I am wanting to recover from anorexia.I went from 200 lbs to 124 lbs in two years and I am 17 and 5'6 and a half.I am desperate.I have experienced slight hair loss but nothing major.I have naturally thin and fine hair though.I have read posts of recovering anorexics losing their hair and it is discouraging.If I am going to lose my hair in recovery,I can't see myself choosing recovery.I need to know if that normally happens in recovery and if anyone has experienced that and how long it lasts.I need to know what to do to keep my hair from falling out before I choose to recover.I eat between 500-800 calories a day and sometimes I throw up.If I get enough protein but still stay under 800 calories,should my hair be okay?Is there any way to keep my hair from falling out while staying under 800 calories if I get enough protein?
I want to get 90 grams of protein and I take a vitamin so should my hair be okay if I do this?My hair is the only thing that has ever gave me beauty.I would rather kill myself than lose my hair.Has anyone went bald because of anorexia?To any anorexics or ex-anorexics,how thin has your hair gotten?
Will I go bald?Will I have to cut or shave my hair?
Does the hair loss eventually stop?Will I lose my hair in recovery?I really need others' experiences because I am panicking and I am really getting borderline suicidal about this because I feel like there's no way out of this.I can't stop crying because it's depressing to keep reading posts about hair falling out in recovery.Please help!
I also am on medication for bipolar disorder and I really can't take much more stress.I need to know if there is any hope for me now and for me in recovery.
Does every anorexic lose their hair while they are anorexic?
Does every anorexic lose their hair while in recovery?
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