus Calling.” I looked up the page for yesterday and it read:
Peace is My continual gift to you. It flows abundantly from My throne of grace. Just as the Israelites could not store up manna for the future but had to gather it daily, so it is with My Peace. The day-by-day collecting of manna kept My people aware of their dependence on Me. Similarly, I give you sufficient Peace for the present, when you come to meby prayer and petition with thanksgiving. If I gave you permanent Peace, independent of My Presence, you might fall into the trap of self-sufficiency. May that never be!
I have designed you to need Me moment by moment. As your awareness of your neediness increases, so does your realization of My abundant sufficiency. I can meet every one of your needs without draining My resources at all. Approach My throne of grace with bold confidence, receiving My Peace with a thankful heart.
Weight loss is hard enough when things are going RIGHT in your life. When things aren’t going so well, it makes it that much harder.
I am asking God right now to meet my needs with only the power He can. I need His peace in my life and I am quietly asking Him for it.
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