Sunday, July 21, 2013

Get Scarlett Johansson's Superhero Bod in One Move

Scarlett Johansson rocks that magic combo of curves, confidence and fitness that somehow inspires a we-can't-help-it obsession in us all. I mean, girl is gorgeous. As femme fatale Black Widow in The Avengers -- which is in the running for an MTV Movie Award this weekend! -- she looks so damn comfortable in that skintight body suit (not to mention this to-die-for burgundy gown), she got us jonesing get a bodacious superhero body, too.

To the rescue: L.A.-based trainers Bobby and Alicia Strom, who worked with Johansson while she was prepping for the role. "She really puts 100% into getting ready for whatever role she needs to play," says Bobby. "When she was going to be in The Avengers, she wanted to be more athletic and toned."

So, what's the first thing you learn in Action Star 101? You need to get a core hovering in that "rock solid" zone. "She was being shot around in a harness, doing kicks and jumps," says Bobby. "She [needed] to be strong enough not to get hurt doing stunts."

The trainer had Johansson strengthening her core with a tough super move that combines the Inchworm with knee tucks. Check out this totally homemade but insanely awesome how-to video featuring Alicia Strom (who's sporting super-chic Victoria's Secret VSX Sport Line, btw). Once we nail this move like Scarlett did -- watch out world, cat suit here we come!

Inchworm with Knee Tuck

Standing straight up, bend to touch your toes, keeping knees straight. Crawling out with your hands, keeping your knees stiff, so that you're stretching glutes and hamstrings. Walk your hands out to a plank position. Do a knee tuck by crossing your right knee toward your left shoulder. Do one knee tuck with each leg, then walk your hands back slowly, stand up and stretch toward the sky. Do the entire move 10 times for some fat-blasting results!


Image Credit: Fairchild Archive

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