Yep…you heard me right. I am scared. I have been having this conversation in my head for the last two days and I need it to stop. Here it is:
This half-marathon is supposed to be hilly.
It’s ok…you are ready.
I don’t want to have to walk.
It’s ok…you might have to walk some. It’s not that big of a deal.
I really want to finish in under 3 hours.
You will! You have done 10 miles in 2 hours. You will do fine.
Now, it is supposed to be warm
Take it a little slower and enjoy it.
You don’t want to slow Amy down.
Amy can go ahead if she wants to. You have already told her to leave you if she needs to!
Are you prepared for this?
YES! You have trained for 8 weeks for this. You are ready!
Do you see why I am scared? It’s the damn negative self talk. It creeps up after I have convinced myself that it will be fine. It creeps up and makes its way into my head and I start second guessing myself again.
Here’s the thing. I HAVE trained for this. I have only missed one training run from the entire schedule. I can do this and it is my first so there is no time to beat. There is no record to set. All I have to do in order to succeed at this is F-I-N-I-S-H!!!! And there is no doubt in my mind I will finish.
So, I will get up on Saturday and go to the Race Expo. I will pick up my number and my race goodie bag. I will carb up that night, try to get a good night’s sleep and pray H-A-R-D.
I will get up Sunday morning really early. I will put on my clothes and stretch. We will drive to downtown Atlanta with the thousands of other runners.
I will run jog, walk, or crawl if I have to, 13.1 miles.
I will S-U-C-C-E-E-D!!! I will not let the “cannots” in my head stop me or get in the way of my success!
What are YOU going to do this weekend to be successful?

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