Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I'm not sure if this is the right forum, so forgive me if I should've posted somewhere else.

My boyfriend is a truly wonderful man, he's thoughtful, generous, kind, amazing with my kids, and usually very supportive. In the 3 years we've been together I've gained just shy of 20 pounds. By no means do I blame him! I understand why I put it on and this is my 3rd attempt to take it off.

Here's my problem: he's always bringing crap into the house, even when I've asked him not to. For example, my son had a friend over on Saturday, he took the kids to Basking Robbins; they asked if I wanted anything and thankfully my willpower kicked in & I said no. A half hour later, they come home & he had gotten me a scoop of ice cream. I was annoyed, I only have so much willpower! He assured me that it was only 100 calories. I managed to put in the freezer and ate only half Saturday night, saving the rest for Sunday.

So last night I was pretty proud of myself, until he comes home with a half a pound of my personal kryptonite...gummy bears. There's something about biting off their chewy, fruity little heads that I find truly (albeit slightly sadistic) enjoyable. Once again my willpower kicked in & put the unopened bag in the pantry. He said he was thinking about me & after all they are fat free. Ugh!

About an hour later I swear I could hear those chewy fruity little bastards calling my name, begging me to chomp off their little heads and let them melt slowly in my mouth. I had to make the voices stop. I lost all willpower & ate 1/4 of the bag.

Mind you this is just one weekend! He does these things several times a week and brings home my favorite things that I know I shouldn't eat....and then leaves them on the kitchen counter.

OK, done with the rant. Thank you for listening. Now, I surely can't be the only one who's gone through this. Anyone have any advice on how to deal with this? I don't think he's doing it out of spite or ill will, I truly think he's doing it because he thinks I deserve it since I'm really working hard to make good choices and get in shape again. I should also probably mention that he's a junk food fiend. The worse it is for you, the more he loves it. Any advice would be HUGELY appreciated!

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