If you don’t mind, I am just going to let my thoughts go for a minute. Bear with me!
I’ve slipped.
I’ve slipped far and I’ve been slipping for quite a while.
This week’s Weight Watchers topic was PERFECT for me. You know why?!? Because I had a major slip up.
I gained 3.8 pounds. I now weigh back in the 190's. O-M-G!!!!

It was a wake up call. It was the wake up call I needed to get my butt back in gear.
I think last week when I only gained a little (and expected to gain a lot!), I thought I could continue to cheat and not gain. Boy was I ever wrong. I’m tired of it.
My clothes don’t fit good and I REFUSE to buy new ones.
I FEEL bad physically. I have headaches again.
I don’t like the way I look in the mirror or some pictures that are taken.
I am gaining weight and It is time to stop.
The past eight months I have teeter tottered back and forth. I looked back at my weight record and can CLEARLY see the steady gain.

Who am I?!? This week’s big gain was just what I needed to say, “Self…get it together. Enough is enough!”
Plus, if I don’t do something before work starts, I won’t have any clothes to wear!
So…I am serious this time. I have had enough. I WILL turn this slip up into success. It is simply a choice. It is actually a whole bunch of small choices that add up. I will make small, good choices that will add up to success.
This week’s meeting was perfect for me. I have a choice. I can continue to go in the wrong direction or I can get my act together, do what I KNOW I NEED to do and get back on track.
I choose success. Which do YOU choose?
Thank you for letting me get my thoughts out. This post made me very sad to write. I feel like a fake. I don’t feel like a weight loss role model. However, I know in my heart those are lies. We ALL go through downs. I have gone through a down and I hope some of you can relate and feel encouraged to know you are not alone. Let’s make it a great week!
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My name is Jennifer, I’m 35 and I currently live in a suburb outside of Atlanta. I live with my husband, Jason and Shi-tzu, Maggie. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends.
My full time job is teaching elementary school. My part time job is private tutoring after school for grades K-6. I have been on my weight loss journey my entire life but just began to take it seriously two years ago when I decided it was time to start a family. I didn’t want to be one of those people who others look and and say, “Is she pregnant or just really fat?” At the rate I was going, that question would certainly be asked. So, two years ago I joined Weight Watchers. Now, closing in on losing 100 pounds, my life is healthier and I am happier. Now…bring on the baby!
My blog is here for you to be inspired, learn something new, and hear all about all new products I try. Join me on this weight loss journey as I go through ups and downs, good and bad, and continue to take it one day at a time!
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