Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Lately I have been obsessing about exercising, especially this past week. I try to stay as active as possible, and almost never let myself sit down or participate in sedentary activities like watching TV or using the computer. When I eat breakfast, I stand and walk around my yard and read simultaneously. This week, I started running again, and have been doing many other exercises. Here's what my week's looked like:

Monday: Running-25 minutes, yoga-15 minutes, and cleaning for 1 hour, 200 bicycle crunches 

Tuesday: yoga/aerobics-35 minutes, gymnastics- 1 hour, 200 bicycle crunches

Wednesday: running-27 minutes,walking-3 minutes yoga/aerobics- 35 minutes, swimming-10 minutes, 200 bicycle crunches, 

Thursday: running-32 minutes, walking-3 minutes, cleaning counters and cabinets for 2 hours, 320 bicycle crunches, 90 girl pushups, 4 1-minute planks, 100 hip raises

Friday: running- 45 minutes, walking- 25 minutes, gymnastics- 1 hour

Each day this week I've eaten 1800 calories. I just can not get myself to eat more than 1800 calories! And now my brain always tells me I need to exercise as much as possible, and I feel terribly guilty if I ever sit down or am resting. Even though my body is tired, and I feel like I have almost no energy, My brain continues to tell me to exercise exercise exercise! Tonight, while I was babysitting after gymnastics practice, my chest and rib bones had this terrible achey pain, and it was hard to even play dolls with the girl I was babysitting.

Do you think I'm over exercising? Has anyone experienced something similar, and what is the best thing to do? I'm in anorexia recovery, for those who do not know.

View the original article here


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