Saturday, July 20, 2013

Look forward to rest day, but feel like feel like lazibones if I don't workout?

So I keep a pretty good workout schedule 6 days a week.  LOTs of cardio, because just done 7wk of 10 in a training for first triathlon program. I have added some full body strength training 2x/wk.  I also work 2.5hrs every Sunday on CSA farm.

Monday(s) are my rest days.  Believe me, my body could use it after yesterday, and the other weekend activity.  However, when I get home, I know I'll want to do some sort of workout, because I'll feel like I should.  I will generally do something light (stretching, play/dancing w/ my daughter or light yoga), because I feel like a load if I don't do anything. But even with that I feel I should do more weights or even more cardio.

I don't get why I just can't enjoy the day off working out?

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