Monday, July 15, 2013

The More I exercise the more I stuff my face. (Therefore, no results.) Help!

See, I'm trying to lose a little weight, but I also want to get really healthy by getting in shape. My goal is to lose 3-6 pounds, which doesn't sound much to you all that have dropped like 50 pounds, however, I'm already fairly thin and don't want to drop drastic amounts of weight. Anyway, that's all beside my point. My point is, I've been doing the Insanity workout for a couple weeks now and it's going really well. It's pretty insane, but I already see my arms becoming stronger and my thighs becoming stronger etc. The only problem is, I haven't been losing any weight at all. If anything, I may have gained a couple pounds. The thing is, after an Insanity workout, my body craves food. So I eat a healthy regular sized meal of about 500 calories. But then, although I don't experience actual hunger pangs, my body just craves more food. And nothing satiates me, not even a good dose of protein. By the end of the night after an insanity workout I end up eating more than I probably burned doing the workout in the first place! It's not that I don't have will power- I lost a lot of weight last year and had no problem with will power. It's that my body honestly makes me feel like I need more food after completing a vigorous workout like Insanity.

Do you guys have any tips on limiting my body's craving for more and more and more food after a high-intensity workout? I know you need to replenish your body with a good meal, but after a meal I never feel satiated. What do you guys do to limit your post workout "cravings?"

Thanks for any advice.

Ps. This type of "craving" for more and more food never happened to me before I started working out with vigorously with Insanity.

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