Nothing's better than a new set of workout songs to get motivated for the next workout. Whenever I find juuuuust the right song that's got the exact beat my body needs at the moment, it puts me into an incredible state of flow. A great high... Much more so than any chocolate chip cookie or glass of wine can offer me.
Keep in mind that many of the workout songs I find, you may not have heard of, or maybe are totally out of your comfort zone. If your fave is Metallica and I suggest Will Smith, don't freak out. Just give it a try, even if getting a laugh is your main motivator. It works, really.
Oh, you can always click on the album to go hear a sample of it. Ahhhh. Itunes. A never ending source of weight loss motivation. I must be their dream customer, always getting high off their goods, looking for my next fix.

1. Play that Funky Music
Wild Cherry
Yep. Start I'd start us off with a little funk. 'Course in my head, when I'm singing it, I'm the "white girl." Who cares if the song came out a year before I was born? It works.
2. It Takes Two
Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock
Hit it! Tribal-ish. Takes me back to my teazed bangs days.
3. Stronger
Kanye West
That that don't kill me, can only make me stronger. These words fill my mind with the belief that I can push harder. It won't kill me. This is a great muscle failure tune.
4. Invaders Must Die
Electronic tunes on crack. Cardio breezes by with this song.
5. What Was I Thinking
Dierks Bentley
Yeah, he's kind of dorky, but cute. This song just cracks me up. For lighter feeling days.
6. So Blessed
Great voice. Inspirational, yet groovy.
7. Shake Your Rump
Beastie Boys
The Beastie Boys' yelling will almost always get me movin'. I love their anti-genre theology. Cool mix of sounds in this song.
8. Freedom
His melodic voice is pretty mesmerizing. Just right to get in a mental trance and totally zone into the moment. Good warm up.
9. Of Wolf and Man
Confession: 99 percent of the time, I can't understand a word they're saying. But, the music is good - it's angry and pumping.
10. Man in the Box
Alice in Chains
I was convinced by a friend to try this song on a run. Reluctantly, I did. It really works, though. Weird voice. Keeps my attention.
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