I have talked about my amazing mother in past posts and with Mother’s Day being today, I thought it would be appropriate to hear directly from her. I asked her to write me a letter about my healthiness journey. Here is a letter written directly from my mom’s heart.

Dear Jennifer,
As your mom, I have watched you grow up through the years. You have been a joy and a delight – for the most part!
Your struggle with your weight began fairly early, but then, I was a “chunky” 10-year old who grew out of it during puberty so I just knew you would do the same. You did pretty well until you went off to college at Lee University, started eating fast food, had some emotional issues, and started stuffing your feelings with food.

As a counselor, I was sure I could help you with your “issues” and I did practice every new therapy that I learned on your “willing” self. We did manage to clear up some issues along the way, but I knew you and God had to do most of the work together. As I watched you struggle, I had to give you up to Him over and over as I saw your misery, your tears, and listened to your heart crying out for healing. As your mom, this was not easy to watch, but I continually gave you over the Lord knowing that He had the answers – not me. But, I was also willing to be used in any way possible under His direction.
The challenge came in 2009 when we made a deal with you. Lose at Weight Watchers and we (your father and I) pay, gain and you paid. We knew, especially at this time, money was a motivator. This motivation and Jacynta (your God-sent leader), finally paid off! We started seeing results. S.L.O.W.L.Y the weight started coming off. I began to see an excited, motivated, healthier, energetic and MUCH happier daughter. And it does, to this day delight my heart.
Your journey has not been easy, quick, or immediate but you are continuing to persevere and I am so proud of you.
You are also allowing God to use you, your struggles and your journey to inspire and help others. And isn’t this what it is all about? Reaching out to others and helping them with where you have been and are continuing to struggle, encouraging them on – knowing if you did this so can they.
As your journey continues, I look forward to seeing how God will continue to use you for His glory and for your good.

Before I close, I must mention the beloved lady who was my hero, my model and my biggest cheerleader, my mother – who would have been 98 years old this past Friday, May 11. She is also your namesake – Jennifer Delaney. You carry a great name for a great lady. Without her, none of this would have been possible.
May your readers all be blessed and inspired as they continue to follow your journey. I know I am continually blessed and I thank God for seeing fit to choose me as your mother!
Much Love,
Mom, You are MY hero, MY model, and MY biggest cheerleader. Without YOU, none of this would have been possible. I love you and thank God that He gave me to you. I couldn’t have asked for a better mother! Thank you for hanging in there with me all these years and loving me unconditionally. You are the perfect role model for all mothers out there and I love you so very much!

My name is Jennifer, I’m 33 and I currently live in a suburb outside of Atlanta. I live with my husband, Jason and Shi-tzu, Maggie. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends.
My full time job is teaching elementary school. My part time job is private tutoring after school for grades K-6. I have been on my weight loss journey my entire life but just began to take it seriously two years ago when I decided it was time to start a family. I didn’t want to be one of those people who others look and and say, “Is she pregnant or just really fat?” At the rate I was going, that question would certainly be asked. So, two years ago I joined Weight Watchers. Now, closing in on losing 100 pounds, my life is healthier and I am happier. Now…bring on the baby!
My blog is here for you to be inspired, learn something new, and hear all about all new products I try. Join me on this weight loss journey as I go through ups and downs, good and bad, and continue to take it one day at a time!
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