I got a call from a good friend of mine the other night. She was obviously very upset and had to talk.
She told me she really struggling. She has quite a bit of weight to lose and is the last time on a weight-loss rollercoaster. She was very frustrated and said that I was the only one who could talk with them because nobody knew how it was.
We chatted for a while and I reassured her that she could do this! We have a plan and figured out how I could help her by some accountability. I hope they hung up feeling much better than when they are called. I know when she hung up, I was so proud of her.
She did the one thing that can help her most right click. She called someone she thought might help and talked about her feelings.
Have you ever felt discouraged and in despair? Have you ever felt like you knew "stuck were" and not what to do?!? All sure … we have at some point. How do you handle those feelings? Here are some ways I have dealt with them in the past:
You notice a pattern? Nowhere on that list saying, "call someone who has been there and ask for help!"
It dawned on me after we hung that she is a complete rock star. In the past, she would probably still on the road she was on, getting more weight and feeling more miserable and alone. This time, she made the choice to the end then and there. She decided to phone from a friend who could encourage her and help her get back on track.
I would encourage you if you're struggling to to find someone to call. Lay it all out there and ask them for help. Perhaps they can help you with accountability. Maybe they can help you come up with a plan. Maybe you just need someone to tell you that it will be all OK, and this is just another hurdle that you are going through.
There are so many people out there that are done that there are, and they can help you!
On another note…I am off to Philly for a work Conference. Wish me luck like cheese steaks all around me!
Have a great weekend!
Photo Credit: Pinterest
Inter tion "friend"?
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