Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Amazon “Lightning Box” Deal — 9am-1pm EST Only (Plus: $299 Course for Free)

I just received confirmation from Amazon that a Lightning Deal tomorrow (1/24) is for The 4-Hour Chef.

This means that the hardcover will be 65% off for 4 hours only, from 9am – 1pm ET. Just click here.

For those interested… If you purchase 3 hardcover copies of The 4-Hour Chef OR The 4-Hour Body, I will give you a $299 video course I filmed with CreativeLIVE… for free.

This is two days of actionable content, filmed in HD with multiple cameras, including in-depth material from:

- Me (key concepts from all three books: The 4-Hour Workweek, The 4-Hour Body, and The 4-Hour Chef)
- Neil Strauss, 6x New York Times bestselling author (on creative process and successful writing)
- Noah Kagan, CEO of AppSumo (testing and creating businesses or “muses”)
- Dave Camarillo, UFC grappling trainer (real-world self-defense training and jiu-jitsu — I get thrown a lot)
- Philippe von Borries, Co-Founder of Refinery29 (start-up funding, founding, and growth strategy)
- Leila Janah, CEO of Samasource (maximizing social good, hacking the non-profit world)
- Mark Bell, world-class powerlifter, top-10 totals of all-time (power training)
- Kelly Starrett, founder of SF CrossFit (crossfit, mobility training, undoing physical damage)
- Rick Torbett, founder of Better Basketball (keys to better shooting, better learning/coaching)
- John Jackson, founder of ArcheryTag (archery, shooting an apple off of my head — really)
…and much more.

Here are two reviews:

“I skipped work to watch this. Completely worth it so far. The session with Neil [Strauss] and Tim riffing about writing is gold-dust. The fact that there’s several more hours of great content is just brilliant. I’ve got about 30 pages of notes that I wrote as I was watching…”

“Thank you so much for hosting this event. It was amazing to learn in such an informal environment from people who are the best in their field and are completely approachable. The passion, know how and encouragement this course provided me with is invaluable and has inspired me to push myself further. Thank you!”

If interested, just do the following no later than 5pm PST this Friday, 1/25/13:

1) Buy 3 hardcover copies of The 4-Hour Body (40%+ off) OR The 4-Hour Chef (65% or 40% off).

Two Notes:
- For 3 books, this means you’ll have to buy one copy at 65% off and two copies at 40% off.
- First, if you’ve already bought a copy of one of the books, you can just buy two (2) new copies. Simply attach both screenshots. That said, I’d really appreciate you buying three copies if you can, and you must buy at least two new copies.

2) Fill out this form.

The course will be delivered to you within the next 10 days via e-mail! This 3-book offer applies to international readers as well, but I don’t know if you’ll be able to get the 65% discount.

Rock on. Next post, we’re back to our usual content…

Posted on January 23rd, 2013

View the original article here


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