Well, my weigh in surprise from last week caught up to me. Ten fold.
I didn’t go to Weight Watchers for several reasons but like always, I weighed in at home this morning. Up 4 pounds. Yep…4 freakin’ pounds.
So…I know that can’t possibly be “accurate” and it will even out next week. No…I didn’t have a stellar week, however, I surely didn’t have such a “great” week that I gained 4 pounds.
I love how things happen that make me laugh and realize that this truly is a journey I am on. I love how God places things smack dab in my path to get me to realize something. Today was one of those days.
I had some time after school so I went to my mom’s house and we went on a walk together which we used to do quite a bit before I got a Monday afternoon tutoring student. I have missed that time we spend together.
It has been VERY windy in Atlanta the past two days. So much so that there has been a wind advisory. Today, while we were walking, there were huge gusts of wind. I mean HUGE! You know, the kind of wind that when you are driving, you have to compensate a little bit in your car to stay in your lane?
Well…imagine that kind of wind while you are out walking. Regardless, we were out for a nice long walk and the prettiest red bird flew in front of us. At about that time, a huge gust of wind came and the bird was flapping his little wings like crazy but because of the wind he was just staying in the same spot. He was trying so hard but not going anywhere. Eventually, the wind died down and he was able to get to his destination.
My mom and I started laughing hysterically. We have never seen such a thing. Poor little guy.
How many wind storms have we been caught in during our weight loss journey? How many times have we been that little red bird flapping our arms as hard as we can to just feel defeated? How many times have we stopped flapping because we feel the wind is too strong?
That little bird today did not stop. He flapped as hard as he could even though he wasn’t going anywhere. He did not give up.
No matter what storm you are going through, no matter how hard the wind is blowing, don’t give up. Keep flapping those wings and giving it all you’ve got. Eventually, the storm will calm and you will make it through to your destination. Whatever you do, don’t give up!
What are your storms? Have you reached a plateau? Are you tired of flapping so hard and feel like you are standing still? Keep on flappin’!
Photo Credit
Kicking and Screaming – Weekly Weigh InNegative Nelly – Weekly Weigh InNew Beginnings – Weekly Weigh InNo Excuses – Weekly Weigh InMeasure It – Weekly Weigh In
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