Thursday, August 29, 2013

Hair loss in 16 year old pleas help me

Im a 16 year old guy and ive Been anorexic for the last 2 years I was vegan for a year and a half and it took allot for me to get off it So for about the last maybe 3 months ive been eating a bit more "normal" But i know i still eat less than what i should sometimes i eat 3 times a day and will eat fruit but i still end up with around 400-700 calories left

But the reason i need advice is tht in all these two years that ive been going through anorexia , even back in march and April when I'd only get about 100-250 calories per day my hair was just thin and it nvr fell out , but now it is :'( and it won't stop

And i eat 3 times a day with snacks but i always end up with calories left & i know im getting better im 5'9 and once wieghed 220 this problem about a month ago lowerd me to about 100lbs and im at 112-114 right now but my hairl lost just keeps getting worst and worst pleas help me I've been taking a multivitamin , biotin, and iron supplements for about maybe a month and a half but theres no change any tips??? Pleas hair is the only thing i like about my body it was my reason to stop , without it i wont have a reason.

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